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Romeo och Julia and 'Out Of Joint'

A review of a two-hander Romeo and Juliet plus a Shakespeare mash-up, both in Lund.A review of a two-hander Romeo and Juliet plus a Shakespeare mash-up, both in Lund.

Gendering violence in the school shootings in Finland

Within barely a year, two school shootings shook Finland. The school shootings shocked Finnish society, forcing media, academics and experts, police and politicians alike to search for reasons behind the violent incidents. Focusing their analysis on the two main Finnish newspapers, Helsingin Sanomat and Hufvudstadsbladet, authoritative sources of information for Finland's two language communities,

Spinal canal remodeling after thoracolumbar fractures with intraspinal bone fragments : 17 cases followed 1-4 years

The long-term fate of nonreduced intraspinal bone fragments in 17 thoracolumbar fractures - three not operated on and 14 stabilized with Harrington's rods or a Hartshill rectangle - was studied with CT. the reduction of the spinal canal area was measured in conjunction with the trauma in the nonoperated on cases and immediately after surgery in the other cases. the mean reduction was 29 (10-70) pe

Konstitutionen som politisk arena : Feministers kamp om jämlikhet i det ”nya” Egypten

Det här kapitlet handlar om egyptiska kvinnorättsaktivister och deras arbete med att påverka Egyptens nya konstitution efter revolutionen 2011. Aktivisternas mål var att stärka kvinnors konstitutionella rättigheter och det försökte man nå genom att etablera en arbetsgrupp som på nära håll följde konstitutionsprocessen. I kapitlet analyseras dessa aktivisters kritik av utkasten till konstitutionen

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21 fotografier producerade mellan 2012-2014 som visades i Research Pavilion som en del av Venedig Biennalen 2015. Producenter för utställningen var University of the Arts, Helsingfors

Triglyceride interesterification by lipases. 3. Alcoholysis of pure triglycerides

Lipase-catalyzed alcoholysis of triolein dissolved in ethanol or isopropanol for the formation of ethyl and isopropyl esters was investigated. Of 16 lipases screened, Amano lipase from P. fluorescens was selected for investigation of the effects of basic reaction conditions on alcoholysis yields. Ethanolysis yields were only slightly affected by water additions to immobilized lipase preparations.

Influence of solvent and water activity on kinetically controlled peptide synthesis

α-Chymotrypsin deposited on Celite was used to catalyse peptide synthesis reactions between N-protected amino acid esters and leucine amide in organic media with low water content. The influence of the solvent and the thermodynamic water activity on the reaction kinetics was studied. The substrate specificity in the reactions was shown to be a combination of the substrate specificity of the enzyme

Prevalence of dementia diagnosis not otherwise specified in eight European countries A cross-sectional cohort study

BackgroundDementia is a syndrome, with a wide range of symptoms. It is important to have a timely diagnosis during the disease course to reduce the risk of medication errors, enable future care planning for the patient and their relatives thereby optimizing quality of life (QoL). For this reason, it is important to avoid a diagnosis of dementia not otherwise specified (DNOS) and instead obtain a d

Organic solvent changes the chymotrypsin specificity with respect to nucleophiles

In α-chymotrypsin-catalyzed acyl-transfer reactions in water the specificity of the enzyme (the nucleophile reactivity of amino acid amides) is correlated with the substrate hydrophobicity and increases as the hydrophobicity of the side chain of the amino acid amides is increased. In a low water system (4% H2O) bulky amino acid amides are less efficient nucleophiles. The specificity of α-chymotryp

Activity and stability of horse‐liver alcohol dehydrogenase in sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate/cyclohexane reverse micelles

Horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase (EC solubilized in sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate (AOT)/cyclohexane reverse micelles was used for the oxidation of ethanol and reduction of cyclohexanone in a coupled substrate/coenzyme recycling system. The activity of the enzyme was studied as a function of pH and water content. The enzyme was optimally active in microemulsions prepared with buffer of pH