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Your search for "*" yielded 532468 hits
Accessibility and usability in the homes of persons with activity limitations.
Transformation or continuity? The impact of social media on information: implications for theory and practice
The Sixth Sense of PR-Experts? An Expert-Novice- Comparison of PR-Problem-Solving and Implications for Public Relations-Pedagogy
The Sixth Sense of PR-Experts? An Expert-Novice-Comparison of PR-Problem-Solving and Implications for Public Relations-Pedagogy
Contesting the Status Quo- A comparative study of democratic electoral outcomes in electoral authoritarian regimes
There has recently been an increased interest among academic scholars on the importance of elections per se as promoters for democratic change in semi-democratic contexts. This study positions itself somewhat on the side of this debate asking; when do elections in electoral authoritarian regimes result in democratic consequences? Recognising that elections can be as well a tool for democratic empo
The way optimists cope with stress at work
Previous studies on dispositional optimism and pessimism have showed that high level of optimism predicted less perceived stress and less health problems. Some studies also show that optimists tend to use active coping strategies more than pessimists do. The aim of the current study was to investigate the role of optimism in relation to coping with stress at work. An Internet based questionnaire w
En blå safir från Ceylon och en gråsten från Ohs
Renunciation, Reorientation and Guidance: Patterns in Early Monasticism and Ancient Philosophy
Att stoppa munnen till på bespottare och underrätta andra. Den akademiska undervisningen i svensk statsrätt under frihetstiden.
The aim of this dissertation is to study the education in constitutional law during the period 1719-1772, a period known as the Age of Liberty. According to the Instruments of Government 1719/1720, the actual power in the state was vested in the Diet, consisting of the four estates, all equal in voting matters. The royal will was bound to the majority in the State Council, its members beeing respo
Nonionic Microemulsions: Dependence of Oil-Chain Length and Active Component (Lidocaine)
Flervetenskaplig ljusforskning
Den här skriften handlar om ljus och ljusets betydelse för oss människor. Tolv forskare med vitt skilda bakgrunder samlas och diskuterar frågor som skrider över gränserna. Vad är ljus egentligen? Hur kan vi förstå ljus? Hur påverkar det oss? På vilket sätt kan vi använda oss av det? Vilka tekniska möjligheter har vi att skapa och styra olika sorters ljus? Vilka möjligheter ger det oss inför fram
Ekologi - en introduktion
Finite-Sample Stability of the KPSS Test
Intestinal barrier function in health and disease
Popular Abstract in Swedish Tarmslemhinnans förmåga att ta upp olika näringsämnen från tarmen är essentiell för vår överlevnad men den utgör också en viktig skyddsbarriär mellan tarminnehållet och blodbanan. Tarminnehållet består till stor del av bakterier och ej nedbrutna födoämnesmolekyler vilka kan ge upphov till patologiska tillstånd om de passerar tarmväggen. Ökad kunskap om tarmens funktion The intestinal epithelium has the dual function of absorbing nutrients and water as well as being a barrier to potentially harmful substances such as macromolecules and bacteria. In the present thesis the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa was studied in vitro in Ussing diffusion chambers. Intestinal permeability to different-sized molecules was investigated and compared in various intesti
Problembaserat lärande i förändring. En diskussion av den pedagogiska metod som används vid BIVIL
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Relationen mellan hemmiljö och dagshemsmiljö. 1. Metodstudier avseende miljövariabler
"Kyrkan och vetenskapen kan gå hand i hand"
Ett lagrådsyttrande om 10 kap. 3 § regeringsformen
Specific Language Impairment in Children: A Comparison of English and Swedish
We report a cross-linguistic investigation of English-and Swedish-speaking children with specific language impairment (SLI) in an attempt to determine whether Wexler's (1998; 2003) (Extended) Unique Checking Constraint (EUCC) can account for the grammatical profiles of these groups of children. In Study 1, a group of Swedish-speaking preschoolers with SLI showed greater use of finite verb inflecti