The Sound of the Collapse of Economy in Egypt
AnthroPod - the podcast of the Society for Cultural Anthropology
AnthroPod - the podcast of the Society for Cultural Anthropology
This article concerns small state security from a cognitive perspective and investigates Estonia as a security actor as perceived by all littoral Baltic Sea states. Drawing on unique elite survey and interview data, the article unpacks similarities and differences among internal (Estonian) and external perceptions of security, threats, and capabilities. The investigation is theoretically informed
Minusräntan har förvärrat de finansiella obalanserna, sänkt värdet på den svenska kronan och bidragit till ökade förmögenhetsklyftor. Det skriver nationalekonomerna Fredrik N G Andersson och Lars Jonung.
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by insufficient insulin secretion and elevated glucose levels, often in combination with high levels of circulating fatty acids. Long-term exposure to high levels of glucose or fatty acids impair insulin secretion in pancreatic islets, which could partly be due to epigenetic alterations. We studied the effects of high concentrations of glucose and palmitate c
Artikeln presenterar svensk senmedeltida helgonpredikan i allmänhet, några generella drag hos de ca 30 bevarade predikningarna om S:t Olof samt en mer ingående redogörelse för en av dessa.The contribution presents preserved medieval Nordic sermons on St Olaf, all of which are found in Latin manuscripts from the medieval library of Vadstena Abbey. After a brief discussion of what they sermons say about St Olaf and what sources the preachers may have used, the contents of one specific sermon are given in summary form.
Hip-related pain can significantly impact quality of life, function, work capacity, physical activity and family life. Standardised measurement methods of physical capacity of relevance to young and middle-aged active adults with hip-related pain are currently not established. The aim of this consensus paper was to provide recommendations for clinical practice and research on standardised measurem
Background: Hepatopancreatoduodenectomy (HPD) is an aggressive operation for treatment of advanced bile duct and gallbladder cancer associated with high perioperative morbidity and mortality, and uncertain oncological benefit in terms of survival. Few reports on HPD from Western centers exist. The purpose of this study was to evaluate safety and efficacy for HPD in European centers. Method: Member
Scandinavian petroglyphs have given rise to vivid interpretations, often related to Old Norse religion and Indo‐European mythology. However, we still do not know if, how or to what extent these images are really telling stories. In this paper, we shall analyse the ways in which Scandinavian northern and southern traditions (in Alta, Northern Norway and in Norrköping, Middle Sweden, respectively) d
We implement the Grain-128AEAD stream cipher in hardware, using a 65 nm library. By exploring different optimization techniques, both at RTL level but also during synthesis, we first target high throughput, then low power. We reach over 33 GB/s targeting a high-speed design, at expense of power and area. We also show that, when targeting low power, the design only requires 0.23 $${\upmu }$$W runni
Background and Aims: Patients undergoing surgery are prone to infections, either at the site of surgery (superficial or organ-space) or at remote sites (e.g. pneumonia or urinary tract). Surgical site infections are associated with substantial morbidity and mortality, increased length of hospital stay and represent a huge burden to the health economy across all healthcare systems. Here we discuss
All you need to know about @LiesLahousse, first ECM to be granted the Early Career Member Award; #LSC2020; the newly elected assembly representatives for @EarlyCareerERS; and new @EuroRespSoc fellowship opportunities
In his history of Swedish poets who wrote in (Humanist) Greek (1785–9), Matthias Floderus claimed that before his time such a mania for versification raged in the Swedish universities in Uppsala, Turku, Tartu, and Lund that hardly one academic specimen appeared without it being embellished with Greek verses by students – also prose texts occur. That claim is only slightly exaggerated. This paper p
The class of [NiFe]-hydrogenases comprises oxygen-sensitive periplasmic (PH) and oxygen-tolerant membrane-bound (MBH) enzymes. For three PHs and four MBHs from six bacterial species, structural features of the nickel-iron active site of hydrogen turnover and of the iron-sulfur clusters functioning in electron transfer were determined using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Fe-XAS indicated surp