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Intraventricular Infusion of TrkB-Fc Fusion Protein Promotes Ischemia-Induced Neurogenesis in Adult Rat Dentate Gyrus.

Background and Purpose-We have previously shown that delivery of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) through direct intrahippocampal gene transduction with a viral vector suppresses the formation of new dentate granule cells triggered by global forebrain ischemia. Here, we investigated whether inhibition of endogenous BDNF alters ischemia-induced neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. Methods-Rat

Ett tonalt välordnat samhälle eller anarki? : estetiska och sociala aspekter på svensk konstmusik 1945-1960

The period between 1945 and 1960 is in many ways interesting. It is a period in Sweden, which is characterized by modernity. It is also an interesting period in Swedish musical life concerning art music. Modern music (i.e., atonal and twelve-tone music) has always faced a resistance, which has come from the public, the academics, social prejudices, or the critics. During the 1940s and 50s, modern

Surface Properties of Antigen-Antibody Complexes

In this paper, the authors show that liquid-liquid partition chromatography in an aqueous two-phase system offers unique possibilities of comparing the overall surface properties of intact antibodies in solution before and after binding of antigen. The authors demonstrate that the surface properties of antigen-antibody complexes are dependent on the variable regions of the antibodies, the nature o

Improved removal of anti-A and anti-B antibodies from plasma using blood-group-active haptens

Highly efficient anti-blood group A and B immunoadsorbents for extracorporeal treatment were developed by immobilizing A and B trisaccharide and A tetrasaccharide haptens on Sepharose 4FF and Fractogel TSK using three different methods. The adsorption of the IgG and IgM anti-A antibodies was essentially the same regardless of the A hapten used or the method of oligosaccharide coupling. The adsorpt

Patient flows in the care process of mandibular third molar surgery

Our aim was to describe patient flows in mandibular third molar surgery at ora I and maxillofacial specialist units. Our hypothesis was that there are variations in how care is delivered and that the variations could be explained by inter-individual variations in surgeons' practice,the quality of the radiographs appended to the referral, and the staffing of the specialist units. A flow chart was c

No evidence of genetic differentiation between lesser redpolls Carduelis flammea cabaret and common redpolls Carduelis f. flammea.

The remarkable variation in plumage and morphological characters in the redpoll complex Carduelis flammea-hornemanni has puzzled taxonomists for several decades. In contrast, molecular studies have not revealed any genetic differentiation among the phenotypic redpoll forms. This could either be a result of high present-day gene flow or morphological differentiation following a rapid and recent pop

Den första månaden efter förlossningen. Kvinnor och män som föräldrar efter barnets födelse

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur många föräldrar som efter förlossningen önskade kontinuitet mellan graviditet och nyföddhetsperiod genom ett hembesök av den barnmorska som man lärt känna under graviditeten, hur dessa kvinnor och män formulerade sina erfarenheter och behov, om de skilde sig från föräldrar som inte önskade hembesök och om resultatet kunde ge synpunkter på en individualiserad hä

Genomic deletions and precise removal of transposable elements mediated by short identical DNA segments in primates

Insertion of transposable elements is a major cause of genomic expansion in eukaryotes. Less is understood, however, about mechanisms underlying contraction of genomes. In this study, we show that retroelements can, in rare cases, be precisely deleted from primate genomes, most likely via recombination between 10- to 20-bp target site duplications (TSDs) flanking the retroelement. The deleted loci

Pollen analysis, chronology and palaeomagnetism of three Late Weichselian sites in southern Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Pollenanalys, kronologi och paleomagnetism på tre senglaciala lokaler i södra Sverige Senglaciala sjösediment (d.v.s. avsatta under slutet av den senaste istiden) från tre bassänger i södra Sverige, Torreberga i Skåne, Farslycke i Blekinge och Bolmen i Småland, har studerats med avseende på pollensammansättning och paleomagnetism. Åldersbestämning och tidsjämförelser bThree sites, Torreberga in Skåne, Farslycke in Blekinge and Lake Bolmen in Småland, with Late Weichselian lake sediments were studied with respect to pollen analysis and palaeomagnetism. The chronologies are based on pollen stratigraphical correlations, radiocarbon dating and, for two of the sites, on a clay-varve chronology. The stratigraphies were correlated to the GRIP event stratigraphy and th

A simplified computational kernel for trellis-based decoding

A simplified branch metric and add-compare-select (ACS) unit is presented for use in trellis-based decoding architectures. The simplification is based on a complementary property of best feedforward and some systematic feedback encoders. As a result, one adder is saved in every other ACS unit. Furthermore, only half the branch metrics have to be calculated. It is shown that this simplification bec

Recovery and Rehabilitation in Stroke. Stem Cells.

The recent demostration that neurons for transplantation can be generated from stem cells and that the adult brain produces new neurons in response to stroke has raised hope for the development of a stem cell therapy for patients affected with this disorder. In this review we propose a road map to the clinic and describe the different scientific tasks that need to be accomplished to move stem cell

A 50-year perspective of a family with chromosome 14-linked Alzheimer’s disease

A Swedish family with two generations suffering from presenile dementia with an unusually severe Alzheimer encephalopathy was first reported in 1946. The hypothesis that the disease was inherited through a dominant gene is strongly supported by the follow-up 50years later of three additional generations and molecular genetic findings of a novel presenilin-1 gene mutation in the family. The pedigre

The Nordic model of marriage

Between 1909 and 1929, the Marriage Acts were thoroughly reformed in all Nordic countries. These laws enhanced women's individual rights and ended a husband's legal power over his wife. Gender equality-though admittedly based on gender difference-emerged earlier in the Nordic countries than elsewhere in Europe. Secondly, the formation of marriage was reformed. Relationships by blood and marriage w