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The Impact of Trading Volume to Stock Market Liquidity and Volatility

Stock market volatility has been examined for many decades and researches are trying to find an explanation to it. It has been discovered that investors behaviour such as trading volume, market liquidity and share prices are not the only variables to influence it. Interest rates, exchange rates etc., also known as macroeconomic variables are partly responsible for experienced volatility because th

Erkännande av presumtiva stater - En kritisk analys av erkännandeteoriernas konsekvenser

This essay deals with the constantly relevant topic of the creation of new states. The purpose of the essay is to examine what relevance a recognition has in the creation of a new state. Despite the relevance of the topic in international law, it is a largely unregulated area with two opposing theories proposing different answers to the same problem. After describing the criteria in the Montevide

USA, Turkiet och Kurdistan - En konflikt inom allianser

The following essay sets out to explain why the US has chosen to stay neutral in the conflict between its two allies, Turkey and Syrian Kurdistan, indirectly siding with Turkey as opposed to Syrian Kurdistan, given their power-discrepancies. Theories within alliance theory, and primarily Stephen M. Walt, point to reputation, the probability of allied support, level of institutionalization and non-

Radikal högerpopulism : En jämförande idéanalys över SD, UKIP och AFD

In this thesis I suggest a definition on what right-wing populism is by comparing three right-wing populist parties; the Swedish Democrats (SD) in Sweden, the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in Great Britain and the Alternative for Germany (AFD) in Germany. This is my question formulation. I have used the idea analysis to make the concept of right-wing populism more understandable. The ob

Verkan av passivitet: Om köparens skyldighet att reklamera när säljaren handlat grovt vårdslöst eller i strid mot tro och heder

Uppsatsens syfte är att med utgångspunkt i NJA 2017 s. 1195 undersöka vilken verkan köparens passivitet får beträffande rätten att åberopa fel, när säljaren har handlat grovt vårdslöst eller i strid mot tro och heder. I NJA 2017 s. 1195 formulerade Högsta domstolen en på allmänna principer, och då främst på principer om lojalitetsöverväganden, grundad passivitetsregel. Den föreskriver att om säljaThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effect of the buyer’s non-performance, in terms of the right to claim defects, when the seller has acted with gross negligence or in violation of faith and honour. In NJA 2017 s. 1195 the Supreme Court formulated a non-performance-rule based on general principles, especially on principles of loyalty. It prescribes that if the seller has acted with g

Shopping Experience in Central and Eastern Europe: Second - class Europeans in a Union of Equals?

Over the past few years the EU has seen a surge in reports showing that analogical products of dual quality are being sold in different parts of the Union. An East – West divide has been noticed in the way that products of identical branding and packaging are of poorer quality in the Central and Eastern European shops, but not in the Western ones. The aim of the research is to investigate if the l

Akademiserad Krigare

The main effort and purpose of this essay is to explain to what extent the Swedish army officers basic education relates to the demands of war. The study further aims to describe how the Swedish officers' basic education has evolved since the ending of the Cold War. The study develops its own theory, based on three other scientifically accepted theories, in order to analyze the scientific ques

Att begripliggöra en flygskatt- En studie av diskurserna som utmanar det kommersiella flygresandet.

Using discourse analysis as a theoretical and methodical point of departure, this paper strives towards analyzing the ways in which the Swedish tax on air travel is being made understandable. Through examining how this is done on two occasions in contemporary Swedish politics, it further aims to capture how the arguments in favor of a tax have developed and changed over time. Drawing on Maarten H

En Kafkaartad skatteprocess? - Kammarrätters rättstillämpning i mål om skönsbeskattning av oredovisade intäkter

Det har i doktrin hävdats att underrätters rättstillämpning i mål rörande beskattning av oredovisade intäkter inte uppfyller de krav på rättssäkerhet som ställs i skatteprocessen. I denna uppsats utreds huruvida så är fallet. De frågeställningar som uppsatsen bygger på är vilka krav som ställs på rättssäkerhet i skatteprocessen, hur beskattning av oredovisade intäkter sker, vilken bevisbörda och vIt has been claimed in literature that the application of the rules about taxation of unreported income by Swedish administrative courts is insufficient from a legal certainty perspective. This essay considers whether this is the case. The essay is centered around the following questions: What are the requirements regarding legal certainty in the tax procedure? How is unreported income taxed? Who

Hybridkrigföringens hantverk: En fallstudie om Krimkrisen 2014

The main aim of this thesis is to connect the theoretical concept of Hybrid Warfare, with the Russian military doctrine, and the historical deception concept of Maskirovka, in a case study, analysing the Russian annexation of the Crimea peninsula in 2014. Hybrid warfare has been an intensely debated topic, where a good many scholars claiming it to be neither an entirely new concept, nor a helpful

KBT och Relationell korttidsterapi vid tonårsdepression - interaktion mellan följsamhet, allians och behandlingsutfall

Denna uppsats har haft som utgångspunkt att i två tonårsterapier, KBT och Relationell korttidsterapi, via observatörskattningar av terapisamtal uppdelade i korta sekvenser undersöka huruvida följsamhet till metod bidrar till utfall av depressionssymtom vid nästkommande samtal, huruvida hantering av alliansproblem bidrar till utfall av depressionssymtom vid nästkommande samtal och hur följsamhet ocThis study compared two types of therapies, CBT and Brief Relational Therapy, as applied to teenagers with depression. The comparisons were made in order to analyze whether adherence to the therapeutic method and handling of problems within the therapeutic alliance affects the extent of depressive symptoms, and in what way adherence and alliance interacts with each other in the therapeutic methods

Värdet av den egna själen: En diskussion kring rätten (?) till samvetsvägran i arbetslivet

Den svenska lagstiftningen saknar idag en samvetsklausul som ger hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal en möjlighet att åberopa samvetsfrihet i arbetslivet. En sådan klausul skulle innebära en möjlighet för barnmorskor att kunna välja att inte delta i bland annat abortvård. Yrkesverksamma barnmorskor i Norge har idag denna möjlighet genom den så kallade reservationsrätten. Det råder delade uppfattningar krThe Swedish legislation currently lacks a conscience clause that enhances opportunities for religious professionals to choose which professional obligations to engage in. For example, such clause can consequently allow midwives to not chose to participate in abortion care. This example is currently demonstrated in Norway where midwives are conceded to obtain a right to reserve certain obligations.

Predictors of Opinion Leadership in EU Affairs Among EU Interested Social Media Users

A recurring argument in scholarly literature is that the EU is suffering from a democratic deficit in which its institutional legitimacy is being questioned by the public. To remedy this issue and gain public legitimacy, the EU has over the last 20 years developed a public communications approach to engage citizens in European affairs and to create a European public sphere. However, the EU has not

The Impact of a Supply Side Educational Program on Women’s Empowerment: Evidence from Indonesia

Education is considered a key component in the empowerment of women, and policy interventions such as investments in education can be effective in reducing gender- based inequality. To investigate the relationship between such a policy intervention and empowerment, this study investigates the impact of a large school construction program in Indonesia, where over 61,000 primary schools were constru

Informationsföreläggande vid upphovsrättsintrång över internet - En analys av institutets förenlighet med dess ändamål

Skyddet för immateriella rättigheter prioriteras högt av lagstiftaren eftersom det anses vara viktigt för samhällsutvecklingen. Den illegala fildelningen på nätet har medfört nya utmaningar för det upphovsrättsliga skyddet, särskilt eftersom identifiering av intrångsgörare blir allt svårare med dagens teknik. Mot bakgrund av detta infördes en möjlighet för rättighetshavare att få information om oiThe legislator accords the protection of intellectual property a high priority. It is considered essential for society's progress, as it is conducive to innovation and investment. The illegal online file-sharing has brought on new challenges for copyright protection, particularly as identifying infringers is becoming increasingly challenging with today's technology. Therefore, a legal fram

Samröresbrottet - en rättfärdigad kriminalisering eller ett resultat av irrationell brottskontroll?

De senaste decennierna har sett omfattande kriminalisering av terroristbrottslighet. De flesta av de terroristbrott som har införts i svensk rätt är ett resultat av internationella och EU-rättsliga förpliktelser. Oftast har dessa kriminaliseringsåtaganden inneburit att gärningar på väldigt tidigt förberedande stadium har kriminaliserats. Det senaste i raden av dessa brott, samröresbrottet, kriminaThe last couple of decades has seen extensive criminalization of terrorist crimes. Most of the terrorist crimes that have been implemented into Swedish law are a result of international obligations and obligations derived from membership of the European Union. Mostly, these obligations have meant criminalizing conduct that is very remote from the harm it seeks to prevent. Thus, these crimes have a

Sveriges militära alliansfrihet - ett minne blott eller en potentiell nitlott?

Social identity theory can be used to analyse group membership, as well as inter and intra relations between the in and out group. In this study, SIT has been used to analyse how a Swedish membership in NATO could affect the Swedish identity. Moreover, SIT has also been combined with fragments from neorealism to better understand how the power balance could change. The study is based on a handful

Urban transition experiments for global climate goals : learning from effective interventions to reduce car use in Lund municipality

To limit global warming to 1.5°C, concerted efforts to drastically reduce GHG emissions by 2030 are needed. Lund municipality has ambitious climate goals for 2030, however, high emissions from transport and especially private car use endanger their achievement. Building on transition management, this thesis aimed at supporting Lund’s climate goals by developing a knowledge base for the implementat

The Return of Hunger: A Case Study of Boko Haram and Its Impacts on Food Insecurity in North-Eastern Nigeria

Food insecurity is increasing globally again after declining for decades, and in Nigeria alone 13 million people are experiencing food insecurity. Particularly in North-East Nigeria food insecurity has reached emergency levels. Because of intrastate conflict between the Nigerian state and Boko Haram it has been difficult to mitigate food insecurity, even though Nigeria ranks in the top ten in worl

The Deadly Impact of Socio-Economic Inequality: How socio-economic inequality affects conflict intensity in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central- and South America

Civil wars continue to prevail, and the number of causalities increase in the last decade, while socioeconomic disparities within countries steadily widen in many parts of the world. Yet, the understanding of the potential correlations between these two trends remains incomplete. This thesis aims to probe this relationship by studying what effect socioeconomic inequality has on conflict intensity.