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Kuhn, Thomas Samuel

Kuhns betydelse för vetenskapsteorin beskrivs kortfattat, från introduktionen av idén om paradigmskiften till hans senare utarbetade uppfattning om vetenskapen som en evolutionär process och skilda vetenskapliga språk som inkommensurabla. Hans inflytande på teologin, särskilt diskussionen om naturvetenskap och teologi, tecknas.

ReSisters in Conversation: Representation Responsibility Complexity Pedagogy

Resisters in Conversation is one of a series of booklets that present conversations and reflections on feminist issues within a trans-European academic context. Each is written by a different group of academics from across Europe. They have one thing in common: a passionate interest in teaching and feminist politics. Building on this, the authors address specific issues generated by the national a

Cellular electrophysiological modulation in chronic atrial fibrillation - Studies with magnesium and GIK solution

Although chronic atrial fibrillation (CAF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia in man, the mechanisms involved in its progressive course are still not fully understood. Recent studies have verified an electrical remodelling of the atrial myocardium that may be responsible for the electrophysiological disturbances known to exist in the fibrillating atria. The electrical remodelling is l

Tradition och originalitet hos Gunnar Ekelöf

The aim of the dissertation is to discuss Gunnar Ekelöf's ways of approaching tradition, his resulting siding with the values of originality, and in what manner these related issues determine the development of his oeuvre. As a point of departure for this consideration, his unsettled identity as a Modernist poet is examined, as representing a strain in Modernism that manifests an ongoing transform

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Abstract in German Henrik Johansson untersucht welcher Art die Beziehungen führender schwedischer Akademien und wissenschaftlicher Gesellschaften sowie prominenter Mitglieder zu Deutschland waren, über welche Kenntnisse des NS-Regimes man verfügte und ob daraus wissenschaftliche Stellungnahmen oder politische Aktionen erwuchsen.

Automatic Grid Control in Adaptive BVP Solvers

Modern adaptive techniques in two-point boundary value problems generate the mesh by constructing a function that maps a uniform grid to the desired nonuniform grid. This paper describes a new control algorithm for constructing a grid density function $phi(x)$, such that the local mesh width $Delta x_{j+1/2}=x_{j+1}-x_j$ is computed as $Delta x_{j+1/2} = varepsilon_N / varphi_{j+1/2}$. Here $varep

Religiös besinning och besinningslös religion. Tankar om terror i Guds namn, buddhism och global andlighet

Religion can motivate people to altruistic activity in the service of mankind. But it can also instigate terror attacks. When does religion become senseless? Several chapters are devoted to a discussion of Buddhism and its contribution to well-being. In a final chapter the author presents his ideas about global spirituality. Representatives of the five great world religions come together in order

Politiken i krissamhället.

Det svenska samhället har utvecklats till ett krissamhälle. Ett av dess kännetecken är att politiken blir annorlunda. Realpolitik och politisk retorik glider isär. Kanske är det en postmodern politik vi ser växa fram när politikens båda världar, den reella respektive virtuella politiska verkligheten, differentieras alltmer? Kravet på sammanhang dem emellan försvagas, förmedlingarna mellan dem uppl

Quantum Coherence for Light Harvesting

Popular Abstract in English The main reason that we humans exist at all is because of photosynthesis. The food we eat, the oxygen we breath, most of the energy that warms our homes and powers our electronics are all products of photosynthesis. Over millions of years, plants, algae and some bacteria have developed biomachinery to harness solar energy and thrive. They do this by fixing carbon into cAlmost all life on Earth depends on the products of photosynthesis — the biochemical process whereby solar energy is stored as chemical-rich compounds. The energy of captured photons is transferred through a network of pigment-protein complexes towards the reaction center. The reaction center is responsible for trans-membrane charge separation, which generates a proton motive force which drives al