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Production of recombinant PSA and HK2 and analysis of their immunologic cross-reactivity
Measurements of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in serum are widely used to monitor patients with prostate cancer, but the attenuation of the assay response by PSA complexed to protease inhibitors has been shown to affect the results in certain assay designs. Moreover, the human glandular kallikrein-2 (hK2), a kallikrein-like serine protease that is 80% similar to PSA, might interfere with the spe
Nitritation and denitritation in sludge liquor treatment
Popular Abstract in Swedish Övergödningen av Östersjön är fortfarande ett problem. Förhöjda krav på kvävereduktion för de svenska avloppsreningsverken är därför att vänta. Detta innebär i sig ökad energi- och kemikalieförbrukning, vilket rimmar illa med ord som energieffektivisering och resurssnålhet. Biologisk kväverening av en specifik delström på reningsverket har dock potential att minska ytbeEnhanced biological nitrogen removal at municipal wastewater treatment plants is a common procedure to prevent eutrophication in water bodies. Increased load, stricter effluent regulations, and demands for reduced resource and energy consumption present new challenges for the wastewater treatment plants. One option when upgrading a wastewater treatment plant is to treat the sludge liquor produced
National Strategy for Motorcycle Safety in Sweden - The importance of Safety Performance Indicators
Concepts Supporting Reuse of Models
Parentation över Gudmund Borelius
Towards evaluation of performance: Control of preference in physical and virtual sensorimotor integration
A new tomographic technique for absolute measurements of white and gray matter blood flow
Objective. Most methods for measurements of the regional cerebral blood flow are unable to provide absolute blood flow values. Until now interest has been focused on measurement of the gray matter blood flow, while the white matter blood flow has been rather neglected. The aim of the present project was to develop and evaluate an improved method for reliable tomographic measurements of absolute wh
Childbearing History and Post-Reproductive Mortality: A Comparative Analysis of Three Populations in Nineteenth Century Europe
Test of pan and zoom tools in visual and non-visual audio haptic environments
No title
The aim of the article is to highlight how the writer Mihail Sebastian created the evasion in an imaginary realm in the first novel he wrote. The novelist was interested in different ways to dissimulate the belonging to the realness. He aimed at eluding the guide marks of reality through the devise of parallel worlds whose characteristics are accessible and meaningful only to heroes initiated in t
Metageographical distinctions and the production of IR knowledge
Creating an intellectual space for “European” gender studies – organizational strategies and theoretical challenges: A reflection on the ATHENA thematic network 1998 to 2007
Ekonomisk brottslighet och straffrättens allmänna läror – lönar sig brott?
Jurisdiction and applicable law on the Internet
Homogenization of the Maxwell equations at fixed frequency
The homogenization of the Maxwell equations at fixed frequency is addressed in this paper. The bulk (homogenized) electric and magnetic properties of a material with a periodic microstructure are found from the solution of a local problem on the unit cell by suitable averages. The material can be anisotropic, and satisfies a coercivity condition. The exciting field is generated by an incident field fr