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How is performance in the heat affected by clothing?

Adequate heat balance is critical to human performance in the heat. If heat balance cannot be maintained, the core temperature increases and body water dehydration leads to exhaustion and limit the performance. Clothing heat transfer properties.. thermal insulation and water vapour resistance, modify heat exchange and may indirectly affect performance. Work in protective clothing quickly becomes e

Fra/gmen/te/d me/gali/th/s

It is curious that, even though megaliths usually consist of several stones, archaeologists tend to study each of them as single units. In this paper, I argue that it makes much more sense to consider megaliths as assemblages of distinct fragments.

Kristen manlighet : ideal och verklighet 1830-1940

Från och med mitten av 1800-talet växte en tendens sig starkare att betrakta religion som något privat. Religionsutövning började sammankopplas med kvinnlighet och mjuka värden, och ansågs av somliga till och med som oförenlig med sann manlighet. Men var den verkligen det? Vilka uttryck tog sig den manliga religiositeten under en tid då kristendomen steg för steg förlorade sin tidigare ställning s

Degradation Mechanism and Effects of Vitamin E addition in UHMWPE Hip Implants

Wear of the UHMWPE component is one of the major concerns in joint replacement surgery, triggering prosthetic loosening leading to revision. The understanding of the mechanisms of material degradation, especially in regard to oxidation, is one of the keys to significantly improve the mechanical properties. This work focused on the relationship between the failure mechanism, crosslinking and oxidat

Multiview reconstruction of space curves

Is the real problem in resolving correspondence using current stereo algorithms the lack of the "right" matching criterion? In studying the related task of reconstructing three-dimensional space curves from their projections in multiple views, we suggest that the problem is more basic: matching and reconstruction are coupled, and so reconstruction algorithms should exploit ths rather than assuming

Molecular imprinting used for chiral separations

Molecular imprinting is a promising technique for the preparation of synthetic polymers of predetermined specificity. Functional monomers are copolymerized with crosslinkers in the presence of the desired molecule, the imprint molecule. The use of these polymers as chiral stationary phases is discussed. Other applications, such as antibody-mimics, enzyme-like catalysts and sensors, are also focuse

Application of artificial neural network to the condition monitoring and diagnosis of a CHP plant

The objective of this study has been to create an online system for condition monitoring and diagnosis for a combined heat- and power plant in Sweden. This system consists of artificial neural network models, representing each main component of the combined heat- and power plant, accompanied with a graphical user interface. The artificial neural network models are integrated on a power generation

Loosening, revision and function of the cemented hip arthroplasty

The goal of total hip replacement(THR) with a prosthesis is to improve the quality of life in the patients with hip disease. Loosening of the prosthesis is the most common cause of deteriorating long-term results. Reaction to wear products and stess-shielding giving rise to resorption of bone are usually blamed for this deterioration. There was no correlation between migration of the prosthetic co

Den anomiska rätten. Om undantagskonstruktionen av de rent ideella kränkningsersättningarna

Uppsatsen försöker att ta ett samlat rättssociologiskt grepp om kränkningsersättningen som är den viktigaste formen av brottsskadeersättning (under år 2006 betalade Brottsoffermyndighe-ten ut över 81 miljoner konor i kränkningsersättning). Hur dessa skador värderas och konstrueras speglar samhällets rättskultur och ger upphov till en rad rättssociologiska frågeställningar om rättens roll och samsp