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The pillar saint seen as a totally devoted emperor : the in-group around Symeon Stylites the elder

Most modern studies have treated Christian pillar saints as constituting one among many types of Christian sainthood that appeared in the first centuries of Christianity. In general, these studies have emphasized the similarities that connected pillar sainthood to other forms of Christian ascetic practice and performance, However, the ascetic practice of the stylites can also be seen as a form of

I hjärtat av samtiden

Senmoderniteten förändras med en faslig fart och uppvisar otaliga skillnader i jämförelse med den förmoderna eran gällande flertalet olika livsaspekter. Syftet med denna uppsats är att få bättre förståelse kring livet i den senmoderna eran med huvudfokus på prekaritet gällande ekonomi, identitet och relationer. Datan som används i denna uppsats är den fiktiva romanen Dagarna, dagarna, dagarna skriThe late modern life has gone through a tremendous amount of change and has come to exhibit a lot of differences in comparison to the premodern era, in a number of different aspects. The aim of this paper is to gain a better understanding of how life can be done in modernity. The main focus is to examine the precarity of economy, identity and relationships in the life of the modern individual and

Linking microenvironment modification to species interactions and demography in an alpine plant community

Individual plants can modify the microenvironment within their spatial neighborhood. However, the consequences of microenvironment modification for demography and species interactions remain unclear at the community scale. In a study of co-occurring alpine plants, we 1) determined the extent of species-specific microclimate modification by comparing temperature and soil moisture between vegetated

Model-based screening for pancreatic cancer in Sweden

Background: Detecting pancreatic cancer at an earlier stage may contribute to an increased survival. Patients with stage I pancreatic cancer have a 5-year survival rate of 36%, while stage IV patients have a 5-year survival rate of 1% in Sweden. Research into novel blood-based biomarkers for pancreatic cancer is highly intensive and innovative, but has yet to result in any routine screening test.

A multi-step predictive model for the release and transformation of K-Cl-S-containing species from biomass

The release of inorganic elements, especially K, Cl, and S, can cause severe damage to biomass conversion devices, such as slagging, fouling, or corrosion. A predictive model for the release of K-Cl-S elements can be used to enhance the design and operating conditions of biomass conversion devices. In this study, a detailed model is developed that includes 12 solid species and 13 reactions, which

Going towards a ‘perfect’ life : A qualitative study on urban middle-class young married women’s experiences and prospects on marriage life in China

The self-evident contradictory governance ideology of the Chinese Communist Party leads to urban-born young middle-class Chinese women struggling between seeking one’s own path with the discourse of ‘individualism’ under the neoliberal market economy and conforming to the traditional role in the family of patriarchal culture. This is reflected in the increasing prominent phenomena of getting marri

Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the early Jurassic volcaniclastic strata at Djupadalsmölla, central Skåne, Sweden

Av de nästan 200 blottningarna av vulkaniska bergarter som kan ses i Central Skåne Volcanic Province (CSVP) består endast tre av vulkanoklastiskt material. Stratigrafin i dessa avlagringar vars förhållande till underliggande urberg har för första gången beskrivits i en borrkärna (KBH2) från Djupadalsmölla för att bestämma stratigrafin samt avsättningsprocessen, åldern och avsättningsmiljön. BorrkäFrom the almost 200 volcanic outcrops in the Central Skåne Volcanic Province (CSVP), only three are of volcaniclastic material. These volcanoclastics, and the transition to the underlying crystalline basement, have been investigated for the first time in a drill core (KBH2) from Djupadalsmölla in order to understand the stra-tigraphy, depositional process, age of deposition, and depositional envir

Fully Inorganic Ruddlesden-Popper Double Cl-I and Triple Cl-Br-I Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals

The vast majority of lead halide perovskite (LHP) nanocrystals (NCs) are currently based on either a single halide composition (CsPbCl3, CsPbBr3, and CsPbI3) or an alloyed mixture of bromide with either Cl- or I- [i.e., CsPb(Br:Cl)3 or CsPb(Br:I)3]. In this work, we present the synthesis as well as a detailed optical and structural study of two halide alloying cases that have not previously been r

The integration of building information modelling and fire evacuation models

This paper presents a framework for integrating fire evacuation models into Building Information Modelling (BIM). The framework is intended to enhance coordination between stakeholders from diverse disciplines involved in the domain of fire evacuation design. It supports a full in/out data loop linking BIM and evacuation design tools, which enables professionals and authorities to review building

Histopathological investigation of colon liver metastases–which factors affect survival after surgery?

Introduction: Novel therapeutic options have improved prognosis for patients with colonic liver metastases (CLM) over the last decades. Despite this, the challenge to select and stratify patients for optimal treatment regimen persists. This study aimed to evaluate established and novel histopathological features and investigate the impact on overall survival (OS) and recurrence in patients undergo

A new plesiosaur from the Lower Jurassic of Portugal and the early radiation of Plesiosauroidea

A new plesiosaur partial skeleton, comprising most of the trunk and including axial, limb, and girdle bones, was collected in the lower Sinemurian (Coimbra Formation) of Praia da Concha, near São Pedro de Moel in central west Portugal. The specimen represents a new genus and species, Plesiopharos moelensis gen. et sp. nov. Phylogenetic analysis places this taxon at the base of Plesiosauroidea. Its

Investigating a possible dearth of stars with zero angular momentum in the solar neighbourhood.

Background. Carlberg & Innanen (1987) first proposed the idea of measuring the solar re- flex velocity (the velocity of the Sun around the galactic centre), Vg,⊙, using the momenta of the stars in the solar neighbourhood. The proposal was a consequence of the work of L. Martinet (Martinet 1974), where he proved that there should be a dearth of stars with zero angular momenta in the solar neigh

Ägd – en ideologikritik: Upplevelser av autonomi och styrning på marknaden för svensk lokalpress

Denna uppsats, med rötterna i traditionen av politisk ekonomi, applicerar ideologikritisk metod för att analysera det upplevda förhållandet mellan lokaltidningar och deras ägare. Fokus ligger på hur ägarna utövar kontroll över tidningarna och hur detta, i motsats till autonomi, upplevs av nyhetschefer på den svenska marknaden för lokalpress. Med hjälp av den analytiska uppdelningen av styrning i aIn this essay, rooted in the tradition of political economy, an ideology critique has been carried out in order to analyze the relationship between local newspapers and their owners. Of particular interest has been the ways in which owners exercise control over the newspapers, and how this, as opposed to autonomy, is experienced by news directors on the Swedish market for local press. The analysis

Signal-to-noise ratio optimization in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for chromium contamination analysis

In most cases, direct X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of solutions entails technical difficulties due to a high X-ray scattering background resulting in a spectrum with a poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Key factors that determine the sensitivity of the method are the energy resolution of the detector and the amount of scattered radiation in the energy range of interest. Limiting the width of t

Long-Term Functional Outcome and Quality of Life After Surgical Evacuation of Spontaneous Supratentorial Intracerebral Hemorrhage : Results from a Swedish Nationwide Cohort

Objective: To investigate long-term survival, neurologic outcome, and quality of life in patients with spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) treated with craniotomy and hematoma evacuation. Methods: A nationwide multicenter retrospective analysis of 341 patients who underwent craniotomy and evacuation of supratentorial ICH between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2015, was per

Aktivitetsbalans hos kvinnor med Premenstruellt dyforiskt syndrom

Introduktion: Premenstruellt dysforiskt syndrom drabbar kvinnor i fertil ålder och ger symtom i form av humörsvängningar, depressiva tankar och känsla av hopplöshet, vilket medför svårigheter att utföra aktiviteter i vardagen. Syfte: Att undersöka upplevelsen av aktivitetsbalans i det dagliga livet för kvinnor i fertil ålder med premenstruellt dysforiskt syndrom i Sverige, samt vilka strategier d

Examining the Use and Non-use of Special Transport Services in Sweden’s Large City-Regions: The Last Resort?

This study examines the extent of the gap between the proportions of survey respondents reporting (1) having the possibility to use and (2) using special transport services (STS) compared to the corresponding gaps for other transport modes. For persons eligible for STS, differences between those who use them and those who do not use them are explored. The frequencies with which these two groups le

Rivaroxaban versus enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis after total knee arthroplasty

BACKGROUND: We investigated the efficacy of rivaroxaban, an orally active direct factor Xa inhibitor, in preventing venous thrombosis after total knee arthroplasty.METHODS: In this randomized, double-blind trial, 2531 patients who were to undergo total knee arthroplasty received either oral rivaroxaban, 10 mg once daily, beginning 6 to 8 hours after surgery, or subcutaneous enoxaparin, 40 mg once