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Your search for "*" yielded 532773 hits

A more comprehensive index in the evaluation of scientific research : the single researcher impact factor proposal

Good alternatives to the Impact Factor (IF) algorithm are needed. The Thomson IF represents a limited measure of the importance of an individual article because 80% of a journal's IF is determined by only the 20% of the papers published. In the past few years, several new indexes has been created to provide alternatives to the IF algorithm. These include the removal of self citations from the calc

Priming after a fractional dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine

BACKGROUND: To reduce the costs of maintaining a poliovirus immunization base in low-income areas, we assessed the extent of priming immune responses after the administration of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV).METHODS: We compared the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of a fractional dose of IPV (one fifth of a full dose) administered intradermally with a full dose administered intramuscularl

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The genomic characterization of the strain of light cytopathic effect by nucleotide sequence is presented. It was possible to sequence 90% of the strain of light cytopathic effect. A close relationship with Coxsackie A9 was observed. The greatest mutations occurred in the region of the genome that codifies for the structural proteins. Therefore, it may be considered as a variant of Coxsackie A9 ne

Risks and opportunities associated with decarbonising Rotterdam's industrial cluster

The Port of Rotterdam is an important industrial cluster, comprising mainly oil refining, chemical production and power generation. In 2016, the port's industry accounted for 19% of the Netherlands’ total CO2 emissions. The Port of Rotterdam Authority is aware that the cluster is heavily exposed to future decarbonisation policies, as most of its activities focus on trading, handling, converting an

Face recognition from video : A CONDENSATION approach

The aim of this work is to investigate how to exploit the temporal information in a video sequence for the task of face recognition. Following the approach in (Li and Chellappa, 2000), we propose a probabilistic model parameterized by a tracking state vector and a recognizing identity variable, simultaneously characterizing the kinematics and identity of humans. We then invoke a CONDENSATION (Isar

Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation – Long term prognosis in relation to clinical findings and ECG patterns in a Swedish cohort

Background: Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (IVF) is a rare cause of sudden cardiac arrest which may pose therapeutic and prognostic challenges. To date, the only effective treatment for survivors of cardiac arrest is the insertion of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). We sought to review the long-term outcome of a Swedish cohort with IVF. Methods and results: Fifty patients with

Thermoelectrically cooled THz quantum cascade laser operating up to 210 K

We present a terahertz quantum cascade laser operating on a thermoelectric cooler up to a record-high temperature of 210.5 K. The active region design is based on only two quantum wells and achieves high temperature operation thanks to a systematic optimization by means of a nonequilibrium Green's function model. Laser spectra were measured with a room temperature detector, making the whole setup

Coxsackie-adenovirus receptor expression is enhanced in pancreas from patients with type 1 diabetes

OBJECTIVES: One of the theories connecting enterovirus (EV) infection of human islets with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the development of a fertile field in the islets. This implies induction of appropriate proteins for the viral replication such as the coxsackie-adenovirus receptor (CAR). The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent CAR is expressed in human islets of Langerhans, and what

Poliovirus detection in wastewater and stools following an immunization campaign in Havana, Cuba

BACKGROUND: Recent outbreaks of poliomyelitis caused by vaccine-derived virus have raised concerns that vaccine-derived poliovirus may continue to circulate after eradication. In these outbreaks, the virus appears to have replicated for > or =2 years before detection. Early detection is critical for an effective response to these outbreaks. Although acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance will

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For the detection of Enterovirus, we devised a direct economical method of polymerase chain reaction which does not require a previous extraction of ribonucleic acid and uses infected cell culture supernatants. The system was developed on the basis of universal primers of Enterovirus and specific primers of vaccinal strain Sabin 1. The achieved results proved that the non-existence of methods of R

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The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed in order to identify the respiratory syncytial virus by using the reference strain. The high sensitivity and specificity obtained show the PCR utility for detecting the RSV genoma and its application on the diagnosis.

Analysis of respiratory syncytial virus in clinical samples by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction restriction mapping

The aim of this study was to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) genomes. The primers were designed from published sequences and selected from conserved regions of the genome encoding for the N protein of subgroups A and B of RSV. PCR was applied to 20 specimens from children admitted to the respiratory ward of "William Soler" Pediatric

Hierarchical wavelet networks for facial feature localization

We present a technique for facial feature localization using a two-level hierarchical wavelet network. The first level wavelet network is used for face matching, and yields an affine transformation used for a rough approximation of feature locations. Second level wavelet networks for each feature are then used to fine-tune the feature locations. Construction of a training database containing hiera

Wavelet networks for face processing

Wavelet networks (WNs) were introduced in 1992 as a combination of artificial neural radial basis function (RBF) networks and wavelet decomposition. Since then, however, WNs have received only a little attention. We believe that the potential of WNs has been generally underestimated. WNs have the advantage that the wavelet coefficients are directly related to the image data through the wavelet tra

The Environmental Impact of Green Consumption and Sufficiency Lifestyles Scenarios in Europe : Connecting Local Sustainability Visions to Global Consequences

The sustainability transformation calls for policies that consider the global consequences of local lifestyles. We used stakeholders' visions of sustainable lifestyles across Europe to build 19 scenarios of sufficiency (net reductions) and 17 of green consumption (shift in consumption patterns). We applied Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output analysis to model scenarios by assuming

In Vivo Direct Reprogramming of Resident Glial Cells into Interneurons by Intracerebral Injection of Viral Vectors

Converting resident glia in the brain into functional and subtype-specific neurons in vivo provides a step forward towards the development of alternative cell replacement therapies while also creating tools to study cell fate in situ. To date, it has been possible to obtain neurons via in vivo reprogramming, but the precise phenotype of these neurons or how they mature has not been analyzed in det

Isolation of Coxsackievirus A24 variant from patients with hemorrhagic conjunctivitis in Cuba, 2008-2009

BACKGROUND: An outbreak of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis occurred in Cuba in 2008 and 2009.OBJECTIVE: To determinate the etiological agent associated with the Cuban outbreaks of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis during 2008 and 2009.STUDY DESIGN: Conjunctival swabs and/or faecal samples from 382 patients with clinical diagnosis suggestive of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis were subject to viral

First report on fatal myocarditis associated with adenovirus infection in Cuba

Myocarditis is caused frequently by viral infections of the myocardium. In the past, enteroviruses (EV) were considered the most common cause of myocarditis in all age groups. Other viruses that cause myocarditis are adenovirus and influenza viruses. Parvovirus B19 infection is associated sometimes with myocarditis. Members of the Herpesviridae family, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and human herpesvirus

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Samples of feces and sera obtained from 3-year-old children were studied to increase the knowledge about the circulations of virus vaccines during the massive campaigns. The use of the oral polio vaccine with schemes of massive campaigns allows the circulation of the virus vaccine 2 months after their completion. The use of continual vaccination schemes makes possible the circulation of the virus