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This project is about challenging the traditional concept of a backpack. They tend to be designed around the carrying of objects, moving them comfortably on the body from A to B. This product focuses on the stationary use when the collection of objects are next to the user and when they take things. The final design should be able to stand upright, or on its side and display the contents like a

Men with depression and/or anxiety and their experience of occupational balance

Bakgrund: Inom arbetsterapi används begreppen aktivitetsbalans och aktivitetsobalans. Det finns ett samband mellan psykisk ohälsa och upplevelsen av aktivitetsbalans, men få studier är utförda på män. Vid psykisk ohälsa kan aktivitetsobalans uppstå vilket kan påverka personens vardag, aktiviteter och hälsa negativt. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur män i Sverige med depression Background: Occupational therapy describes the concept of occupational balance and imbalance. There is a connection between mental illness and the experience of occupational imbalance, but few studies explored the experiences of men. Mental illness can cause occupational imbalance and could impact the individual's activities in daily life and health negatively. Aim: The aim of this study is t

Drivkrafter för miljöcertifiering av fastigheter i drift och förvaltning

Detta examensarbete har haft i syfte att konkretisera hur fastigheter i drift och förvaltning påverkas av att fastigheten genomgår en miljöcertifieringsprocess. Examensarbetet har även haft i syfte att kartlägga och analysera vad fastighetsförvaltare har för drivkrafter och motiv när de väljer att miljöcertifiera sina fastigheter. Frågeställningarna som besvaras i detta examensarbete är: Hur på

Följ pengarna : en multimodal analys av stockbilder på DN:s ekonomisidor

The editorial usage of stock images solves publishing challenges of illustrating news that are not connected to specific events. At the same time it contributes to an increasing vagueness and detachment between image content and the news story. This paper analyses the use of stock images in news journalism covering finance and the economy, specifically in the financial section of the Swedish daily

En påtaglig riskanalys - Om prognostisk bevisvärdering i LVU-mål

Uppsatsen utforskar komplexiteten i bedömningen av om ett barn ska beredas vård med stöd av LVU ur ett bevisvärderingsperspektiv, med fokus på bedömningen av rekvisitet "påtaglig risk för hälsa och utveckling". I och med att domstolen ställs inför uppgiften att bedöma en potentiell framtida risk för barnet blir en korrekt riskanalys central. Detta betyder att domstolen behöver omvandla vThis paper aims to delve into the intricacies of assessing whether or not a child should be placed under care according to LVU from an evidence evaluation perspective, with a focus on the criteria "significant risk to health or development". As the court is tasked with evaluating potential future risks for children, an accurate risk assessment is paramount. This means that the court need

Imperfekta våldsoffer och behovet av en normkritisk socialtjänst - en kvalitativ intervjustudie om normer inom socialt arbete med våld i nära relationer

This study aimed to explore Swedish social workers’ experiences of the influence of social norms in their work with people subjected to intimate partner violence. The aim was also to explore how social workers relate to norm-critical perspectives within social services. We used convenience sampling and recruited six social workers, all of whom specialized in intimate partner violence. We approache

Mapping two centuries of forest governance in Nordic countries : An open access database

Forest ecosystems play a crucial role in the production and protection of economic, social, and environmental values. To understand current challenges and trajectories shaping future strategies within the Nordic forest sector, it is important to map and trace past and present policy and governance developments. The core contribution of this short communication is to present an open-access database

Avdragsrätt för ingående mervärdesskatt på rådgivningstjänster vid avyttring av dotterbolagsaktier

Frågan huruvida det kan medges avdrag för ingående mervärdesskatt på råd-givningstjänster som hänför sig till planering av avyttring av dotterbolagsak-tier har var prövats ett flertal gånger. Uppfattningen i tidigare rättspraxis har varit att anskaffning av rådgivningstjänster i samband med aktieavyttringar inte kan medges avdragsrätt. Detta grundar sig i att kostnaderna för rådgiv-ningstjänsternaThe question of whether input VAT on advisory services relating to the plan-ning of the disposal of shares in a subsidiary can be deducted has been exam-ined several times. The view of previous case law has been that the acquisition of advisory services in connection with share disposals cannot be deducted. This is based on the fact that the costs of advisory services are too closely linked to sha

Weather Factors and E. coli Concentration in Barnviken, Malmö - A Linear Mixed Model Approach

Barnviken in Malmö has persistently encountered challenges associated with elevated concentrations of Escherichia coli (E. coli) without a discernible source of contamination. A notable concentration peak has been identified at the outflow of the stream traversing Hammer's Park, prompting speculation regarding the stream's potential role as the origin of the contamination. In order to inve

Räddningsinsatser i trähusbyggnader - En intervjustudie om problematik och utmaningar med trähusbyggnader

The study explores the challenges of increased use of wood-frames in multi-story buildings in Sweden and its implications for fire safety. It investigates incident statistics and fire damages in wooden buildings, aiming to enhance the impact and safety of operations in these buildings. The study identifies a lack of incident statistics for wooden buildings, emphasizing challenges in structural fir

Varningslarmsystem och övningar för hotsituationer - En kartläggning av hur skolor och kommuner arbetar med detta idag

In recent years, the threat against establishments in Sweden's public environment has increased, especially towards religious congregations, streets, squares, and other densely populated areas. These attacks tend to result in incidents involving ongoing lethal violence. The report examines how different establishments approach warning alarm systems and drills for threats involving ongoing leth

Measurement of anti-3He nuclei absorption in matter and impact on their propagation in the Galaxy

In our Galaxy, light antinuclei composed of antiprotons and antineutrons can be produced through high-energy cosmic-ray collisions with the interstellar medium or could also originate from the annihilation of dark-matter particles that have not yet been discovered. On Earth, the only way to produce and study antinuclei with high precision is to create them at high-energy particle accelerators. Alt

User-Centric Study and Enhancement of Python Static Code Analysers

Despite the growing integration of code analysis tools into developer workflows, usability challengespersist in many aspects. Previous research, primarily focused on static languages and professional developers, has largely overlooked the needs of novice developers and non-static languages like Python.In this paper, we investigate the experiences of novice Python programmers with static code analy

The EBLM project - IX. Five fully convective M-dwarfs, precisely measured with CHEOPS and TESS light curves

Eclipsing binaries are important benchmark objects to test and calibrate stellar structure and evolution models. This is especially true for binaries with a fully convective M-dwarf component for which direct measurements of these stars' masses and radii are difficult using other techniques. Within the potential of M-dwarfs to be exoplanet host stars, the accuracy of theoretical predictions of the