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A microfluidic toolbox to fabricate, sort and characterize thermoresponsive colloidal molecules and their assemblies

In this thesis we discuss the assembly of thermoresponsive microgel particles into small clusters, and their use as colloidal molecules with specific and directional interactions. The underlying goal is to use these particles as advanced building blocks for new types of self- assembled structures with novel or vastly improved properties, and as model particles for investigating fundamental problemIn this thesis we discuss the assembly of thermoresponsive microgel particles into small clusters, and their use as colloidal molecules with specific and directional interactions. The underlying goal is to use these particles as advanced building blocks for new types of self- assembled structures with novel or vastly improved properties, and as model particles for investigating fundamental problem

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Лише останніми роками інтелектуальна історія євгеніки в Східній Європі стала предметом систематичного академічного дослідження. Проте євгенічна думка в міжвоєнній українській радикально-націоналістичній традиції залишається історіографічною terra incognito. Ця стаття — перша спроба дослідження євгеніки й расової антропології в українській націоналістичній думці 1930—1960-х років. Яку роль відіграв

Characterization and modeling of acousto-optic signal strengths in highly scattering media

Ultrasound optical tomography (UOT) is an imaging technique based on the acousto-optic effect that can perform optical imaging with ultrasound resolution inside turbid media, and is thus interesting for biomedical applications, e.g. for assessing tissue blood oxygenation. In this paper, we present near background free measurements of UOT signal strengths using slow light filter signal detection. W

Self-adaptation of software using automatically generated control-theoretical solutions

Control theory has contributed a set of foundational techniques to handle "change" at runtime in software applications. These techniques however have fundamental limitations as well: (i) they require the development and understanding of mathematical models; (ii) synthesizing solutions is often done on a per-problem basis, discouraging flexibility and generality. Software engineering, as a discipli

A meta-analysis of the efficacy of HAART on HIV transmission and its impact on sexual risk behaviours among men who have sex with men

Evidence showed preventive impacts of the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) transmission amomg heterosexual population, however, that is of deficit among men who have sex with men (MSM). The aim was to systematically examine the efficacy of HAART on HIV transmission and the association between the HAART initiation and unprotected anal intercours

Structures of inverse jet flames stabilized on a coaxial burner

In this study we investigate different parameters used for mapping global flame structures and identify the most universal in terms of comparing flames emerging from different geometrical burner arrangements. Simultaneously the study was carried out to determine the discharge conditions yielding the blue flame of a high degree of partial premixing, and to examine the instantaneous local flame stru


Background:Commonly used islet transplantation protocols experiencesignificant islet injury and graft loss; therefore new methods to support thelong-term benefits of this treatment are needed. Recent studies have shownthat non-endothelial bone marrow-derived multipotent adult progenitor cells(MAPC) possess significant immune-modulating abilities and can secreteangiogenic molecules, which could mak

Editorial: Making Space for Hope : Exploring its Ethical, Activist and Methodological Implications

This volume is a special issue with contributions that stem from the collaborations of the 2018 AESOP PhD workshop, held 5-8 July at Tjärö island, Sweden. The overarching aim of the workshop was to establish inclusive spaces for dialogue and collaboration between PhD students across countries and continents on issues that pertained to the AESOP’s 2018 congress theme “Making space for hope”. Furthe

Temperature control strategy for polymer electrolyte fuel cells

A polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) is an electrochemical device that converts chemical energy directly to electrical energy, and its performance greatly depends on its operating temperature. Therefore, in this paper, a novel thermodynamic PEFC model with the airflow cooling method is firstly developed for the PEFC system. Then, a novel model predictive control (MPC) controller is designed to c

Materiality, aesthetic gestures and emotional communities : on emotions as artistic medium

Emotions can be physical experiences. They may cause an unpleasant pressure on your shoulders, contract the skin over your collarbones, or make your arms or chest burn. They can fill your body with aggression, cause a pleasant warmth in your abdomen, or obstruct your breathing. This paper discusses emotions as physical and material phenomena—as matter— and the possibility to understand them as an

The Swedish Microchipping Phenomenon

The book is an investigation into why microchipping, despite its many negative connotations in an international context, is so relatively defused in Sweden. The book’s discussion is built around interviews with 15 chipped Swedes, and the Swedish case is studied from three main themes: Surveillance, Science fiction and Transhumanism.