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Molecular determinants of disease severity in urinary tract infection

In the urinary tract, Escherichia coli infection may result in life-threatening disease, or asymptomatic bacterial carriage, comparable to bacterial commensalism in the gut. Pathogenic strains trigger a disease provoking host response which differs depending on the infected organ. The diversity of the response reflects the virulence repertoire of the infecting strain and by the susceptibility of t

Attitudinal and Motivational Profiles of Second Foreign Language Learners in Multilingual Contexts

Abstract: Reports and studies repeatedly indicate that foreign languages other than English are facing major challenges in European educational systems (European Commission, 2012). In Sweden, pupils’ motivation to learn a second foreign language (SFL) is reported to be low while motivation to learn English is high (Eurobarometer 2012, Tholin & Lindqvist 2009). While there are plenty of studiesAbstract: Reports and studies repeatedly indicate that foreign languages other than English are facing major challengesin European educational systems (European Commission, 2012). In Sweden, pupils’ motivation to learn a secondforeign language (SFL) is reported to be low while motivation to learn English is high (Eurobarometer 2012, Tholin& Lindqvist 2009). While there are plenty of studies st

Mereology in the Flesh

Figurative language repositories typically encompass expressions that are coded manually in formal content analyses. This chapter proposes to discuss a number of theoretical and methodological issues related to mereology – the study of parts, wholes, and their relation – that are crucial for coding part–whole figurative expressions. This contribution draws the attention to the importance of: disti

Fossil insect eyes shed light on trilobite optics and the arthropod pigment screen

Fossilized eyes permit inferences of the visual capacity of extinct arthropods1–3. However, structural and/or chemical modifications as a result of taphonomic and diagenetic processes can alter the original features, thereby necessitating comparisons with modern species. Here we report the detailed molecular composition and microanatomy of the eyes of 54-million-year-old crane-flies, which togethe

Backlash: Undesirable Effects of Female Economic Empowerment

This paper estimates the effect of female economic empowerment on domestic violence. I use individual level data from high-quality Swedish administrative registers on women's earnings and hospital visits relating to assault. With this third-party reported violence measure, I overcome the issue of selective under-reporting of violence. I proxy female economic empowerment with a measure of women's p

Fermentation of quinoa, canihua and amaranth to degrade phytate and improve mineral bioavailability

Plant-based diets are the main source of nutrients for vegetarians worldwide and for low-income inhabitants of developing countries, such as in rural areas of Bolivia. These diets may contain high levels of mineral inhibitors such as phytate that impairs mineral absorption in the human gut. Low intake of minerals in combination with mineral inhibitors is a critical factor leading to mineral defici

Hbtq+ och psykologi i en historisk tillbakablick

De individer, identiteter, uttryck och samlevnadsformer som idag kan sammanfogas under akronymen hbtq+ har genom historien betraktas på många olika vis. Psykologin har varit central för hur hbtq+ har förståtts, definierats och behandlats. I detta kapitel betraktas hbtq+historien därför med psykologiska glasögon.

Sharing of vulnerability information among companies - a survey of Swedish companies

Software products are rarely developed from scratch and vulnerabilities in such products might reside in parts that are either open source software or provided by another organization. Hence, the total cybersecurity of a product often depends on cooperation, explicit or implicit, between several organizations.We study the attitudes and practices of companies in software ecosystems towards sharing Software products are rarely developed from scratch and vulnerabilities in such products might reside in parts that are either open source software or provided by another organization. Hence, the total cybersecurity of a product often depends on cooperation, explicit or implicit, between several organizations.We study the attitudes and practices of companies in software ecosystems towards sharing

Common Law Tort of Negligence as a Tool for Deconstructing Positive Obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights

This article examines how the common law tort of negligence as developed in the United Kingdom can provide a helpful guidance for deconstructing and elucidating some of the disparate analytical issues that are subsumed under the umbrella of positive obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Both frameworks, common law and ECHR, aim to delimit the circumstances where respons

Purine Metabolites and Carnitine Biosynthesis Intermediates Are Biomarkers for Incident Type 2 Diabetes

CONTEXT: Metabolomics has the potential to generate biomarkers that can facilitate understanding relevant pathways in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). METHODS: Nontargeted metabolomics was performed, via liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, in a discovery case-cohort study from the Malmö Preventive Project (MPP), which consisted of 698 metabolically healthy participants, of whom

Multiobjective Optimization in Sewer Network Design to Improve Wastewater Quality

Sewers that constitute the main part of wastewater systems can be used as pretreatment units of wastewater treatment plants. The authors aim to increase the treatment efficiency of sewers by optimization. A hydraulic model is written and validated. A quality calculation section is added to the model according to the Wastewater Aerobic/Anaerobic Transformations in Sewers (WATS) method, and it is ca

På cykel mot friheten : cykelkurser för vuxna

I Sverige lär sig de flesta barn cykla innan de börjar skolan och det tas mer eller mindre för givet att alla vuxna kan cykla. Men långt ifrån alla kan. År 2016 startade Cykelfrämjandet projektet ”Frihet på cykel” då intresset av att lära sig cykla och behovet av cykelkurser ökade allt mer. I artikeln, som bygger på ett fältarbete vid cykelkurser för vuxna i Malmö och Stockholm och intervjuer med

Vi är oroade över senare ålderspension

Var fjärde person blir i dag sjuk till följd av sitt arbete. Att höja pensionsåldern för alla yrkesgrupper, utan konkreta åtgärder för att minska ohälsan, är därför problematiskt och mycket oroande. Det är, enligt forskarna, inte långsiktigt samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt att utan andra åtgärder höja pensionsåldern för alla. Vi – 54 forskare – är mycket oroade över konsekvenserna av att, som föreslagi