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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Ganglioglioma surgery associated with postoperative status epilepticus : a case report

Background: Gangliogliomas are brain tumors associated with drug-resistant focal epilepsy. In most cases, seizures improve after surgical treatment. It is still not concluded to what extent the lesion itself or the perilesional area contributes to the epileptogenicity. Case presentation: In the case presented in this report, the patient, a 24-year-old Caucasian male, developed a refractory status

Postprandial Responses to a Standardised Meal in Hypertension : The Mediatory Role of Visceral Fat Mass

Postprandial insulinaemia, triglyceridaemia and measures of inflammation are thought to be more closely associated with cardiovascular risk than fasting measures. Although hypertension is associated with altered fasting metabolism, it is unknown as to what extent postprandial lipaemic and inflammatory metabolic responses differ between hypertensive and normotensive individuals. Linear models adjus

Stable ocean redox during the main phase of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event

The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) represents the greatest increase in marine animal biodiversity ever recorded. What caused this transformation is heavily debated. One hypothesis states that rising atmospheric oxygen levels drove the biodiversification based on the premise that animals require oxygen for their metabolism. Here, we present uranium isotope data from a Middle Ordov

Marking the first decade of Andrology : — Conception and early development of the journal

The European Academy of Andrology (EAA) celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2022. An important part of the Academy's history is its scientific publishing activity, which started with the International Journal of Andrology (Int J Androl), and continued with Andrology, the journal created and overseen jointly by the EAA and the American Society of Andrology (ASA). The year 2022 marks the first decade

Serum Markers for Prostate Cancer : A Rational Approach to the Literature

Introduction: Due to its universal applicability for early detection and prediction of cancer stage and disease recurrence, widespread implementation of serum-based prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measurements has a significant influence on current treatment strategies for men with prostate cancer (PCa). However, over-detection and the resultant over-treatment of indolent cancers have been strongl

Examining Critical Dependencies - A Study of Swedish Municipalities’ Risk and Vulnerability Analyses

To the ensure continuity and protection of critical infrastructures in society, it is necessary to study infrastructure dependencies. This thesis focuses on critical infrastructure dependencies in Sweden and aims to increase the knowledge of how municipalities in Sweden analyze critical dependencies in municipal risk and vulnerability analyses (RVAs). The study adopts a framework of risk governanc

Excluded Subjects - A discourse analysis on (bi)sexuality and 'sexual orientation' in Swedish asylum case law

This thesis examines how bisexuality get constructed as a distinct sexual orientation category through asylum determination processes in Sweden. With a theoretical focus on the interaction between notions of sexuality and national borders this study also investigates how the assessment of ‘sexual orientation’ asylum claims contribute to the regulation of the Swedish border. To investigate these tw

The advent of thermoplasmonic membrane distillation

Freshwater scarcity is a vital societal challenge related to climate change, population pressure, and agricultural and industrial demands. Therefore, sustainable desalination/purification of salty/contaminated water for human uses is particularly relevant. Membrane distillation is an emerging hybrid thermal-membrane technology with the potential to overcome the drawbacks of conventional desalinati

Is there an association between consumers’ personality traits and the sensory characteristics they look for in wine?

This study investigates the link between the personality profiles and socio-demographic characteristics of wine consumers and the sensory characteristics of the wines they prefer. This was measured in terms of a self-reported list of the wines they like and buy. The 1176 Italian adults who participated were asked to complete an online form. Information was collected regarding certain socio-demogra

Flame heights and charring on a particle board – An experimental study

Vertically oriented particle-board samples were exposed to external venting flames to study the fire spread and charring behaviour along a timber façade. Variation in flame height and the height, volume, area, density, and depth of the char layer were studied to determine the impact of heat-release rate and experiment duration. There was a peak flame height after which the flame returned to steady

Effects of a training intervention for Swedish pig transport drivers on physical workload and time efficiency during loading

Slaughter transportation of pigs can be considered a high-risk occupation, but has received very little scientific attention. We investigated the effect of a training intervention on transport drivers’ physical workload, in terms of postures and movements, and time efficiency during loading of finishing pigs for slaughter transport. The training targeted pig handling and ergonomic working principl

Ibuprofen for acute postoperative pain in children

Objectives: This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows:. To assess the efficacy and safety of ibuprofen (any dose) for acute postoperative pain management in children compared with placebo or other active comparators. To compare ibuprofen administered by different doses, routes (e.g. oral, intravenous, etc.), or strategies (e.g. as needed versus as sched

(Re) Creating the Existing : is UGC applicable to creative and innovative assessments?

There is extensive research on creativity and innovation, as well as the question of whether UGC and social media platforms foster creativity or dumb down culture. There is however a gap in research on how creative and innovative UGC is. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate the creative motivations behind creating UGC and whether the UGC on TikTok is applicable to creative and inn

Tectonics & disassembly

The construction of a building does not always work the way it appears to work. Within a theoretical framework rooted in writings by Eduard Sekler, Karl Bötticher and Martin Heidegger, this thesis presents a discussion on the importance of the tectonic expression when designing a building with the intent that it should be easy to disassemble. Is it enough to make a building dismountable, or does t

Kartläggning av hur mystiska erfarenheter uppstår, upplevs, påverkar hälsan på sikt och deras verkningsmekanismer.

Medvetandetillstånd som kraftigt skiljer sig från vanlig vakenhet, och som kan skapa långsiktigt positiva psykologiska konsekvenser har getts många namn. Några exempel är religiösa erfarenheter, peakerfarenheter och mystiska erfarenheter. Begreppet RSME (Religious, Spiritual, Mystical Experience) har använts för att beskriva att flera begrepp används för att beskriva en erfarenhet med gemensam kärMental states which greatly depart from normal wakefulness and have the ability to increase well-being have been given many names in psychology. A few famous examples are religious experiences, peak experiences and mystical experiences. The acronym RSME (Religious, Spiritual, Mystical Experience) was used to show that many names have been given to a phenomenon with a common core. The study of RSME

Prevalence of Plasmodium lineages in Spanish house sparrows

Avian malaria parasites are prevalent all around the world and infect a wide diversity of bird species. In this report the prevalence of Plasmodium lineages in Spanish house sparrows was studied. According to previous research, higher variation of Plasmodium lineages could be expected in southern climates. This was tested by using samples collected from Spain and performing nested PCR with primers

Evaluation of health care professionals’ readiness for accepting Electronic Health Records in Western Iran: A Study of E-Health Care in a Developing Country

The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) has affected all aspects of business, including health care. One of the most important contributions of ICT to healthcare system effectiveness is the creation of electronic health records (EHRs). EHRs are considered as the critical source of providing information in a healthcare system. The purpose of this study is to evaluate

Constructing and commissioning of a Multi-Grid neutron detector prototype for the European Spallation Source

A prototype of a novel 10B-based neutron detector called the Multi-Grid detector has been constructed, tested and commissioned for the European Spallation Source (ESS). The detector is constructed after the specifications set by the CSPEC instrument at ESS and is therefore called the CSPEC Multi-Grid detector. The detector uses multiple layers of solid coating containing 10B4C on the edges of a vo