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Centering farmer perspectives on a dry-fertiliser made from human urine: a case study on Gotland, Sweden

To reduce eutrophication and close the nutrient loop between sanitation and agriculture, innovations to recycle human waste are being further developed. As there is little research on Swedish farmer perspectives towards human urine fertilisers, this study investigates Gotlandic farmer perspectives on a dry-fertiliser derived from human urine, developed by Sanitation360. Diffusion of innovation the

”There is a need for people who can provide a transition”: A case study of how educational activities empower actors to engage in a local transition of the waste system on Bornholm, Denmark

Sustainable waste management is a complex task within environmental governance, and municipalities play a key role in governing a transition of the waste system toward prevention and reuse. This calls for an enhanced understanding of local capacities for change, and therefore this thesis adopts a socio-institutional perspective on the power of actors to influence local transitions. Through a quali

Bias correction of 20 years of IMERG satellite precipitation data over Canada and Alaska

Study regionWe define two northern study areas: one covering all of Canada and Alaska and a second, smaller subregion surrounding the Peace-Athabasca Delta for testing.Study focusThis study aims to use bias correction to improve satellite precipitation data over a relatively data-sparse high latitude region using a network of in-situ rain gauges. We evaluate the satellite data and derive a linear

Introducing Trace as an Embodied Approach to the Novel in English

Trace is a versatile concept with a wide spectrum of applications beyond detective fiction. Indeed, trace offers a key for gauging novel reading experiences. The collected articles exemplify that the qualities of trace, as conceptualised by Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutical phenomenology, help to unfold the relation of embodiment and the novel. The essays examine the manner in which trace inside the no

Structural and Functional Characterisation of the Human Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier

The metabolism of pyruvate in the cell is abnormally regulated in several human diseases, such as type-II diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, in which the human mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (HuMPC) sits at a pivotal point. It transports pyruvate across the inner mitochondrial membrane and consists of two proteins, MPC1 and MPC2, and is a potential drug target against these diseases

Elbilar och deras krav på Sveriges väg- och elnät

Sverige har satt som klimatmål att 2030 ha minska utsläppen från inrikes transporter med 70 procent. För att uppnå detta mål så kommer det enligt vattenfall att krävas en miljon laddbara bilar. En sådan ökning av laddbara bilar kan leda till en betydande påfrestning på våra svenska el- och vägnät Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka om dagens svenska el- och väg-nätet kommer att klaraThe Swedish government have as goal to make the decrease the emissions from domestic transport with 70% by 2030. To reach this goal the Swedish electric company Vattenfall has estimated that we need one million electric cars. The aim of the work presented in this report is to investigate if the present Swedish road network and power grid can handle one million electric cars and if what is needed

Economic Preferences and Personality Traits Among Finance Professionals and the General Population : Characteristics of Finance Professionals

Based on artefactual field experiments, we investigate whether finance professionals differ from a sample of the working population in terms of industry-relevant preferences and personality traits. When adjusting for socioeconomic characteristics, we find only few and less marked differences: finance professionals are less risk averse, less trustworthy, show higher levels of psychopathy and are mo

Borderland Peripheries. from dead end - to new beginning

It’s been 34 years ago now since the iron curtain has parted the European continent and its inhabitants in an East and a West. The analysed area for the following thesis on the border between northern Austria and southern Czechia gives a case example of a region, that is still suffering from an era, where one sky-direction has been erased from people’s everyday living and thinking – leaving the bo

Ultra-strong diffusion-weighted MRI reveals cerebellar grey matter abnormalities in movement disorders

Structural brain MRI has proven invaluable in understanding movement disorder pathophysiology. However, most work has focused on grey/white matter volumetric (macrostructural) and white matter microstructural effects, limiting understanding of frequently implicated grey matter microstructural differences. Using ultra-strong spherical tensor encoding diffusion-weighted MRI, a persistent MRI signal

Coregistered histology sections with diffusion tensor imaging data at 200 µm resolution in meningioma tumors

A significant problem in diffusion MRI (dMRI) is the lack of understanding regarding which microstructural features account for the variability in the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters observed in meningioma tumors. A common assumption is that mean diffusivity (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA) from DTI are inversely proportional to cell density and proportional to tissue anisotropy, resp

Assessing Facet Level Personality: The Big Five and Personal Values

Tidigare forskning indikerar att personlighet och personliga värderingar är relaterade konstrukt med medelstora korrelationer. Dock har få studier undersökt relationer på fasettnivå. Varje ’Big Five’ faktor innehåller en lägre nivå med ett flertal fasetter vilka tros representera faktorns specifika innehåll. Eftersom de fem faktorerna i ’Big Five’ representerar ett medelvärde av sina respektive faPrevious research suggests that personality and personal values are related constructs with sizeable correlations. However, few previous studies have examined trait-value relations at facet level. Each Big Five trait domain contains several lower-order facets thought to represent the specific contents of the higher-order traits. As a Big Five trait represents an average of its facets, the Big Five

Drug prescriptions preceding opioid-related deaths – a register study in forensic autopsy patients

Background/AimOpioid overdose deaths have increased in Sweden and other developed countries in recent decades, despite increased treatment efforts and harm-reduction interventions. Further knowledge in this field is needed if this trend is to be reversed. Previous research suggests that mental health and patterns of prescription of opioids and other prescription drugs are associated with increased

Vårdpersonals attityd till journalsystem i Region Skåne: En kvalitativ studie av attityden till nuvarande och kommande journalsystem

I takt med den digitala utvecklingen inom hälso- och sjukvården står Region Skåne inför en betydande förändring, nämligen implementeringen av ett nytt digitalt vårdsystem, Skånes digitala vårdsystem (SDV), planerat till 2025. Denna kvalitativa studie strävar efter att belysa vårdpersonalens attityd till de nuvarande journalsystemen och undersöka deras potential att påverka införandet av SDV. Genom

Fundamental studies of gas sorption within mesopores situated amidst an inter-connected, irregular network

There has been little, or no, direct testing of theories of gas sorption within particular pores situated amidst a highly inter-connected pore network. The concept of thermodynamically independent pores within networks has also been challenged. In this work, a novel integrated nitrogen sorption and mercury porosimetry technique has been used to deconvolve the condensation and evaporation processes

Direct observation of large-area strain propagation on free-standing nanomembranes

Investigations on epitaxial nanostructures with size of tens of nanometers have been a challenging issue for techniques that present high strain sensitivity but restricted spatial resolution. This is the case of recently developed x-ray nanoprobe techniques. Despite its inherent nondestructive character, submicron x-ray spots have only been successfully applied to the study of individual nanostruc

Exploring Attachment Transfer: The Influence of Consumer Attachment to Influencers on Attachment to Influencer-Founded Brands

In recent years, influencer-founded brands such as Kylie Jenner’s “Kylie Cosmetics” and Huda Kattan’s “Huda Beauty” have been consistently capturing people’s attention. Despite the mainstream media’s coverage of their success, research on the strategic communication of these brands is still lagging behind. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to fill the research gap in this field by exploring