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Developmental plasticity and evolutionary explanations

Developmental plasticity looks like a promising bridge between ecological and developmental perspectives on evolution. Yet, there is no consensus on whether plasticity is part of the explanation for adaptive evolution or an optional "add-on" to genes and natural selection. Here, we suggest that these differences in opinion are caused by differences in the simplifying assumptions, and particular id

Task modulates functional connectivity networks in free viewing behavior

In free visual exploration, eye-movement is immediately followed by dynamic reconfiguration of brain functional connectivity. We studied the task-dependency of this process in a combined visual search-change detection experiment. Participants viewed two (nearly) same displays in succession. First time they had to find and remember multiple targets among distractors, so the ongoing task involved me

Combining EEG and eye movement recording in free viewing : Pitfalls and possibilities

Co-registration of EEG and eye movement has promise for investigating perceptual processes in free viewing conditions, provided certain methodological challenges can be addressed. Most of these arise from the self-paced character of eye movements in free viewing conditions. Successive eye movements occur within short time intervals. Their evoked activity is likely to distort the EEG signal during

Corporate strategy in a small open economy : Reducing product diversification while increasing international diversification

This study has investigated the changes in corporate strategy and performance in 20 large Swedish MNC's between 1985, 1994 and 1998. It has found a strong pattern of product focusing, increased internationalisation, and a strong increase in accounting-based performance. This development seems to be contrary to former empirical evidence, that international diversification pays off better for more p

Climatology of new particle formation and corresponding precursors at storm peak laboratory

Thirteen years of measurements of ultrafine (3-10 nm diameter) aerosols are presented from a remote high elevation (3210 m a.s.l.) site in Colorado, Storm Peak Laboratory. Previous work has shown that frequent new particle formation (NPF) occurs regularly at the site (52% of days). This long-term climatology of ultrafine aerosols clearly shows a seasonal dependence on new particle formation at Sto

Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in relation to age at onset of the diabetes, treatment, duration and glycemic control

To study the frequency of diabetic retinopathy in relation to age at diagnosis, treatment, duration of diabetes and glycemic control as measured by means of HbA(1c) levels, we performed a cross-sectional, register-based study in the Helsingborg area of southern Sweden, comprising 2232 diabetic patients. Of the known diabetic population < 75 years old, approximately 70% were estimated to be include

Gendered Vulnerabilities in Times of Natural Disasters: Male-to-Female Violence in the Philippines in the Aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan

The precarious situation faced by women and girls in the wake of climate-related disasters is illustrated through fieldwork conducted in Eastern Visayas in the Philippines, one of the regions most affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan in 2013. However, this article illustrates that these heightened levels of gendered violence faced by women and girls are not a result of the disaster alone; rather, they

Monitoring technology

This chapter aims at giving an insight into a variety of available monitoring technologies and techniques, which aim to provide solutions to the issues listed in Chap. 3. First, we start with discussing possible data collection approaches, by revealing choices of available sensors and underlying constrains. Second, we provide a summary of sensors used for data acquisition in regard to needed medic

Effect of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel on resting tremors in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease

Resting tremors occur in more than 70% of patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). PD patients with resting tremors are typically treated with oral dopaminergic therapy or non-dopaminergic agents. However, treatment response with these medications is inconsistent and often unsatisfactory. Levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG, also known in the United States as carbidopa-levodopa enteral

Distribution and impact on quality of life of the pain modalities assessed by the King's Parkinson's disease pain scale

In Parkinson's disease, pain is a prevalent and complex symptom of diverse origin. King's Parkinson's disease pain scale, assesses different pain syndromes, thus allowing exploration of its differential prevalence and influence on the health-related quality of life of patients. Post hoc study 178 patients and 83 matched controls participating in the King's Parkinson's disease pain scale validation

Progression of retinopathy is related to glycaemic control even in patients with mild diabetes mellitus

To study the progression of retinopathy in patients with mild diabetes mellitus, we examined, in a cohort study, 347 patients treated with diet alone at baseline. The patients participated in an ophthalmological screening and control programme, and diet-treated patients who were examined between January 1990 and July 1992 were included in the study and followed until October 1995. Mean follow-up t

Sensitivity and specificity of structural optic disc parameters in chronic glaucoma

We studied different structural optic disc parameters and their ability to discriminate between normal and glaucoma eyes using computerized raster tomography. Two hundred and seventy-six eyes of 138 normal subjects and 146 eyes of 102 glaucoma patients were examined with a raster tomographic imaging system (The Glaucoma-Scope®, Ophthalmic Imaging Systems, Sacramento, CA). Glaucoma eyes were classi

Shape Synthesis Based on Topology Sensitivity

A method evaluating the sensitivity of a given parameter to topological changes is proposed within the method of moments paradigm. The basis functions are used as degrees of freedom which, when compared to the classical pixeling technique, provide important advantages, one of them being impedance matrix inversion free evaluation of the sensitivity. The devised procedure utilizes port modes and the

Universal conductance fluctuations and phase-coherent transport in a semiconductor Bi2O2Se nanoplate with strong spin-orbit interaction

We report on phase-coherent transport studies of a Bi2O2Se nanoplate and on observation of universal conductance fluctuations and spin-orbit interaction induced reduction in fluctuation amplitude in the nanoplate. Thin-layered Bi2O2Se nanoplates are grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and transport measurements are made on a Hall-bar device fabricated from a CVD-grown nanoplate. The measureme

Laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy (LAPOP) : Study protocol for a single center, nonblinded, randomized controlled trial

Background: Earlier nonrandomized studies have suggested that laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP) is advantageous compared with open distal pancreatectomy (ODP) regarding hospital stay, blood loss, and recovery. Only one randomized study has been conducted showing reduced time to functional recovery after LDP compared with ODP. Methods: LAPOP is a prospective randomized, nonblinded, parallel-