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Your search for "*" yielded 532136 hits

Laboratory Experiments on Soil Stabilization to Enhance Strength Parameters for Road Pavement

Clay soils can cause significant distress in road construction due to their low strength. Stabilizing such soil improve with binder agents prior to the geotechnical works can significantly its performance and ensure safety and stability of roads while exploitation. This research envisaged the use of five different binders (lime, energy fly ash, bio fly ash, slag, cement) as an additive stabilizing

Effects of adsorbed molecular ordering to the superconductivity of a two-dimensional atomic layer crystal

The effect of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) adsorption on the physical properties of the two-dimensional (2D) atomic layer superconductor (ALSC) In/Si(111)-(7×3) has been studied by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, transport measurements, and scanning tunneling microscopy. Hole doping from the adsorbed molecules has been reported to increase the superconducting tra

Production of 5-ketogluconic acid using recombinant strains of Gluconobacter oxydans

5-Keto-D-gluconic acid (5-KGA) is a valuable compound that has a wide range of applications in the chemical and food industries and is commonly used as a precursor for manufacturing tartaric acid (TA). Industrial production of 5-KGA through chemical approaches was practiced in the early 1920’s and was dropped immediately due to several drawbacks because of its complicated process that resulted in

Formation of mesophase surfactant-templated silica thin films from acidic solutions

The formation of mesophase silica-surfactant thin films at the air/solution interface has been studied in situ using off-specular X-ray reflectivity, Brewster angle microscopy and small angle scattering. Results for cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-templated films suggest that the formation mechanism is strongly dependent on the silica:surfactant ratio, and this is confirmed by studies on the subpha

Characterization of the structure of mesoporous thin films grown at the air/water interface using X-ray surface techniques

Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIKD) and X-ray reflectivity have been used in situ to study the structure of surfactant-templated silica films grown at the air/water interface at different depths in the film. The results confirm that cylindrical silica-encased surfactant micelles are predominantly organized into a two-dimensional hexagonal structure, with the long axis parallel to the surfac

Concentration-dependent formation mechanisms in mesophase silica-surfactant films

The development of surfactant-templated mesoporous films grown at the air/water interface was investigated using specular and off-specular X-ray reflectivity techniques. The samples were prepared in acidic conditions using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr, 0.075 M) and different concentrations (0.27-0.88 M) of tetramethyloxysilane (TMOS). At CTABr/TMOS molar ratio between 0.277 and 0.093, the

Structural evolution of surfactant - Silica film-forming solutions, investigated using small-angle neutron scattering

Time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering has been used to investigate the evolution of micelles in the subphase of surfactant-templated silica film-forming solutions. Two samples have been prepared using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr), as the structure-directing agent, and different amounts of tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) (CTABr/TMOS molar ratio 0.093, 0.139). The solutions have been repr

Growth and characterization of mesoporous silica films

The synthesis of surfactant-templated silicate materials has developed rapidly over the past decade. The uniform controlled pore sizes created in the amorphous silicate framework by this method show promise as catalyst supports, sensors, filtration membranes and in a variety of optoelectronic applications. Formation of these materials in a thin-film or membrane geometry is therefore an active area

Blå-grön röra : Naturbaserade lösningar i översiktsplanering

Cities and urban areas increasingly have to adapt to extreme weather events such as flooding, and droughts caused by climate change. In this context the interest for nature-based solutions has increased both within academia and political discourse. Nature-based solutions are widely understood as solutions and adaption measures inspired by or using nature while at the same time providing social, ec

Renovering utan renovräkning? En fallstudie av hur ett fastighetsbolag arbetat med renovering och hyreshöjning i miljonprogramsområdet Lindängen

The houses from the million homes program are in severe need of renovation. A problem that arises when housing companies renovate are extreme rent increases. In many instances it exceeds the tenants’ payment ability. Resulting in a renoviction process where the tenant has no choice but to move. This study aims to examine how the housing company Fastigheter AB Trianon has worked with these necessar

Kyliga lösningar för varma städer

Against the backdrop of anticipated increases in both the frequency and severity of heatwaves, this study examines how the municipalities of Malmö and Trelleborg consider future temperature rises. Consequently, the aim of this study has been to explore how heat is perceived as a potential risk in the urban development projects of Nyhamnen and Sjöstaden, and to investigate how the municipalities’ i

Borde vi vara oroliga? En kvalitativ studie om att arbeta med barn som anhöriga inom den vuxenpsykiatriska heldygnsvården.

Healthcare professionals in Sweden have a legal obligation to acknowledge and provide support to children as next of kin and to notify social services in case of suspicion that a child is in harm or may be at risk of harm. Despite this, studies show a lack of reported cases to social services, it also shows that the work with children as next of kin is not as extended as it should be. Swedish rese

Bridging the Lacuna: Enhancing Victim Protection through the Extra-Territorial Applicability of the European Convention during the Active Phase of Hostilities

This thesis argues that the European Convention on Human Rights should apply extra-territorially during the active phase of hostilities to protect victims of the armed conflict. In this regard, three main issues are discussed separately. Firstly, the applicability of the Convention in the hostilities and norm conflict with International Humanitarian Law. Secondly, the issue of extraterritoriality.

Enhancing Performance Management System for improved employee satisfaction

An effective performance management system plays a crucial role in fostering employee engagement and productivity, which are essential for an organization's success. Employee satisfaction is one of the most important factors. However, the critical aspect of employee satisfaction has been largely overlooked in the existing literature. This study aims to bridge the gap by examining the relations

Sports Clubs’ Role in City Branding - What do they actually do?

In today’s city branding field, a gap exists between research and practice. A gap made more evident since the field has moved to prefer a participative approach, where stakeholders are more acknowledged as an important part of the city branding process, illustrating the little knowledge of stakeholders’ own practices. This study undertakes a mission of moving forward in the research field by shedd

Drivkrafter och barriärer för implementering av blågröna lösningar i urban miljö - - En fallstudie över bostadsrättsföreningars syn på kommunens arbete för en mer hållbar dagvattenhantering i Malmö

I takt med förändringar i klimatet ställs högre krav på hur motståndskraftiga våra städer behöver vara, i en framtid med fler extrema väderhändelser. Vi bor allt tätare och i alltmer komplicerade städer, där flertalet samhällsfunktioner behöver fungera samtidigt. En del i arbetet är att skapa vattenhanteringssystem som klarar av plötsliga stora mängder nederbörd och kan skydda stadens invånare frå

Miljöpåverkan av hönsfoder ur ett livscykelperspektiv

I Sverige finns det ungefär 22 miljoner kycklingar och höns. Den miljöpåverkan som uppkommer genom deras liv kommer främst från deras mat. För att kunna minska miljöpåverkan från kycklingarna och hönsen är det därför nödvändigt att titta närmre på hönsfoder. Genom att studera produktionskedjan för deras foder kan man upptäcka var störst miljöpåverkan uppkommer och vad man kan göra för att minska dThe environmental impact of poultry mainly arises from their feed. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the environmental impact of three Swedish poultry feeds and identify how their environmental performance could be improved. This was done with the method of life cycle assessment where the environmental impact categories of, climate change, acidification potential, eutrophication potential

Brunifiering av akvatiska ekosystem: En experimentell studie som undersöker tröskelvärde för predator- och bytesförhållande vid en gradient från klart till brunt vatten

Du har säkerligen någon gång funderat över varför vissa sjöar och hav är brunare än andra. Troligtvis är första instinkten att ”usch här vill jag inte bada!” eller ”är det farligt att bada i dessa akvatiska ekosystem?”. Faktum är att man snarare väljer att bada i klart vatten för att det känns ohygieniskt att sätta foten i brunt vatten samtidigt som det förstör naturupplevelsen. Tänkt dig då att dBrowning of water has increased over the last couple of decades on the northern hemisphere. Research show that possible drivers for this change are land use change, climate change, increased precipitation and increased temperatures. Browning of water can affect important interactions in the aquatic ecosystem which in turn can affect the whole structure of the ecosystem. Furthermore the loss of a t

To clear-cut or not to clear-cut; Cost-benefit analyses of post-fire management approaches in the Ljusdal fire-complex

Skogsbränder hotar bevarandet av skogens ekosystemtjänster såsom ekologiska funktioner för biologisk mångfald, mildring av effekter från klimatförändringar och rekreation såsom skogspromenader och bärplockning. Hur kan vi ingripa för att återhämta och bibehålla sådana funktioner i naturen efter bränder? I den här studien undersöktes potentialen för återhämtningen av skogar utifrån skogsåtgärder efWildfires causes natural disturbances to ecosystems which can have potentially damaging results for ecosystem services and economic income from timber production. The post-fire management approach can be essential for the environmental work regarding the recovery of ecosystems and maintaining ecosystem services. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate different post-fire management approac