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Once Upon a Time in Quantum Computing: A Grounded Theory Study on Hardware Purchasing

Quantum computing is a potentially disruptive field, and a significant amount of resources are invested in technology advancements. The business-related research, however, is a relatively unexplored area. This master’s thesis explores the key factors that buyers consider when purchasing quantum computing hardware, the perception towards start-ups versus established quantum computing companies, and

Existentiell hälsa, Teori och användning i dagens svenska samhälle

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera begreppet existentiell hälsa ur ett antropologiskt, teoretiskt och genealogiskt perspektiv. Hur förstås och används begreppet i den svenska kontexten, i till exempel tidningar, studiegrupper etc. Uppsatsen innehåller dessutom en begränsad intervjustudie om hur några individer i olika åldrar, situationer och med olika utbildningar förstår begreppet existentiell hThe purpose of this thesis is to study the concept of existentiel helth (Swedish: Existentiell hälsa) from an anthropological, theoretical and genealogical perspective, including when and where the concept came to be in Sweden. I will also investigate how understood and used the concept is in today´s Swedish society, through both litterature review and in-depth interviews. The main research questi

Wealthy and Healthy? An Exploration of the Relationship between Pension Income, Healthcare Expenditure and the Health Status of the Elderly – A Study on Hungary

This paper examines the relationship between pension income and health consumption expenditure on the household level with a supporting analysis of the realtionship between individual pension income and health status. A relationship that becomes increasingly as health expenditures increase with ageing populations and changing pension systems. Using individual and household data from Hungary in 5 y

Knowing how : Estate Management, Practical Knowledge, and Agency among Aristocratic Women in Early Modern Sweden

In the seventeenth Century, Swedish aristocratic women successfully acted as managers of landed estates, mills and iron works, and exerted agency in politics. Making qualified decisions and overseeing complex enterprises, their actions in many ways contradicted the prevailing patriarchal ideology. While explanations for this agency have stressed several intersecting factors, the role of learning a

Mormor lagar filten, och filten värmer mormor: Ett arbete som genom hemslöjd undersöker hur vi kan visa mer omsorg för och med arkitektur

Varför är det viktigt att skapa arkitektur med utgångspunkt i kärlek? Vad innebär det att värdera arkitektur utifrån ett icke-mänskligt perspektiv? Och hur kan hemslöjd lära oss att förhålla oss till vår värld med mer omsorg? Det här examensarbetet undersöker hur vi kan visa mer omsorg för och med arkitektur och argumenterar för att care, eller omsorg, behöver integreras som en självklar del i prWhy is it important to create architecture on the basis of love? What does it mean to value architecture from a non-human perspective? And how can handicraft (hemslöjd) make us relate to our world with more care? This degree project examines how we can show more care towards and through architecture, and argues that care needs to be integrated as an evident part of architecture practice. Through

Towards virtual histology with X-ray grating interferometry

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide. Diagnosing breast cancer relies on clinical examination, imaging and biopsy. A core-needle biopsy enables a morphological and biochemical characterization of the cancer and is considered the gold standard for breast cancer diagnosis. A histopathological examination uses high-resolution microscopes with outstanding contrast in the 2D plane,

Growing Up in the City: Enhancing Safety and Liveability for Children in Established Urban Areas

This thesis explores various aspects of urban design and societal factors that contribute to creating child-friendly environments. The study begins by examining child-friendly design, emphasizing the significance of considering children’s needs in urban planning. Following this, a city-wide analysis of Reykjavík is conducted, exploring the swimming pool culture, the preschool and school system, an

What´s wrong with creativity

In this essay we put forward a critique of the prevailing orthodoxy of creativity and innovation which are rarely fundamentally questioned neither in science nor in public discourse. We urge to reconsider contemporary purposes and consequences of what we call instrumental and humanist conceptions of creativity and innovation. Based on our critique we speak out to transcend reified notions of creat

"Vi är inte bara fritidsledare, vi är allt" - Fritidsverksamhetens betydelse för det brottsförebyggande arbetet.

This study investigated how Swedish youth recreational centers can work in crime prevention. According to the NOA-group, The study is based on semi-structured interviews conducted with people who have worked or worked at youth recreational centers in areas that are classified as vulnerable areas (Nationella operativa avdelningen). We have analyzed the interviews using Hirschi's social bond the

"Det är alltid svårt att börja rota i en tajmingfråga". En kvalitativ studie om lärares strategier kring feedback gällande sväng och tajming i ensemble

Inspirationen till denna uppsats grundar sig i vår nyfikenhet om vad lärare har för tankar och strategier när det gäller feedback om sväng och tajming i ensemble. Syftet med studien är att undersöka ensemblelärares pedagogiska och metodiska tillvägagångssätt när de ger feedback gällande sväng och tajming i ensemble. Våra forskningsfrågor består av följande frågeställningar: vilka begrepp och metodThe inspiration for this essay is based on our curiosity about what thoughts and strategies teachers have when it comes to feedback on groove and timing in ensemble. The purpose of the study is to investigate the pedagogical and methodological approach of ensemble teachers when they give feedback regarding groove and timing in ensemble. Our research questions consist of the following questions: wh

Podcast: Youth Trajectories in Conflict with Sarah Anne Rennick

Sarah Anne Rennick is Deputy Director at the Arab Reform Initiative. In this episode, she discusses how youth navigates conflict, and how it affects their whole lives. She uses on-ground surveys from the Middle East region. More information about the issue can be found in her paper here:

Bristande delaktighet, information och respekt: en explorativ studie om patienters upplevda autonomi inom vuxenpsykiatrin

Autonomins roll i vården är svårbegriplig och varken patient eller vårdgivare har en tydlig uppfattning av begreppet. Detta resulterar i att patienters rättigheter regelbundet överträds vilket förhindrar tillfrisknandet och riskerar att vidare skada patienter. Syftet med denna explorativa studie var att undersöka och analysera anmälares (patienter och anhöriga) upplevelser av kränkningar inom den The role of autonomy in healthcare is unclear, and neither patients nor healthcare providers have a clear understanding of the concept. This results inpatients' rights being violated regularly, which hinders recovery and risks further harming patients. The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate and analyze the reporters’ (patients and relatives) experiences of violations within t

Expanding freedoms and improving commons through labour: A study of Kerala’s Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme

India faces an urban unemployment crisis and a crisis of declining life quality in urban spaces due to a lack of public services and the stress on urban commons. An urban employment guarantee scheme, such as Kerala’s Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme (AUEGS), has the potential to address this twin crisis. Although well envisioned, AUEGS has underperformed since its inception, warranting

Tvärprofessionellt teamarbete inom den skolsociala jurisdiktionen - En kvantitativ studie om den skolkurativa professionen utifrån platsannonser

Cross-professional teamwork has, according to prior studies, especially within human service organizations, shown to be a recurring theme, seemingly with the aim to provide a holistic approach to clients. Within school social work, such approaches are found to accommodate school pupils' complex problems that often go beyond one singular professional’s knowledge base. Furthermore, social polici