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Mixing Time for the Dead Sea Based on Water and Salt Mass Balances
Water and salt mass balances for the Dead Sea were modeled to consider different possible methods for maintaining its water level and water volume. In the models, precipitation, evaporation, rivers, ground water, input/output from potash companies and salt production, and brine discharge were included. The mixing time in the Dead Sea was modeled by a 1) single-layer (well-mixed) system, and a 2) t
'It's just a name?' Young people in Canada and Germany discuss 'national' belonging'
Both Canada and Germany are multi-cultural societies, but with different approaches to this reality. In this chapter, I explore the question of how young people understand and define their social positions, and how much the process is influenced by the societies they live in. I use material from a qualitative research project in one German and one Canadian secondary school. Young people with and w
Introduction pathway and climate trump ecology and life history as predictors of establishment success in alien amphibians
A major goal for ecology and evolution is to understand how abiotic and biotic factors shape patterns of biological diversity. Here, we show that variation in establishment success of nonnative frogs and toads is primarily explained by variation in introduction pathways and climatic similarity between the native range and introduction locality, with minor contributions from phylogeny, species ecol
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Neutralitet i juridisk forskning
Palynodinium minus sp. nov. : a new dinoflagellate from the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in New Zealand
This is the first record of a representative of the organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst genus Palynodinium from the New Zealand region. Previously, Palynodinium grallator has been reported from two sites in offshore Tasmania during Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 189. The new species Palynodinium minus is found consistently in latest Maastrichtian? and earliest Danian strata (latest Haumurianeearliest
Entreprenadrättsliga felpåföljder
Case Study Research in Software Engineering – Guidelines and Examples
Coherent Phonon Control
Trains of ultrashort laser pulses have been used to generate and to coherently control acoustic phonons in bulk InSb. The coherent acoustic phonons have been probed via time-resolved x-ray diffraction. The authors show that phonons of a particular frequency can either be enhanced or canceled. They have carried out simulations to understand the size of the effects and the levels of cancellation. (c
Videokonferensundervisning - pedagogik eller teknik?
Fysisk miljö i särskilda boenden för personer med psykiska funktionshinder. En litteraturgenomgång
Cognitive reappraisal and acceptance: an experimental comparison of two emotion regulation strategies
The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of cognitive reappraisal and acceptance on subjective distress, physiological reactions and behavioral avoidance in relation to aversive emotional states elicited by film-clips. Ninety-four participants were randomized to one of three groups. The Reappraisal group was instructed to think about what they saw in a way that minimized negative
Human perception of sound from wind turbines
Regional Innovation Systems and the Globalising World Economy
Innovation och regional omvandling. Från Skånska kluster till nya kombinationer.
Gud och evolutionen
Analyticity - An Unfinished Business in Possible World Semantics
The goal of this paper is to consider how the notion of analyticity can be dealt with in model-theoretical terms. The standard approach to possible-world semantics allows us to define logical truth and necessity, but analyticity is considerably more difficult to account for.