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Evolutionary pressures under the current fishing practices in European hake (Merluccius merluccius)

Popular science summary Is the European hake “shrinking” under the current fishing practices? Did you know that the current fishing practices have caused significant declines in body size of many exploited fishing stocks? This effect of fishing management has become one of the major threats for commercially exploited fish species and it can have severe negative consequences for the offspring of

Finland’s Catch-up: Convergence Through Economic Restructuring

The aim of the paper is to examine the Finnish economic transformation and the catch-up process from 1975 onwards. Moreover, this paper looks into the forces behind the rapid convergence. Finland, an example country, used to be a peripheral country that has only in the past decades transformed into an economy where innovation, technology and education have gained important roles. Given this ec

Effects of Femininity and Masculinity in Voice and Appearance on Stereotype Judgement

Earlier studies have shown that both gender and masculine or feminine traits affects judgement about a person's qualities. This study builds upon earlier research and investigates the relation between voice and appearance with respect to gender based stereotype judgement, by letting participants listen to and then rate two of totally eight different digital characters, four female and four mal

Är jag osynlig? En litteraturstudie om barns påverkan av att ha föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom

Problem/Bakgrund: Barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar är en grupp, som för några år sedan det sällan talades om. Föräldrar blev psykotiska, gjorde självmordsförsök, hämtades av polis, blev inskrivna och lika fort utskrivna. Barnen fanns där men märktes knappt, ingen frågade om deras egna upplevelser eller mående. Ingen berättade vad som hade hänt eller vad som skulle ske. Utvecklingen har gått fra

Patienters uppfattning om och följsamhet till distriktssköterskans råd om kost och fysisk aktivitet vid diabetes typ 2

Diabetes typ 2 är en folksjukdom som påverkar individens hälsa och samhällets ekonomi, som kan begränsas genom förbättrad kosthållning och ökad fysisk aktivitet. Följsamheten till dessa råd ökar med ett bra stöd från distriktssköterskan. Syftet var att undersöka patienters uppfattning om och följsamhet till de råd de fått av distriktssköterskan om kost och fysisk aktivitet vid diabetes typ 2, samt

A simulation environment for coupled systems of discontinuous ODE:s

This thesis covers the implementation and usage of PyFMI 2.0, an enhancement of the already existing PyFMI, a Python based simulation environment for importing and solving discontinuous systems of ordinary differential equations with in- and outputs, so-called simulations of Functional Mock-up Units. In particular, PyFMI 2.0 uses the Functional Mock-up Interface, FMI, 2.0 for interacting with Func

The Säm fold structure : characterization of folding and metamorphism in a part of the eclogite–granulite region, Sveconorwegian orogen

Strukturella och petrologiska studier av komplext veckade mafiskt- och felsiskt varvade sekvenser har genomförts i den paraautoktona delen av Svekonorvegiska provinsen i sydvästra Sverige. Tre deformationsfaser (D1, D2, D3) innefattande minst två veckfaser (F2, F3) och två lineationsfaser (L2, L3) karakteriserar ett flerfasigt veck i migmatiserad och mycket kompetent granatamfibolit. Denna enhet vStructural and petrological studies on complexly folded mafic and felsic layered sequences have been mapped in the parautochthonous basement of the Sveconorwegian Province, Sweden. Three deformation phases (D1, D2, D3)involving at least two fold phases (F2, F3) and two lineation phases (L2, L3) characterize a polyphase fold, which is primarily defined by a migmatized and highly competent garnet am

Barnfattigdom i blåsväder - En studie av hur barnfattigdom konstrueras som ett socialt problem inom en mediekontext

ABSTRACT Author: Charlotte Forss Nilsson Title: Child poverty in trouble – A study of how child poverty is constructed as a social problem in a media context Supervisor: Torbjörn Hjort Assessor: Karin Kullberg Child poverty was the theme for the program Uppdrag granskning, which was broadcasted on television in January 2013. Criticism was directed against child rights organizations, they were co

Mellan europeisk kris och amerikansk utopi

In this thesis I study depictions of USA in works written by the two Swedish authors Anna Lenah Elgström (1884-1968) and Lars Gustafsson (1936- ). The purpose is to shed light on the expressions of modernity in crisis in their depictions of the USA. To fulfill this purpose I study the material from a phenomenological method approach combined with a theoretical focus. I find that they both give exp

BASEL III: The effect that Capital requirements have on interest rate margins

The Basel III regulatory framework was created in direct response to the financial crisis that occurred in 2007-2008. The regulatory framework in place during and before the crisis, Basel II, had not done enough to prevent the crisis. This prompted a revision and expansion of the regulations. The regulators created a new framework, which was initiated in January of 2013 and is expected to be fully

Georgia through the Eyes of the Georgian Heavy Metal Musicians - A Country of Cultural Crossroads

The subculture of heavy metal has often been perceived as a counterculture to the leading mainstream cultural expressions and paradigms. In the light of globalization the heavy metal culture has spread to far off places around the world from its origin in the West. The Georgian heavy metal culture began developing in the last two decades since the fall of the Soviet Union, when new influences and

Statistical Process Control for shearing and punching of metal coils

This master thesis is on Statistical Process Control (SPC). The objective is to evaluate if SPC can be used in a process that produces plates for heat exchanger, the process evaluated is located at Alfa Laval Lund AB. The products are produced in the process by punching and shearing metal coils. An ambition in the project is also to increase the knowledge about Statistical Process Control at Alfa

THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL? Or to what extent may it be regarded anti-competitive conduct to combine technical tying and patents?

The thesis examines to what extent dominant undertakings, within the evolving technology industry, are considered to use an anti-competitive conduct when strategically combining technical tying and different patent combinations. Such conduct may result in leveraging a position from one product market to another, leading to evergreening and possible abuse of such dominant position, in accordance to

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Parting from Henri Meschonnic’s poetics of rhythm, this study explores the rhythmic configuration in eight poems of Juan José Saer’s barely commented poetry collection, El arte de narrar. Poemas (2000). Meschonnic’s poetics conceives of rhythm as the movements of a form, which is open and multiple and whose dispositions reveal a poetic subject’s voice, orality and corporeal nature. This study depa

Inverkan av urlakning och nötning på betongytans frostbeständighet – En experimentell studie om synergieffekter

Metod: Examensarbetet inleddes med en litteraturstudie varefter en provningsmetod för respektive skademekanism togs fram. Utifrån provningsmetoderna har det i laboratoriemiljö utformats en experimentell studie där provkroppar av betong utsatts för veckovisa påfrestningar av olika kombinationer av skademekanismerna. Efter varje avslutad frostprovningsvecka har avskalningar samlats upp från provkrop

Utveckling av VDC inom mark och anläggning

This report presents how far NCC current VDC tools and methods in building construction can be implemented in road and infrastructure projects also what new tools, methods that can be created helped by pre-selected software’s. VDC is well developed within the construction of building and research and resources in the field have been spent under a longer period of time unlike in road and infrastruc

En genusstudie om avkastning på premiepensionsmarknaden

Vad innebär det ökade personliga ansvaret för den egna pensionen? Det är en fråga som intresserar många svenskar efter införandet av premiepensionssystemet år 2000. Den här uppsatsen handlar om de könsbetingade beteendestrukturer som kan ha betydelse för den enskildes slutpension. Genom att analysera det svenska premiepensionssystemet avser uppsatsen ge svar på huruvida det finns en skillnad i avk

Otillåten insiderhandel - Ett kontroversiellt brottsområde

I takt med att de finansiella marknadernas omfång och betydelse har ökat, har allmänhetens intresse för de finansiella marknaderna också ökat. Idag omsätter den svenska värdepappersmarknader flera miljarder kronor och ger upphov till ett växande informationsflöde. En anledning till det stora intresset för värde-pappersmarknader är bland annat att det internationella inslaget har ökat kraf-tigt. MyAs the financial markets grow and their importance increases, so has public interest. The financial markets in Sweden have a turnover of several billion Swedish kronor which goes some way to explain the current interest. Other reasons for the increasing public interest are the expanding transnational trade and the rapid evolution of trade technology. Illegal insider trading (insider dealing) is