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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Bone mineral density and incidence of hip fracture in Swedish urban and rural women 1987-2002.

Background and purpose Although the incidence of hip fracture during the past 50 years has increased, a break in this trend has been reported in the last decade. Whether this change is attributable to changes in bone mineral density (BMD) or whether it varies between urban and rural regions is unknown. Methods We evaluated changes in annual hip fracture incidence in women aged >/= 50 years in one

Rasch analysis of an instrument for measuring occupational value: Implications for theory and practice.

This study investigated psychometric properties of an instrument for assessing perceived occupational value, the 26-item OVal-pd. Data from 225 Swedish subjects with and without known mental illness were analysed regarding fit to the Rasch measurement model (partial credit model), differential item functioning (DIF), and functioning of the OVal-pd four-category response scale. The reliability (ind

Personality traits and general intelligence as predictors of academic performance: A structural equation modelling approach

The aim of the present study was to investigate the extent to which personality traits, after controlling for general intelligence, predict academic performance in different school subjects. Upper secondary school students in Sweden (N=315) completed the Wonderlic IQ test (Wonderlic, 1992) and the IPIP-NEO-PI test (Goldberg, 1999). A series of hierarchical structural equation models showed that ge

Clinical Profiles Predict Early Nonadherence to Adjuvant Endocrine Treatment in a Prospective Breast Cancer Cohort

Nonadherence to adjuvant endocrine breast cancer treatment adversely affects disease-free and overall survival. Clinical predictors of nonadherence may allow for specific interventions to reduce nonadherence and improve survival. The aim was to investigate whether clinical characteristics predict nonadherence. Clinical characteristics and information on adherence were obtained from 417 patients wi

Laggards as Innovators? Old Users as Designers of New Services & Service Systems.

Involving users in the design process is increasingly discussed as the quickest and most reliable way to capture the needs of users and consumers. In parallel, the fastest growing population segment in Asia and the West is older people. This article asks whether their involvement in the design process could accelerate a growing service market and if so, how? It addresses a knowledge gap that const

Prediction of IOI-HA Scores Using Speech Reception Thresholds and Speech Discrimination Scores in Quiet.

Background: Outcome measures can be used to improve the quality of the rehabilitation by identifying and understanding which variables influence the outcome. This information can be used to improve outcomes for clients. In clinical practice, pure-tone audiometry, speech reception thresholds (SRTs), and speech discrimination scores (SDSs) in quiet or in noise are common assessments made prior to he

Whole-genome sequencing identifies EN1 as a determinant of bone density and fracture.

The extent to which low-frequency (minor allele frequency (MAF) between 1-5%) and rare (MAF ≤ 1%) variants contribute to complex traits and disease in the general population is mainly unknown. Bone mineral density (BMD) is highly heritable, a major predictor of osteoporotic fractures, and has been previously associated with common genetic variants, as well as rare, population-specific, coding vari

Belling the cat: Eli F. Heckscher on the gold standard as a discipline device

Unlike Knut Wicksell, Eli Heckscher did not believe the time had arrived for “managed money” to replace the gold standard after World War I. The war had shown that only a gold standard could bind the central bank to a time-consistent policy with reasonable price stability. Heckscher likened the problem of reinstating the gold standard to “Belling the cat” in Aesop’s fable. When the international g

Block selective grafting of poly(vinylphosphonic acid) from aromatic multiblock copolymers for nanostructured electrolyte membranes

Alternating aromatic multiblock copolymers have been structurally designed to enable selective lithiation and subsequent anionic graft polymerization from only one of the two block types. The multiblock copolymers were prepared by coupling polyfluoroether (PFE) and polysulfone (PSU) precursor blocks under mild conditions. The judicious combination of blocks allowed for block selective lithiation o

Stochastic bankruptcy games

We study bankruptcy problems where the estate and the claims have stochastic values and we allow these values to be correlated. We associate a transferable utility game with uncertainty to a stochastic bankruptcy problem and use the Weak Sequential Core as a solution concept for such games. We test the stability of a number of well known division rules in this stochastic setting and find that all

The Asymptotic Distribution of the CADF Unit Root Test in the Presence of Heterogeneous AR(p) Errors

The CADF test of Pesaran (A Simple Panel Unit Root Test in Presence of Cross-Section Dependence, Journal of Applied Econometrics 22, 265–312, 2007) are among the most popular univariate tests for cross-section correlated panels around. Yet, the existing asymptotic analysis of this test statistic is limited to a model in which the errors are assumed to follow a simple AR(1) structure with homogenou

Functional analysis of the Bunyamwera orthobunyavirus Gc glycoprotein.

The virion glycoproteins Gn and Gc of Bunyamwera orthobunyavirus (family Bunyaviridae) are encoded by the M RNA genome segment and have roles in both viral attachment and membrane fusion. To investigate further the structure and function of the Gc protein in viral replication, we generated 12 mutants that contain truncations from the N terminus. The effects of these deletions were analysed with re

Development and quality analysis of the Salutogenic Health Indicator Scale (SHIS).

BACKGROUND: Current health measurement instruments tend to measure aspects of ill-health rather than health in general. There is a need for a salutogenic perspective when describing health and developing a health measurement instrument. The aim of this article is to present the development process and quality assessment of a salutogenic health indicator scale. METHODS: A description of health, ema

Hydroxide ion concentration at an interface between concrete and a self-levelling flooring compound

This article presents results from measurements of hydroxide ion transport between a concrete and a floor screed of a lower alkalinity than the concrete. As many floor coverings and floor adhesives are sensitive to high alkaline conditions it is important to know how hydroxide ions are transported to be able to evaluate the long-term function of floor constructions. It was found that only minor tr