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Real-world experience among patients with relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma after Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor failure in Europe : The SCHOLAR-2 retrospective chart review study

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) after relapse is associated with poor prognosis. No standard of care exists and available evidence for treatments is limited, particularly in patients who fail Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor (BTKi) therapy. This multicentre retrospective chart review study, SCHOLAR-2, addresses this knowledge gap and reports on data collected from 240 patients with relapsed/refractory

Bolagsledningens försvarsåtgärder vid fientliga uppköpserbjudanden

Den svenska aktiemarknaden har under senare år utvecklats till att innehålla fler aktiva aktörer, och värdet på aktier noterade på svenska marknadsplatser har ökat markant. I takt med en ökad aktivitet har vi även sett en ökning of- fentliga uppköpserbjudanden och därmed även sådana av fientligt slag. Fient- liga uppköpserbjudanden tar formen av ett offentligt uppköpserbjudande, men med avvikelsenIn recent years, the Swedish stock market has developed to include more ac- tive players, and the value of shares listed on Swedish marketplaces has in- creased significantly. Along with increased activity, we have also seen an in- crease in public takeover offers and thus also those of a hostile nature. Hostile takeover offers take the form of a public takeover offer, but with the exception that

“Det ligger inte riktigt i rollen att du pratar” : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om allmänreportrars erfarenheter av att bevaka olycksplatser

A reporter is often required to report from different types of accidents, and this could be traumatic experiences. At the same time, a journalist is the only person who operates at these scenes without professional training in meeting persons in a state of shock. In the field of crisis coverage, there is much to learn regarding what consequences this will bring to the individual reporting from var

Identification of Distinct Soluble States During Fibril Formation Using Multilinear Analysis of NMR Diffusion Data

Protein misfolding and self-assembling into amyloid structures are associated with a number of diseases. Characterization of protein amyloid formation reactions is a challenging task as transient populations of multiple species are involved. Here we outline a method for identification and characterization of the individual soluble states during protein amyloid formation. The method combines NMR tr

En hållbar konsumtionsprincip? - En undersökning av hur den varumärkesrättsliga konsumtionsprincipen förhåller sig till EU-kommissionens handlingsplan för cirkulär ekonomi och principen om hållbar utveckling

Med anledning av klimatkrisen har EU-kommissionen presenterat En ny handlingsplan för den cirkulära ekonomin – För ett renare och mer konkur-rens-kraftigt Europa. Det huvudsakliga syftet med handlingsplanen är att skapa förutsättningar för att ställa om till ett klimatneutralt samhälle och att frikoppla ekonomisk tillväxt från resursanvändning. I handlingsplanen anges därför att förutsättningar föDue to the climate crisis, the European Commission has presented A new Circular Economy Action Plan – For a cleaner and more competitive Europe. The main purpose of the action plan is to create a framework for sustainable products to change into a climate neutral society and decoupling economic growth from resource use. The action plan therefore states that conditions for reuse and repair, among o

Tolkning av entreprenadavtal i Högsta domstolen och underrätter - Förekommer en särskild tolkningsmetod för entreprenadavtal?

Entreprenadavtal avser i allmänhet omfattande och långvariga arbeten som inbegriper flera olika parter. Det är relativt vanligt förekommande att parterna har olika åsikt gällande hur ett specifikt avtalsvillkor ska tolkas. Det finns ingen entreprenadrättslig lagstiftning. Företrädare för BKK, Byggandets Kontraktskommitté, har framförhandlat standardkontrakt. Standardkontrakten har en stark ställniConstruction contracts generally refer to extensive and long-term projects involving several different parties. It is relatively common for the parties to have different opinions regarding how a specific contractual term should be interpreted. There is no construction contract law in the area. Hereby representatives of the BKK, the Construction Contracts Committee, have negotiated standard contrac

Novel thermostable GH5_34 arabinoxylanase with an atypical CBM6, displays activity on oat fibre xylan for prebiotic production

Carbohydrate active enzymes are valuable tools in cereal processing to valorise underutilized side streams. By solubilizing hemicellulose and modifying the fibre structure, novel food products with increased nutritional value can be created. In this study, a novel GH5_34 subfamily arabinoxylanase from Herbinix hemicellulosilytica, HhXyn5A, was identified, produced and extensively characterized

Triglyceride-glucose (TyG) index is a predictor of arterial stiffness, incidence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: A longitudinal two-cohort analysis

BACKGROUND: Triglyceride-glucose (TyG) index is a useful low-cost marker of insulin resistance. We aimed to evaluate the association between TyG index and arterial stiffness, incidence of diabetes, adverse cardiovascular outcomes, and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in two large prospective Swedish cohorts, the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study-Cardiovascular Cohort (MDCS-CV) and the Malmö Preven

Wide-angle x-ray diffraction evidence of structural coherence in CsPbBr3 nanocrystal superlattices

Films made of colloidal CsPbBr3 nanocrystals packed in isolated or densely-packed superlattices display a remarkably high degree of structural coherence. The structural coherence is revealed by the presence of satellite peaks accompanying Bragg reflections in wide-angle X-ray diffraction experiments in parallel-beam reflection geometry. The satellite peaks, also called “superlattice reflections”,

Asymmetric Bregman Forward-Backward Splitting with Projection Correction

This thesis examines first-order Bregman algorithms in a primal and a primal-dual setting. The Bregman gradient descent algorithm is introduced from a majorization-minimization perspective and as a generalization of the gradient descent algorithm. Concepts such as relative smoothness and Legendreness are defined and are shown to be natural restrictions in order to show convergence results. A speci

Den moderna arbetsformen -En rättsutredning av arbetsgivarens arbetsmiljöansvar vid hemarbete

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka arbetsgivarens arbetsmiljöansvar när arbetet förflyttas till arbetstagarnas hem. Uppsatsen kommer även att behandla huruvida det är nödvändigt att göra lagändringar för att möta denna mer flexibla arbetsform. Den rättsdogmatiska metoden kommer att användas för att redogöra för lagstiftning, förarbeten, föreskrifter och doktrin på området. Arbetsmiljölagen är eThe purpose of this essay is to examine the employer's workplace responsibility in circumstances where work is moved to the employee's home. The essay will also review potential necessary law changes to meet this new, flexible form of work. The legal dogmatic method will be used to explain the legislation, regulation, preparatory work and doctrine in the subject. Since the work environment

Adherence to the EAT-Lancet diet, genetic susceptibility, and risk of type 2 diabetes in Swedish adults

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In 2019, the EAT-Lancet Commission proposed a mainly plant-based diet that nurtures human health and supports environmental sustainability. However, its association with type 2 diabetes (T2D) has not been widely studied, and it remains unclear whether genetic susceptibility for T2D can modify this association. The aim was therefore to investigate the association between the EA

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Carrying out long-term search and rescue missions, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, which are carried out with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), overload the operator and reduce the effectiveness of solving the assigned tasks, up to the point of making their implementation impossible. The paper proposes the concept of increasing the speed of the human-machine system based

Coupling of dual channel waveform als and sonar for investigation of lake bottoms and shore zones

In this work, we proposed to include remote sensing techniques as a part of the methodology for natural lake bottom mapping, with a focus on the littoral zone. Due to the inaccessibility of this zone caused by dense vegetation, measurements of the lake bottom and the coastline are also difficult to perform using traditional methods. The authors of this paper present, discuss and verify the applica

För världens skull : En festskrift till ärkebiskop Antje Jackelén

I För världens skull – En festskrift till ärkebiskop Ante Jackelén reflekterar 20 forskare och författare över tro och teologi, gudstjänstglädje och pandemi, ledarskap och näthat, migration och religionsmöten. I dialog med Antje Jackeléns ärkebiskopsgärning utforskar de ämnen av avgörande betydelse för samhället och beskriver kyrkans uppdrag i en värld i behov av försoning. Boken inleds med en ski

Begränsning av skadeståndsansvar i kommersiella avtalsförhållanden - med särskilt fokus på en parts underlägsna ställning

Kommersiella avtalsvillkor kan på grund av oskälighet jämkas eller lämnas utan avseende mot bakgrund av 36 § AvtL. Enligt AVLN kan sådana avtalsvillkor även förbjudas på marknadsrättslig grund. Vid tillämpningen av 36 § AvtL samt AVLN ska särskild hänsyn tas till om en part intar en underlägsen ställning i avtalsförhållandet. De aktuella lagrummen kan tillämpas på flera olika typer av avtalsvillkoAgreement clauses used in commercial contracts can be considered unreasonable in accordance with section 36 in the Contracts Act. In accordance with the paragraphs in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, the further use of such unreasonable clauses can also be forbidden. The application of section 36 in the Contracts Act, and the sections in the Terms of Contract between Tradesmen Act, sha