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The use of the nest for parental roosting and thermal consequences of the nest for nestlings and parents

At temperate latitudes, altricial birds and their nestlings need to handle night temperatures well below thermoneutrality during the breeding season. Thus, energy costs of thermoregulation might constrain nestling growth, and low nocturnal temperatures might require resources that parents could otherwise have invested into nestlings during the day. To manipulate parental work rate, we performed brAt temperate latitudes, altricial birds and their nestlings need to handle night temperatures well below thermoneutrality during the breeding season. Thus, energy costs of thermoregulation might constrain nestling growth, and low nocturnal temperatures might require resources that parents could otherwise have invested into nestlings during the day. To manipulate parental work rate, we performed br

Cost-effective Passive House renovation packages for Swedish single-family houses from the 1960s and 1970s

This paper evaluates the cost-effectiveness of renovating single-family houses to Passive House level, as compared to maintaining the existing buildings or renovating to building regulation level. The assessment involved life cycle cost analyses, and concerns the Swedish single-family housing stock constructed between 1961 and 1980, which accounts for about a third of Sweden’s two million single-fThis paper evaluates the cost-effectiveness of renovating single-family houses to Passive House level, as compared to maintaining the existing buildings or renovating to building regulation level. The assessment involved life cycle cost analyses, and concerns the Swedish single-family housing stock constructed between 1961 and 1980, which accounts for about a third of Sweden’s two million single-f

Land Rent, Crisis Theories, and Radical Geography

The question of rent as a political economic driver of urban change is not new to radical geography. Yet, it seems curious that while Differential Rents are considered pertinent, absolute rent is almost entirely replaced by (class-)monopoly rent. In Marxian political economy there exist at least two distinctive traditions regarding economic crisis theory. First is Monopoly Capitalism School that i

Corporate Taxation and Social Responsibility

This book advocates ethical self-restraint in the realm of corporate tax. It seeks to undermine, and ideally to remove, any self-serving rationalizations that may seductively encourage corporate executives to act without restraint. Nowhere is this more needed than in the world of business regulations, where corporate executives may be tempted to influence the formation, implementation, and reform

Assessing the risk of stigma clogging in strawberry flowers due to pollinator sharing with oilseed rape

Strawberry and oilseed rape are economically important and co-flowering insect-pollinated crops that may affect each other via shared pollinators. One potential negative effect of pollinator sharing is stigma clogging, i.e. that pollen from one plant species covers the stigma and prevents pollination in the other. We tested if application of oilseed rape pollen on strawberry receptacles reduces po

The role of topical timolol in the treatment of infantile hemangiomas : A systematic review and meta-analysis

To date the efficacy and safety of topical timolol in the treatment of infantile hemangioma has not been reviewed and analysed systematically. We collated all published data on the efficacy and safety of topical timolol in the treatment of infantile hemangioma. A total of 31 studies with 691 patients were included. The fixed effects pooled estimate of the response rate defined as any improvement f

Prediction models for exacerbations in different COPD patient populations : Comparing results of five large data sources

Background and objectives: Exacerbations are important outcomes in COPD both from a clinical and an economic perspective. Most studies investigating predictors of exacerbations were performed in COPD patients participating in pharmacological clinical trials who usually have moderate to severe airflow obstruction. This study was aimed to investigate whether predictors of COPD exacerbations depend o

The "kER" effect in the double photoionization of H 2

Recent experimental and theoretical work examining the double photoionization of H 2 has uncovered surprising changes in the fully differential cross sections as a function of the kinetic energy released to the protons (which is equivalent to different internuclear separations of the molecule). We describe the recent joint theoretical and experimental investigations which have uncovered the physic

Photo-double ionization of H2

The Coulomb explosion of the hydrogen molecule, after absorption of a 76 eV photon, has been studied by momentum imaging the two electrons and the two protons. Absolute fully differential cross sections (FDCS) are compared with Time Dependent Close Coupling (TDCC) calculations and the first-order helium-like model in the coplanar geometry for equal electron energy sharing. While the helium-like mo

Circulation of Knowledge : Explorations in the History of Knowledge

Historians have long been interested in know­ledge—its nature and origin, and the circum­stances under which it was created—but it has only been in recent years that the history of knowledge has emerged as an academic field in its own right.In "Circulation of Knowledge", a group of Nordic scholars explore a range of theoretical and methodological approaches to this new and exciting area of histori

Cortical thickness of planum temporale and pars opercularis in native language tone processing

The present study investigated the relationship between linguistic tone processing and cortical thickness of bilateral planum temporale (PT) and pars opercularis of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFGpo). Swedish tones on word stems function as cues to upcoming endings. Correlating structural brain imaging data with participants’ response time patterns for suffixes, we found that thicker cortex in the

Comparison of the FMEA and STPA safety analysis methods–a case study

As our society becomes more and more dependent on IT systems, failures of these systems can harm more and more people and organizations. Diligently performing risk and hazard analysis helps to minimize the potential harm of IT system failures on the society and increases the probability of their undisturbed operation. Risk and hazard analysis is an important activity for the development and operat