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Karakteristika för patienter som söker akutsjukvård vilka vid triage bedöms vara icke akuta. Litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: I Sverige söker ca 2,5 miljoner människor akutsjukvård årligen, trenden är en ökande belast- ning på akutsjukvården. Patienter som söker akutsjukvård trots att vårdbehovet inte är akut är ett problem för både akutsjukvården och patienten. Syfte: Sammanställa gemensamma karakteristika hos de patienter som söker akutsjukvård men vid triage bedöms vara icke akut skadade eller sjuka. Metod:L

Advancing Identities with YouTube

This thesis explores the ways in which the social media channel of YouTube is utilized in advancing consumer identity projects. Specifically, the focus is on understanding how the videos of successful and popular YouTubers help consumers in pursuing their identity projects. This thesis will therefore provide new insights to the existing literature on symbolic consumption and identity projects, by

Performance Persistence in the Swedish Fund Market

In this study, the performance persistence in the Swedish mutual fund market is investigated. The performance is measured by two different ratios. The ratios that we use are the Sharpe Ratio and the Reward-to-VaR ratio which are both measuring risk-adjusted returns. When the performance persistence is tested there are several periods of significant performance persistence. The proportion of period

Intranät 2.0 i IT-konsultbolag

För IT-konsulter, som spenderar mycket tid ute hos kund, är känslan av organisationstillhörighet inte självklar. Denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka hur en IT-konsult, som spenderar mycket tid ute hos kund, upplever att intranätets sociala funktioner kan främja organisationstillhörigheten den känner gentemot sitt konsultbolag. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats för att få en ökad förståels

Reframing Rehabilitation of Sex Trafficked Victims from the Survivors' Point of View

There is little research on the rehabilitation of sex trafficked persons as it is conceptualized, articulated, and implemented in dominant anti-trafficking discourse and subsequent mainstream praxis. This research aims to remedy this through a qualitative case study of Kolkata Sanved and their alternative rehabilitation process of Dance Movement Therapy (DMT). The research is situated in the criti

An examination of housing segregation in Malmö, Sweden: the roles and responsibilities of different actors in finding solutions.

Spatial segregation and unequal access to housing has been recognized as a problem in Sweden for the past several decades. The increasing influence of neoliberal policies on the Swedish housing market has made segregation and social disparities a challenging obstacle in the development of Malmö. This has characterized a shift in the traditional system of the Swedish welfare state. Through a qualit

Development of a program for building an atomic model of covalently bound polymer coating on a nanoparticle

Coating nanoparticles with polymers in medical applications has been extensively employed to prevent unspecific interaction with proteins and the immune system and to enhance their circulation time in the blood. The interaction between polymer chains affects the preferred conformational structure of the coating and is an important factor to understand for specific applications. In spite of this, t

Power Relations Between States and Trans-National Economic Institutions: A Case Study of the CFA Franc

The CFA Franc – which stands for Communauté Financiaire Africaine – refers to the West African CFA franc and the Central African CFA franc, two currencies that, although separate, are in practice interchangeable and have a fixed exchange rate to the euro. The CFA franc is used in 14 countries, 12 of which are former French colonies. The currency has been criticized for its impact on the economic s

Alla familjers bibliotek? En fallstudie kring hur folkbiblioteken i Malmö stad görs tillgängliga för spädbarn med flerspråkiga familjer

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate how the public libraries in the city of Malmö in Sweden, work with and towards babies under the age of one and their parents, with a specific focus on multilingual families. We also aim to investigate the awareness amongst the librarians in their meeting with this group. For this we use critical theory and an intersectional perspective using mainly t

Är fallskydd och multiplaner en källa till mikroplaster?

Fallskydd och multiplaner i Lomma släpper ut mikroplaster i Höje å! Ungefär var tionde lekplats i Lomma har en gummibaserad yta som släpper ifrån sig mikroplast. Vid en noggrannare undersökning av en skolgård upptäcktes att mikroplaster därifrån hamnat i ett närliggande vattendrag, Höje å, via dagvattenrören. Mikroplaster är ett problem som fått allt större uppmärksamhet den senaste tiden. FiskarMicroplastics have detrimental effects in marine, fresh water and terrestrial environments and is a pollution of growing concern worldwide. Microplastics originates from many different sources, e.g. from rubber granulates used in artificial turfs. In a recent study, artificial turfs (football fields) were identified as the second largest source of microplastics in Sweden (tyre wear being the large

What is a Food Bank?: A cultural analytical exploration of the paradoxes and potentials of stakeholder definitions and interrelations

Summer 2018 I worked with a recycling coalition in the United States to investigate food waste as a topic essential in promoting environmental sustainability. We banded together with QFB, a large food bank, to focus on the problem of food waste in their food rescue process. During my time at QFB I noticed paradoxes between the practices and words of different stakeholders in the QFB system: most s

'Schools need to adjust themselves toward the kid, not the kid adjusting themselves to the schools' - A social justice and capability approach exploring inclusion of dyslexic students and quality in primary education in Uganda.

The paper explores inclusion of dyslexic children in Uganda’s primary education system and aims to provide qualitative evidence on barriers and challenges impacting their educational attainments and social inclusion. The paper firstly examines scholarly research on dyslexia and inclusive education and establishes demographic patterns and development trends of inclusive primary education in Uganda.

Från Balkan till Bryssel

In terms of EU-accession, the seven countries that used to constitute the republic of Yugoslavia have developed very differently. While Slovenia was one of the countries absorbed during the EU:s eastward expansion of 2004 the other states have struggled in their EU-accession, Croatia being the only state to obtain full membership besides Slovenia. The purpose of this study is to shed a light on th

The multiplicity and coherence of us

This thesis sets out to investigate the affective dynamics of doing community in response to terror by taking as a site of inquiry the attack in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2017. It studies how emotive expressions of multicultural openness could operate at the same time as heightened security measures were perceived as legitimate. By departing from the literature on responses to terrorism, it explores a

Landsbygden – För vem och på vems villkor? En komparativ fallstudie av norsk och svensk landsbygdspolitik

While the Swedish rural countryside has seen a decline in economic activity and population due to demographic changes and cutbacks in welfare services the Norwegian rural areas has not undergone the same decline. This essay seeks to compare two political documents, one from each country, in the belief that not only policy, but also the views on the rural areas, peripheries, and their purpose influ

The first step to meeting the Paris Agreement? An analysis of Ireland’s fossil fuel divestment

This paper analyzes the policy process that resulted in Ireland becoming the first country in the world to divest its public funds from fossil fuels. Against a background of being a climate laggard, the Irish case presents an interesting outcome of introducing a novel measure to address climate change. By drawing on an extended version of the Multiple Streams framework encompassing both the stages

Parkeringspolicy för hållbar urban mobilitet - Planerarens roll i parkeringspolicyns utveckling, en fallstudie av Malmö stad

Parking is an essential part of the current transportation system and the infrastructure developed for the use of private cars. Parking policy has preserved unsustainable mobility patterns by providing excessive amounts of parking. This makes it an interest of urban planners to ensure that new parking policy facilitates for a sustainability transition in urban mobility. The aim of this thesis is

Memory Efficient Semantic Segmentation for Embedded Systems

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have made rapid progress in the last years and in fields, such as computer vision, they are considered state-of-the-art. However, CNNs are very computationally intensive. This makes them challenging to use in embedded devices such as smartphones, security cameras and cars. This thesis investigates different neural network compression techniques to see which wi

Simulation of Colorless Distributed Combustion

Colorless distributed combustion (CDC) is a promising novel technology to reduce emissions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides in gas turbine combustors. CDC features a different flame regime than conventional gas turbine combustors, associated with a distributed reaction zone and low and uniform temperatures due to dilution of combustion air with exhaust gases. In this thesis, an attempt has b

Impact of Lean Six Sigma on Sustainability: Relationships and framework for their integration.

Problem definition Nowadays society is very concerned with sustainability. Companies try their best to meet sustainability customers’ expectations and regulations. The adoption of Lean and Six Sigma could bring sustainability improvements, but it is not clear how these three areas are combined and how they are currently addressed by companies. Purpose Explore the relationship between Lean, Six Sig