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Under det senaste decenniet har utvecklingen av e-handeln varit explosionsartad med en nära nog fyrdubblad omsättning på tio år. Tack vare globalisering och digitalisering har e-handeln blivit en gränslös handel som är tillgänglig nästan överallt. Under corona-pandemin har det inneburit att konsumenternas beteende och trender gällande konsumtion av varor har förändrats. Den stora ökningen av e-han

Malmö stadskärna och dess konkurrenssituation

Genom en appliceringen av en gravitationsmodell i Malmö kommun har denna studie bidragit med ökad kunskap kring konsumenters sannolika preferenser. I resultatet framkommer att bilister i högre grad väljer externa handelsplatser framför stadskärnan. Medan cykeln och kollektivtrafiken tenderar att välja handel i stadskärnan. Det framkommer även att socioekonomiska faktorer har en påverkan på valmöjl

Early-stage detection of bark beetle infested spruce forest stands using Sentinel-2 data and vegetation indices

Den europeiska granbarkborren är en insekt som för många räknas till skadedjur. Den har varit ansvarig för förstörelse av över 150 miljoner m3 granskog i Europa under de senaste 50 åren. Global uppvärmning har orsakat förändringar av barkborrens utbredning då problem uppstått med stora utbrott som nu regelbundet inträffar i norra Europa på grund av varmare och utdragna sommarsäsonger. Sverige har The European spruce bark beetle is an insect that is often referred to as a pest. Responsible for the destruction of over 150 million m3 of Norwegian spruce forest in Europe over the last 50 years makes this insect one of the major disturbances to the forest industry. With global warming at large, changes of the distribution of the bark beetle have emerged with large outbreaks now regularly occurr

A Multi-Level Analysis of Sustainable ICT Transitions

5G has the potential to enable transformational reductions in carbon emissions across industries. As the technology can assist with decarbonisation efforts, it is essential to understand how one can accelerate the diffusion of sustainable innovations like 5G. This thesis examines what strategies managers at Ericsson are using to influence the socio-technical transition toward more sustainable 5G.

Maintaining work engagement through organizational change: a qualitative interview study on continuous organizational change and its impact on work engagement

The aim of this research was to investigate how employees working in a continuously changing organization perceive their work engagement and what experiences they have of organizational change and its impact on their work engagement. Previous research suggests that employees who maintain high levels of work engagement during organizational change will adapt better to it. Based on the theoretical f

Objectification of women: The effects of pornography consumtion and traditional masculine norms

Syftet med denna studien var att undersöka om porrkonsumtion och traditionella maskulina normer predicerar kvinnoobjektifiering. Studien ämnade att bidra med kunskap och psykologisk forskning om effekterna av pornografi eftersom pornografins roll i samhället är större än de senaste decennierna och relativt outforskad. Datainsamlingen producerades genom en digital enkätundersökning som besvarades aThe aim of this study was to examine if pornographic consumption and traditional masculine norms can predict the objectification of women. Furthermore, the purpose of exploring the subject of the study was to contribute with knowledge and psychological research about the effects of pornography as pornography’s’ role in contemporary society is greater than in recent decades and relatively unexplore

Energianvändning i kontor - Beräkning och uppföljning av kontorsbyggnaden Epic

Byggsektorn står idag för 40 % av energianvändningen i EU samtidigt som 36 % av växthusgasutsläppen i EU kommer från byggnader. Att förbättra byggnaders energiprestanda är av stor vikt för att uppnå nationella och internationella klimatmål. Ett viktigt redskap för att förutspå en byggnads energiprestanda är energimodellering. Att kunna göra energiberäkningar med hög noggrannhet i tidigt skede ger The building sector is responsible for 40 % of the energy use in the EU today and improving the energy performance of buildings is essential to fulfill the national and international climate agreements. One important tool used in energy performance predictions is modeling. The aim of this study is to evaluate how precise an energy calculation can be and what factors influence the performance gap b

Human Rights of Undocumented Migrant Workers in the EU - An analysis of the Italian Case Study

This paper explores the extent to which international and regional human rights law places obligations on States to protect the interests of undocumented migrant workers in countries of employment. The purpose of this thesis is to examine Italy’s immigration policies and work-related regulations, and determine whether or not Italy lives up to the international norms with respect to the labour-rela

Man, en, mon, hen – Attityder till generiska pronomen i svenska språket

It has been theorised and researched whether masculine generics are perceived as sexist and should be replaced by so-called gender-fair language. Masculine generics are grammatically masculine forms that are used to refer to people generically. This study investigated Swedish-speaking individuals’ attitudes towards the primary generic pronoun man (‘man’), its partial replacement and less common ge

DUANGLE Lighting system design for off-grid users

This design researched and explored the new way of solar light use and deploying, on efficiency and usability levels. Recent research has shown that the solar energy has a potential impact on people1, which accounts for one of the most of the available renewable energy on earth. In this research, I decided to look deeply into the appliance of solar light systems, to make solar energy accessible fo

Exploring potential pathways for strengthening disaster risk management in conflict

Despite a growing interest in the conflict-disaster nexus, major knowledge gaps persist on operational knowledge and guidance on conflict considerations in disaster risk management programming. The objective of the study was to identify potential pathways for strengthening disaster risk management efforts in fragility-, violence-, and conflict-affected contexts. A collective case study was conduct


Att människor påverkas av de gestaltningar som media förmedlar är allmänt känt. Detta påverkar bland annat brottsoffer. Ur ett historiskt perspektiv har brottsoffrets roll i samhället förändrats från att knappt existera till att lyftas fram och synliggöras. Att kartlägga olika mediers gestaltning av brottsoffer över tid är därför av intresse ur flera perspektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att bidr

Does Ethnic Origin matter for Health Inequalities in Bolivia? An Assessment of the Effect of Ethnicity on Health Care Access and Health Outcomes

Good health is of utmost importance to individuals and economic growth. Nevertheless, inequalities concerning health services and conditions are observed in developed as well as developing countries. Often such disparities are related to ethnicity, with indigenous populations exhibiting lower health performance. Bolivia features a large indigenous population, which still experiences disadvantages

Digital Video Consultation in Health Care - Challenges from a doctor's perspective

Digitalization has meant changes in the way the Swedish healthcare sector operates. Nowadays, it is common to meet a doctor online. There are several studies examining patients' views on video consultations, but this study examines the challenges faced by doctors which leads to our research question: What are the challenges with digital video consultants from a doctor's perspective? The fo

Islamic and Conventional Banking Systems in the Middle East and Northern Africa region (2012-2021)

The health of the financial system has vital influence on the economic growth and development of a country. Banking systems are a key component of the financial systems and therefore, the economic importance of banks should never be underestimated. However, it is not just the financial performance of these banks that determines their success in the economic arena but also, their resilience leve

Doing the Doughnut: Exploring how Swedish multinationals develop sustainable innovations to drive transformation

This qualitative study explores whether sustainable innovation by multinational enterprises (MNEs) can lead to the transformation of existing regimes through the lens of innovation theory and doughnut economics. The study proposes a conceptual framework to evaluate the practices of businesses and the findings chart how sustainable innovation occurs within two multinational enterprises. Overall, th

A modular switching system as a flexible charging solution for a logistics terminal

The ambition to move road transport from fossil fuels to electric energy is a large undertaking. One of the biggest challenges with making the trucks fully electric is to charge them. They are usually operated daytime, and the operations gives very little time for charging resulting in the power needed for daytime charging being in the high 100s of kW. A desired system implemented at the terminal

Improving a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Resource Scheduling

This thesis aims to further investigate the viability of using reinforcement learning, specifically Q-learning, to schedule shared resources on the Ericsson Many-Core Architecture (EMCA). This was first explored by Patrik Trulsson in his master thesis Dynamic Scheduling of Shared Resources using Reinforcement Learning (2021). The shared resources complete jobs assigned to them, and the jobs have d

Den heliga kulturen- En studie i hur anställda i Svenska kyrkan upplever normativ styrning

Examensarbetets titel: Den heliga kulturen - En studie i hur anställda i Svenska kyrkan upplever normativ styrning Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2022 Ämne/kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Sofia Bengtsson, Olivia Persson, Linnea Truedsson Handledare: Olof Hallonsten Fem nyckelord: brand-centred control, normativ styrning, Svenska kyrkan, organisationskultur, orTitle: The holy culture - A study in how employees in Church of Sweden perceive normative control Seminar date: June 2nd, 2022 Course: FEKH49, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 UPC Authors: Sofia Bengtsson, Olivia Persson, Linnea Truedsson Advisor: Olof Hallonsten Key words: brand-centred control, normative control, Church of Sweden, organizationa