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Osynliggörande av multipel diskriminering i den svenska diskrimineringslagstiftningen

I artikeln belyses den samlade svenska diskrimineringslagen (2009) från ett perspektiv av intersektionalitet. Genom en analys av ett antal mål från den svenska arbetsdomstolen där minst två diskrimineringsgrunder har varit aktuella, visar författare att det det både brister hos arbetsdomstolen när det gäller att förstå individers utsatthet när det gäller multipel diskriminering och lagen som sådan

Better Support for User Participation Using Business Rules Approach?

User participation in requirement analysis (RA) is necessary for IS quality and user acceptance. A prerequisite for meaningful user participation is that the coming users also understand the requirements. This understanding is made difficult by abstract and “technical” modelling languages and notations which require learning and experience. The Business Rules Approach (BRA) builds on a notion of B

Analysis of Some Convolutional Coding Constructions

Popular Abstract in Swedish I vårt vardagliga liv träffar vi på en mängd apparater som använder sig av överföring och lagring av information. Ett par exempel på sådana är CD-spelare, mobiltelefoner och datorer. I de flesta av alla dessa apparater lagras eller överförs informationen på digital form, det vill säga man använder sig av ett ändligt antal symboler för att representera informationen. EttThis thesis focuses on different convolutional coding constructions for digital communication systems, and on methods to analyze these constructions. The work presented in the thesis can be divided into three main areas; error probability bounds for convolutional codes, analysis of multilevel modulation, and investigation of low-density parity-check convolutional codes. New bounds are developed f

Synthesis of glycosylated amino acids. Solid-phase assembly of T-cell immunogenic glycopeptides and fragments from HIV gp120

Synthetic glycopeptides are valuable tools for studies of the biological functions of protein-bound carbohydrates. Today glycopeptides are efficiently prepared by solid-phase synthesis according to the 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) protocol, provided that suitable glycosylated amino acids are available. In this thesis commercial or readily accessible carbohydrate 1,2-trans peracetates were us

MAX4, a 3 GeV light source with a flexible injector

The MAX4 ring is intended to be the future user facility at MAXlab. The high-brilliance 3 GeV storage ring, equipped with small gap, short period superconducting undulators, demonstrates a high mean brilliance over a wide photon energy spectrum. The ring itself is defined from the routine operation of the small gap insertion devices, which is reflected in the small aperture of the ring magnets. Th

The Reconstruction of Good Governance in the Horn of Africa

Ulf Johansson Dahre Introduction The 4th annual Somalia International Rehabilitation Centre (SIRC) Conference of the Horn of Africa focused on “Good Governance and the Rule of law” as keys to peace, development and sustainable development. The conference was held in Lund, Sweden, October 14-16, 2005. The content of this volume reflects some of the views and proceedings presented at the conference

Fine needle aspiration diagnosis of spindle cell tumors of soft tissue, including the use of ancillary methods, and correlation with clinical data.

Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is gaining increased popularity in the diagnosis of soft tissue lesions. FNAC used as a primary examination method to obtain a morphologic diagnosis, has been part of the diagnostic work-up of patients admitted to the Musculoskeletal Tumor Center of the Lund University Hospital since 1972. Accuracy of FNAC in distinguishing benign from malignant soft tissue t

Theoretical aspects of tetrapyrrole biochemistry

Popular Abstract in Swedish Moderna teoretiska simuleringar kan ge signifikant insikt i biokemiska problem i en omfattning som ständigt ökar. Med hjälp av datorkraft och sofistikerade program från forskare inom området have vi studerat en serie av problem som är relaterat till de så kallade tetrapyrrolkofaktorerna som finns hos alla levande organismer. Vi har tacklat tre utmaningar som alla utgör Modern theoretical simulations are able to provide significant insight into biochemical problems on a scale which continues to expand. With the aid of computer power and the sophisticated programs of researchers in the field, we have addressed a series of problems related to the so-called tetrapyrrole cofactors found in all living organisms. There have been three major challenges for us, all const

Using design-of-experiments techniques for an efficient finite element study of the influence of changed parameters in design

All designs are marred by uncertainties and tolerances in dimen- sions, load levels etc. Traditionally, one has often over-dimensioned to take these uncertainties into account. The demand for optimized designs with high quality and reliability increases, which means that more sophisticated methods have been developed, see e.g. Lochner and Matar (1990). By describing the fluctuations in design para