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Your search for "*" yielded 531558 hits

Järnvägssektorns avreglering - ökad komplexitet och försvårad krishantering?

The report examines if the deregulation of the railway means increased complexity and obstructed crisis management. This is done by a total of eight interviews where railway companies, Transport Administration and maintenance contractors participated. A literature search in the area of complexity theory and systems thinking was conducted. With help from this literature the answers from the intervi

Development of a novel combined fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopy system for guiding high-grade glioma resections

Total resection of glioblastoma multiform (GBM), the most common and aggressive malignant brain tumor, continues to be a challenge. Achieving complete resection is limited by difficulty in intraoperative discrimination between normal and residual tumor cells. This project contributes to the development and evaluation of a fiber-optical based fluorescence/reflectance spectroscopy system as an intra

Ready or Not? A Case Study of Brazilian Teachers Trained in Sexuality Education

Research indicates that sexuality education may lower the rate of STIs and unplanned pregnancies among youth. Experts also agree that schools are the ideal place to implement sexuality education and that teachers should play a central role in school-based sexuality education. The purpose of this study is therefore to generate new perspectives on teachers’ implementation of sexuality education by e

Key Success Factors of Academic Spin-off Companies in Lund

There is a considerable amount of research and literature about success factors of academic spin-offs in general. Some sources describe academic spin-offs in Sweden, which is one of the most innovative societies in the world. More specific sources address certain issues such as academic spin-off creation, finance, performance or other factors influencing spin-off success in regions as Gothenburg,

Chefens stöd i relationen till sina medarbetare: en studie kring hur stöd för frontpersonal upplevs genom relationen mellan frontpersonal och deras chefer

Sammanfattning Titel: Chefens stöd i relationen till sina medarbetare: en studie kring hur stöd för frontpersonal upplevs genom relationen mellan frontpersonal och deras chefer Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Kurs: KSKK01, Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15 hp, VT2013 Författare: Sofie Fredriksson & Sara Thorén Han

Metric 3D-reconstruction from Unordered and Uncalibrated Image Collections

In this thesis the problem of Structure from Motion (SfM) for uncalibrated and unordered image collections is considered. The proposed framework is an adaptation of the framework for calibrated SfM proposed by Olsson-Enqvist (2011) to the uncalibrated case. Olsson-Enqvist's framework consists of three main steps; pairwise relative rotation estimation, rotation averaging, and geometry estimati

Nedkopplad: En kvalitativ studie om internet ur ett tidsligt och rumsligt perspektiv

De digitala infödingarna tillhör den population som föddes under den digitala utvecklingen, en population som ständigt är uppkopplad, och som inte skiljer på livet av och på internet. Teknologiska verktyg har blivit en så inkorporerad del av vardagen, att många digitala infödingar förmodligen har svårt att föreställa sig en tillvaro utan tillgång till internet. Tekniska medel är vår ständiga följe

Swedish fear of the Russian bear - A discourse analysis of the debate about the status of the national defence in newspapers in Sweden during spring 2013

By using Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s discourse theory, the debate about military spending and the state of the Swedish national defence is examined. The material used is newspapers in Sweden and the period of interest is December 2012-May 2013. The discourse that is discernible in the debate is deconstructed by exposing the chain of equivalence that establishes meaning within it. The concl

Sunset integrals at finite volume

In this thesis we present a method for the calculation of finite volume corrections to the sunset diagram, for arbitrary masses and powers of the propagators. We also present numerical results showing the dependence of these corrections on the volume, which is an exponential decay for large volumes. The results are of high relevance since they can be used in Chiral Perturbation Theory to asses the

Är förvärv rätt väg att gå?

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida förvärv av publika företag inom energiindustrin på den europeiska marknaden skapar värde för köpande och uppköpta företags aktieägare, och hur detta värde i så fall fördelas mellan dessa. Målet är att testa om det finns ett signifikant samband mellan företagsförvärv och onormal avkastning inom ovan angiven marknad. Vi undersöker även fem olika va

Disciplining the Japanese Body: Gender, Power and Skin Color in Japan

The purpose of this thesis was to explore gender norms, beauty ideals and social practices and the way these become ‘visible’ on the Japanese female body as (re)producing the ideal Japanese femininity and skin color in particular. In order to achieve that, I investigate and identify these norms, the mechanisms that implement them on the body and the attitudes and expression of resistance against t

Estonia’s Changing Trade Patterns with China and Japan from 1993-2012

In this thesis, the focus is on the trade relations between Estonia and selected Asian countries based on their importance, aiming to identify the current trade flows, changes within them over time and the reasons behind these changes. Furthermore, the comparative advantage of Estonia in relation to those countries should be revealed. The main research question is how the trade flows have changed

Pricing of American Options

This thesis investigates the free boundary value problem of pricing American put options written on one underlying asset. In particular, attention is given to nd an accurate approximation of the critical ex- ercise boundary. The problem is approached using radial basis func- tions in the shape of Gaussian densities, and basis functions in the form of European put options. Furthermore, the domain i

Ojämlik behandling och diskriminering inom den svenska sjukvården : en undersökning av bidragande faktorers interaktion

The Swedish health care does not live up to the objective set in the legislation about health care, that every person has the equal right to health care according to need. New reports show that both discrimination and unequal treatment among patients occur within the Swedish health care. This study is confined to include only institutions for treatment of people with physical health problems. Prev

”Try to relax” - A survey study in Sweden among native Swedes and Arabic immigrants concerning views on stuttering

Studies performed in various countries have shown that negative attitudes and beliefs towards stuttering and People Who Stutter (PWS), which can lead to stigmatization, discrimination and social anxiety, are widespread across different societies. It is important that clinicians are aware that patients can meet different attitudes in their daily life, affecting health care seeking behavior and self

"Boys will be boys" : en feministisk kritik av Secretary General’s Bulletin gällande sexual exploitation and abuse i peacekeeping operations

Peacekeepers buying sex entails a complex and specific problem for the UN, it tarnishes the reputation and credibility of the organization and contributes to preserve gender inequality. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Secretary General’s Bulletin regarding sexual exploitation and abuse using a feminist perspective to find out the UN’s view on women and prostitution in peacekeeping oper

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Lasarettet i Landskrona

This report is a fire safety evaluation of the hospital Lasarettet i Landskrona, Sweden. The main objective was to guarantee the safety during evacuation in case of a fire in three of the hospitals infirmaries. This was done by a closer examination of one of these infirmaries. No regard has been taken for economic or environmental aspects, this report focuses only on human safety. Three fire scena

Självframställning och retorik på Facebook - En studie av identitetsbildning och användandet av retorik i en intressebaserad grupp på det sociala nätverket Facebook

Denna uppsats är skriven av Sandra Carlsson och Charlotta Strohkirch, och är författad i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid institutionen för kommunikation och medier på Lunds Universitet. Uppsatsen titel är “Självframställning och retorik på Facebook - En studie av identitetsbildning och användandet av retorik i en intressebaserad grupp på det sociala nätverket Facebook”. Uppsatsens problem h