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Frisinnets krig: Den kulturradikala svenska opinionen under första världskriget
Sub-Optimality Bound on a Gradient Method for Iterative Distributed Control Synthesis
A previous paper introduced an online gradient method to iteratively update local controllers for improved performance. In this paper we modify that method to get an offline method for distributed control synthesis. The complexity of the method is linear in the number of neighbors to each agent. Since the controllers are constructed to be distributed and the method is an iterative scheme, the con
Professional groupings and customized deliveries in industrial organizations
This paper discusses effects of an increased reliance on professionals in industrial organizations and whether educational background or belongingness to professional groups may be linked to ways of working when supplying highly customized deliveries, and consequently the innovativeness of the organization. The study upon which this paper is based attaches to theories related to traditional indust
Geopolitiska diskurser och underhållningsvåld
The role of shelter financing in addressing the shelter needs of the urban poor: lessons from Central America
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Case writing projects in co-operation with companies and organizations
Truth and Fictions. Reinventing and Remembering Childhood in the Autobiographical Works of Ingmar Bergman
The EEM (European Excellence Model) - an Excellent Model for Management Control?
Measurement Techniques, Advances and Limitations (Keynote Speech at a Conference)
Nordic Noir crime fans travelling to ‘places of the imagination’
To remain effective within the public procurement proc-ess it is important to avoid revisions on contract award deci-sions, which prolong the procurement process and takes its toll on public resources. This paper aims to delineate the grey zone within public procurement legislation and clarify how the court interprets it, which will aid procurement officers in achieving best practice. Findings ind
Relic Gravitational Waves as a Source of CMB Polarization
The effect of relic gravitational waves on the polarization of the CMB is analytically studied. The equation of radiative transfer for the polarization is transformed into two coupled differential equations by Polnarev's method and an approximate solution is derived.
Joint Pilot and Data Loading Technique for MIMO Systems Operating with Covariance Feedback
We consider a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system wherein channel correlation as well as noisy channel estimation are both taken into account. For a given block fading duration, pilot-assisted channel estimation is carried out with the aid of a minimum mean square error estimator. The pilot sequences and data are jointly optimized to maximize the ergodic capacity while fulfilling a total
A Secularisation of a Sacred Ideology? Civil Religion and Inter-religious Relations in Contemporary Tanzania
The paper discusses the legacy of the ujamaa ideology in contemporary Tanzania through the concept of civil religion and current strives along inter-religious and intra-religious lines. By using Demerath III's theory on secularisation and sacralisation, contemporary religious voices in Tanzania are intepreted as agents of secularisation that desacralises the now sacred legacy of the ujamaa ideolog
Ko-lin Chin, Heijin: Organized Crime, Business and Politics in Taiwan
Politics of Misery: The 1932-1933 famine in Ukrainian Historical Culture
Integrating interdisciplinary problem solving through process
An intuitive and appealing way to characterize problem solving is as the application of constraints which reduce the problem-solution space. Any advantage offered by interdisciplinary problem solving would then plausi- bly derive from the integration of constraints from the fields involved. We propose an account of interdisciplinary problem solving which treats the integration of constraints as an