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Your search for "*" yielded 531651 hits

Design, parallel synthesis and SAR of novel urotensin II receptor agonists

A 30-membered library of amides based on the potent urotensin II (UII) receptor agonist FL104, has been synthesized from ten different carboxylic acids and three amines. A synthetic protocol producing the amides in 47-98% yield has been developed in which the purification involved only extractions and in a few cases filtration through an ion-exchange resin. It was found that 5 mg of starting mater

Multistep solution-phase parallel synthesis of spiperone analogues

A flexible, multistep parallel synthesis of spiperone analogues is described. A library of 4-substituted piperidines, assembled utilizing reductive amination and acylation protocols, was alkylated either homogeneously or heterogeneously, exploiting a product release only concept, to afford an oxa-series of spiperone analogues. Screening of the products at 5-HT2 and D2 receptors revealed 5-HT(2A) a

Enabling local adaptation to climate change: towards collective action in Flagler Beach, Florida, USA

Local communities around the world are directly exposed to impacts of climatechange. It is also clear that many local governments are politically and economically constrained in their capacity to implement needed adaptations. These constraints can restrict adaptation options to incremental, or even maladaptive, practices. At the same time, necessary transformational actions may remain out of reach

Progress in the use of genetic methods to study insect behavior outside Drosophila

In the span of a decade we have seen a rapid progress in the application of genetic tools and genome editing approaches in ‘non-model’ insects. It is now possible to target sensory receptor genes and neurons, explore their functional roles and manipulate behavioral responses in these insects. In this review, we focus on the latest examples from Diptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera of how applicati

Detection of islet cell autoantibodies in newly diagnosed diabetic patients using insulin-producing Syrian hamster cells.

An insulin-producing cell line, Clone-16, of hamster origin, was characterized for islet hormone production and for reactivity with islet cell surface (ICSA) and islet cell cytoplasmic (ICA) antibodies in sera from children with newly diagnosed insulin-dependent (Type 1) diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The Clone-16 cells have a doubling time of about 50-60 hr. The cells produced 63 ± 3 ng (mean ± SD) im

Islet cell and other organ-specific autoantibodies in healthy first-degree relatives to insulin-dependent

The presence of organ-specific autoantibodies including islet cell surface, cytoplasmic and cytotoxic as well as thyroid-gastric antibodies were determined in healthy, non-diabetic, first-degree relatives to 30 insulin-dependent diabetic (IDDM) children. Thirty healthy families without family-history of diabetes mellitus served as controls. The prevalence of organ-specific autoantibodies among the

Secretin and its C-terminal hexapeptide potentiates insulin release in mouse islets

Peptides representing the C-terminal end of secretin were synthetized and their effects tested along with secretin on column-perifused isolated mouse pancreatic islets. Insulin release induced by 10 mmol/l D-glucose was potentiated by secretin tested in a concentration range of 0.01-10 μg/ml; the maximal effect was obtained with 1 μg/ml secretin. This effect was mimicked by 50-500 μg/ml NH2-Leu-Le

An H-2 alloantiserum preserves β-cell function in mice made diabetic by low-dose streptozotocin

The pancreatic β-cell mass and function in C57BL/KsJ mice is markedly reduced the day after the last injection of five daily injections of a subdiabetogenic, 40 mg/kg, dose of streptozotocin (STZ). In this study, we prepared an H-2 alloantiserum by injecting C57BL/6J mice (H-2b) with spleen lymphocytes from C57BL/KsJ (H-2(d)) mice. The alloantiserum given on five consecutive days, 5 h before each

Smutskastning av bibliska proportioner

Om tidigmodern ärekränkande svensk och dansk begravningspoesi, med utgångspunkt i Christina Holst Færchs stuide Smædeskrifter, sladder og erotiske vers i 1700-tallet. Hans Nordrups forfatterskab, København 2019.

Panel 7 – Pathogenesis of otitis media – A review of the literature between 2015 and 2019

Objective: To perform a comprehensive review of the literature from July 2015 to June 2019 on the pathogenesis of otitis media. Bacteria, viruses and the role of the microbiome as well as the host response are discussed. Directions for future research are also suggested. Data sources: PubMed database of the National Library of Medicine. Review methods: PubMed was searched for any papers pertaining

Premature birth was not associated with increased body fatness in four-year-old boys and girls

Aim: Premature birth is a worldwide problem and increases the risk of chronic disease later in life. Prematurely born infants may have a high percentage of body fat at term-equivalent age, but it is unclear if this characteristic is maintained in childhood. Therefore, we compared the size and body composition of four-year-old prematurely born children to such values of full-term controls. Methods:

Physical activity during pregnancy and intelligence in sons; A cohort study

The purpose was to examine the association between exercise during pregnancy and intelligence score in offspring. We analyzed data from 4008 women from the Aarhus Birth Cohort, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, recruited during pregnancy from July 1989 to November 1991 and their sons who were registered at conscription at 17-20 years of age. The women gave information by self-administered quest