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The 100 MHz RF system for MAX-II and MAX-III
The MAX-II synchrotron radiation source has since 1997 been operated routinely with a double RF system, 500 MHz active plus 1.5 GHz passive. Four Landau cavities have successfully provided increased Touschek beam lifetime, and damping of coupled bunch mode instabilities. However, the delivered power from the present 500 MHz RF system will be marginal for the operation of the planned MAX-II SC wigg
Music Learning and Musical Diversity
Free-riding in Group Work - Mechanisms and Countermeasures
Studies have shown that group work offers great possibilities for deeper learning compared to some more traditional teaching formats [1], but it can also lead to some new problems such as free-riding. Different aspects of group psychology and behaviour as well as impropriate group sizes can be used to explain why and how free-riding develops in groups. With careful course planning teachers can ser
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Mer för pengarna? Om offentlig produktion och individuell konsumtion
To Rescue or be Rescued. The Liberation of Bergen-Belsen and the White Buses in British and Swedish Historical Cultures
The memory of the The Liberation of Bergen-Belsen and the White Buses has been vivid both i Great Britain and in Sweden. The question is how the memories have looked like and who´s been classified as heroes in different times.
Iterative decoding of generalized low-density parity-check codes
A generalization of Gallager's low-density parity-check codes is introduced, where as component codes single-error correcting Hamming codes are used instead of single-error detecting parity-check codes. Low-density (LD) parity-check codes were first introduced by Gallager in 1963. These codes are, in combination with iterative decoding, very promising for achieving low error probabilities at a rea
Processability theory : explaining developmental sequences
This chapter presents a psycholinguistic account of the developmental sequences found in second language acquisition (SLA). Building on Levelt’s (1989) model of speech production, Processability Theory (PT: Pienemann 1998, 2005) proposes that the order in which morpho-syntactic structures are acquired will be controlled by the processing requirements of those structures. The cross- linguistic vali
Utvärdering av Creating Competitive Jobs
Föreliggande rapport är en oberoende utvärdering av projektet Creating Competitive Jobs (CCJobs). Rapporten summerar resultat och lärdomar från projektet samt lyfter fram om aspekter av CCJobs som bör vidareutvecklas. Projektets övergripande syfte var att skapa nya arbetstillfällen genom att möjliggöra ett ömsesidigt utbyte mellan företag och lärosäten inom högre utbildning. En grundläggande princ
Brev från Jakob Spens till Axel Oxenstierna 1613-1630
En ny syn på föräldraskap som en konsekvens av reproduktiva tekniker och surrogatmoderskap?
A Heuristic for Concurrent SOC Test Scheduling with Compression and Sharing
The increasingcost for System-on-Chip (SOC) testing is mainly due to the hugetest data volumes that lead to long test application time andrequire large automatic test equipment (ATE) memory. Testcompression and test sharing have been proposed to reduce the testdata volume, while test infrastructure and concurrent testscheduling have been developed to reduce the test application time.In this work w
Some Notes on Routes - Some Thoughts on Stråk
The cognitive semiotics of the picture sign
The picture is as original a human creation as language, and yet there has not been any study of pictures as such until recently. In the sixties of the last century, the picture was discovered as a subject of study at the same time, but independently, by French structuralism and by perceptual psychology in the tradition of James Gibson. My own contribution has consisted, from the beginning, in bri
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The essay aims to identify the genesis of the first dramatic protagonists Mihail Sebastian imagined, both the autobiographical and the literary earlier experiences and expressions of his playwriting philosophy of the evasion, a philosophy that is to be regarded as a prototype for his future drama. For this a rather exhaustive synthesis of the critical references is required as well as a minute her
Specificity and redundancy in the olfactory system of Ips typographus: Single-cell responses to ecologically relevant odors.
We screened 150 olfactory sensilla in single-sensillum recordings to unravel the mechanisms underlying host selection in the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). Odor stimuli comprised of pheromone (various bark beetle spp.), host, and non-host compounds elicited strong and selective responses from 106 olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs), 45 of which were tune