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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

APC resistance due to Factor V Leiden is not related to baseline inflammatory mediators or survival up to 10 years in patients with critical limb ischemia.

To prospectively evaluate the potential influence of resistance to activated protein C (APC-resistance) on the initial inflammatory response, amputation rate and survival during 10 years of follow-up in patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI). Two hundred and fifty-six consecutive CLI patients were analyzed for APC-ratio, the Factor V Leiden mutation and inflammatory mediators and then prospect

Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Spin Chain of a Few Cold Atoms in a One-Dimensional Trap.

We report on the deterministic preparation of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chains consisting of up to four fermionic atoms in a one-dimensional trap. These chains are stabilized by strong repulsive interactions between the two spin components without the need for an external periodic potential. We independently characterize the spin configuration of the chains by measuring the spin orientatio

International stock market interdependence: Are developing markets the same as developed markets?

This paper uses a dynamic panel-data gravity model to explain the correlations between 40 markets from 1996 to 2010 using four types of market linkages: information capacity, financial integration, economic integration, and similarity in industrial structure. The mechanism of interdependence of developed markets and that of developing markets are heterogeneous: (1) information capacity and industr

Current status and recommendations for use of the frozen elephant trunk technique: a position paper by the Vascular Domain of EACTS†.

The implementation of new surgical techniques offers chances but carries risks. Usually, several years pass before a critical appraisal and a balanced opinion of a new treatment method are available and rely on the evidence from the literature and expert's opinion. The frozen elephant trunk (FET) technique has been increasingly used to treat complex pathologies of the aortic arch and the descendin

Seasonal contribution of terrestrial organic matter and biological oxygen demand to the Baltic Sea from three contrasting river catchments

To examine the potential influence of terrestrially derived DOM on the Baltic Sea, a year-long study of dissolved organic matter (DOM) was performed in three river catchments in Sweden. One catchment drains into the Bothnian Sea, while two southern catchments drain into the Baltic proper. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were positively correlated with discharge from forested catchmen

Systematics of Pipizini and taxonomy of European Pipiza Fallen: molecular and morphological evidence (Diptera, Syrphidae)

Vuji, A., Stahls, G., Aanski, J., Bartsch, H., Bygebjerg, R. & Stefanovi, A. (2013). Systematics of Pipizini and taxonomy of European Pipiza Fallen: molecular and morphological evidence (Diptera, Syrphidae). Zoologica Scripta, 42, 288305. In the present work the monophyly and molecular phylogenetic relationships of the genera of tribe Pipizini (Syrphidae) were investigated based on mitochondri

Legitimacy and reputation in the institutional field of food safety: A public relations case study.

The overall objective of this study is to examine how the institutional context of food safety affects and is affected by concerns for legitimacy and reputation. The paper employs a neo-institutional approach to analyzing the institutional field of food safety in a case study of a multinational food service provider where a tension between conflicting institutional logics implied a reputational ch

Einstein@Home all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in LIGO S5 data

This paper presents results of an all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the frequency range [50, 1190] Hz and with frequency derivative range of similar to[-20, 1.1] x 10(-10) Hz s(-1) for the fifth LIGO science run (S5). The search uses a noncoherent Hough-transform method to combine the information from coherent searches on time scales of about one day. Because these searches are ve

Associations of invasive alien species and other threats to IUCN Red List species (Chordata: vertebrates)

Apart from acting synergistically or additively, threats to species may be associated or disassociated. Here we link global data on threatened Chordata species, mainly birds, mammals, and amphibians, with a probabilistic methodology to test whether the impact from invasive alien species co-occurs purely randomly, associated, or disassociated with impact from nine other major threats to biodiversit

Pore size assessment based on wall collision broadening of spectral lines of confined gas: experiments on strongly scattering nanoporous ceramics with fine-tuned pore sizes

Wall collision broadening of absorption lines of gases confined in porous media is a recently opened domain of high-resolution spectroscopy. Here, we present an experimental investigation of its application for pore size assessment. We report on the manufacturing of nanoporous zirconia ceramics with well-defined pore sizes fine-tuned from 50 to 150 nm. The resulting pore structure is characterized

An optogenetic approach in epilepsy.

Optogenetic tools comprise a variety of different light-sensitive proteins from single-cell organisms that can be expressed in mammalian neurons and effectively control their excitability. Two main classes of optogenetic tools allow to either depolarize or hyperpolarize, and respectively generate or inhibit action potentials in selective populations of neurons. This opens unprecedented possibiliti

Positive intergenic feedback circuitry, involving EBF1 and FOXO1, orchestrates B-cell fate

Recent studies have identified a number of transcriptional regulators, including E2A, early B-cell factor 1 (EBF1), FOXO1, and paired box gene 5 (PAX5), that promote early B-cell development. However, how this ensemble of regulators mechanistically promotes B-cell fate remains poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that B-cell development in FOXO1-deficient mice is arrested in the common lymphoid

Performing work: The drama of everyday working life

Abstract in UndeterminedIn this article, a perspective on work time patterns is outlined; a perspective that emphasizes the importance of observing how work time is subject not only to task and contract agreements but also to social norms and individual needs to express identity. The article takes its starting point in Goffman’s dramaturgic approach. From this perspective, the workplace is viewed

Dietary intake of iron, heme-iron and magnesium and pancreatic cancer risk in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition cohort

Several studies support a protective effect of dietary magnesium against type 2 diabetes, but a harmful effect for iron. As diabetes has been linked to pancreatic cancer, intake of these nutrients may be also associated with this cancer. We examined the association between dietary intake of magnesium, total iron and heme-iron and pancreatic cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation int