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On the regulation and effects of chronic inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den kroniska inflammation som ses hos personer med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom är troligen en immunologisk reaktion riktad mot normala tarmbakterier. I denna process har monocyter/makrofager (särskild celltyp av vita blodkroppar) en central betydelse. Det är huvudsakligen makrofager i tarmslemhinnan som styr det immunsvar som utvecklas då tarmfloran kommer i kontakt med Inflammatory bowel disease is thought to result from the inappropriate and ongoing activation of the mucosal immune system driven by the presence of normal luminal flora. In this process monocytes/macrophages contribute to and maintain chronic inflammation by being both regulatory and effector cells. This study aimed at exploring the effects and regulation of chronic inflammation in inflammatory

Lignocellulosic Ethanol Production: Studies on Sugarcane Bagasse, Paja Brava, Wheat Straw, Quinoa Stalks and Curupaú

Popular Abstract in English The world’s resources of fossil fuels are rapidly being depleted, and we now know that the combustion of these fuels leads to the emission of greenhouse gases resulting in climate change. It is therefore imperative that we develop renewable sources of fuel. The production of bioethanol in Brazil is the best example today of the introduction of a renewable fuel on a largLignocellulosic biomass refers to plant material that is composed mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. These materials are today of large interest to researchers in the field of biofuel and bioenergy. Residues for forestry and agriculture are particularly interesting since they result from crops with established cultivation procedures and technology for harvest and transportation are alr

Detecting speculations, contrasts and conditionals in consumer reviews

A support vector classifier was compared to a lexicon-based approach for the task of detecting the stance categories speculation, contrast and conditional in English consumer reviews. Around 3,000 training instances were required to achieve a stable performance of an F-score of 90 for speculation. This outperformed the lexicon-based approach, for which an Fscore of just above 80 was achieved. The

Mechanical Analysis of Lubrication and Lubricants

This thesis comprises three different topics within the field of tribology. First, design functions for analyses of slider bearings are developed. Second, a lubricant model applied to elastohydrodynamically lubricated (EHL) line contacts considering wall-slip is presented. Finally, an experimental apparatus for investigations of lubricants at high pressures is presented. The design of hydrodynami

Vuxnas tänkande om och förhållningssätt till munhälsa

Popular Abstract in Swedish Av pedagogiska skäl har anförts att det finns behov av mer kunskaper om människans tänkande om och förhållningssätt till munhälsa och tandvård. Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka och beskriva vuxna människors subjektiva tänkande om och förhållningssätt till munhälsa för att belysa faktorer som bidrar till eller utgör hinder för förändring av handlingsberedsThe need, for health educational reasons, of obtaining a more adequate understanding of how people think and act in connection with questions of dental health and professional dental care has been emphasized. The present study examines the attitudes and conceptions of adult individuals regarding their own dental health, as well as measures they take to further it. The aim is to elucidate factors t

Measurements Based Channel Characterization for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications at Merging Lanes on Highway

This paper presents results for vehicle-to-vehicle channel characterization based on measurements conducted for the merging lane scenarios on a highway. We present power delay profiles as well as channel gains and analyze important propagation mechanisms to see the impact of line-of-sight (LOS) and the antenna radiation pattern on the total received power. It is found that the absence of LOS and s

Structure and Phase Stability of Polyelectrolyte-Macroion Solutions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med den här avhandlingen har varit att med hjälp av datorsimuleringar studera laddade polymerers (polyelektrolyters) växelverkan med motsatt laddade sfäriska makrojoner. Redan nu kan en icke kemikunnig person bli helt borttappad, ty: 1. Vad är en polymer? 2. Vad är en sfärisk makrojon? 3. Växelverkan mellan polymer och makrojon? 4. Datorsimuleringar? 5. Vad är dPolyelectrolytes are polymers bearing ionisable groups, which, in polar solvents, can dissociate into charged polymer chains (polyelectrolytes) and small counterions. In aqueous solutions, polyelectrolytes interact strongly with other macroions and in particular they tend to associate with objects of opposite charge and form complexes. Nearly all industrial and biological process involves solution

Forgoing life-sustaining treatment in intensive care units. Practice, attitudes and ethics.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att avstå från och att avbryta livsuppehållande behandlingar på intensivvårdsavdelningar. I mitten på 1980-talet träffade jag en 16-årig flicka, som jag kallar för Annie, som patient på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Annie var förlamad på grund av en förlossningsskada. Hon hade inte tidigare behövt sjukhusvård. Nu behövde respiratorhjälp på grund av en lunginflammation. TrMany deaths in intensive care units are preceded by decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment. Under what conditions are forgoing life-sustaining treatment considered appropiate, when is it optitional and when is it wrong? Relevant guidelines are essential to help medical decisionmakers, but they cannot be established only from medical knowledge. They also must be related to basi

Fluorescent Probes and Protein Misfolding: Methods and Applications

Popular Abstract in English Proteins are smart molecules. They act in a vast variety of roles, for instance as transporters, messengers, catalysts, warriors and scaffolds. The ability of a specific protein to perform a task is closely related to its three-dimensional shape (native fold). However, not all proteins encoded in human genome have a structure; some of them are devoid of a well-defined sProtein misfolding is a frequently occurring event in living cells and without the quality control, the consequences are disasterous. In this thesis, we studied protein misfolding in vitro by employing a variety of fluorophores, to either detect the highly ordered aggregates of intrinsically disordered proteins/peptides or slight misfolding of a natively folded protein. Misfolding and concurrent