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Effects of hypertonic saline, mannitol, and urea with regard to absorption and rebound filtration in cat skeletal muscle.
OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of the hypertonic solutions 15% mannitol, 3% and 7.5% saline, and 30% urea at clinically relevant plasma concentrations with regard to absorption and rebound effects on tissue volume in skeletal muscle. DESIGN: A prospective, experimental study. SETTING: University laboratory. SUBJECTS: Twenty-eight anesthetized cats. INTERVENTIONS: The study was performed on an aut
Synpunkter på problem vid praktiska identifieringsexperiment - speciellt val av insignal
Analysis of proteins in the extracellular matrix of the plant pathogenic fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana using 2-D gel electrophoresis and MS/MS
A method was developed for isolating and sequencing proteins present in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of germlings and hyphae of filamentous fungi, Surface proteins of the cereal pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana were labelled with a membrane impermeable biotinylating agent and extracted using a glycine-HCl buffer. Extracted proteins were purified by affinity binding to streptavidin-conjugated magne
Prospective randomized controlled study of Hydrofiber(R) dressing containing ionic silver or calcium alginate dressings in non-ischaemic diabetic foot ulcers.
Aims Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are at risk of infection and impaired healing, placing patients at risk of lower extremity amputation. DFU care requires debridement and dressings. A prospective, multicentre study compared clinical efficacy and safety of AQUACEL (R) Hydrofiber (R) dressings containing ionic silver (AQAg) with those of Algosteril (R) calcium alginate (CA) dressings in managing out-
The Swedish National Register for lumbar spine surgery: Swedish Society for Spinal Surgery
Slalom encodes an adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate transporter essential for development in Drosophila.
Sulfation of all macromolecules entering the secretory pathway in higher organisms occurs in the Golgi and requires the high-energy sulfate donor adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate. Here we report the first molecular identification of a gene that encodes a transmembrane protein required to transport adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate from the cytosol into the Golgi lumen. Mutations in
A low-phase-noise low-phase-error 1.8 GHz quadrature CMOS VCO
A low-phase-noise low-phase-error 1.8 GHz quadrature CMOS VCO was presented. The VCO with three metal layers showed -140 dBc/Hz or less phase noise across an 18% tuning range while drawing 25 mA from a 2 V power supply. The VCO showed high phase-noise figure-of-merit and low phase-error.
Gender and time differences in initial location and histological grade of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas in Southern Sweden
In accordance with international data, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) in the Southern Health Care Region of Sweden were more common in men than in women and there was an inreasing incidence for both genders in the 1980s and 1990s. A study of the years 1983 and 1992, i.e. the beginning and the end of a 10-year period, was carried out. Case records for 94% of all adults diagnosed in 1983 and 1992 (22
Överdosens antropologi : En kontextuell studie
Popular Abstract in Swedish Överdosens antropologi behandlar narkotikaöverdosens sociala konsekvenser. Eva-Malin Antoniusson har studerat hur olika aktörer i vård- och institutionsmiljöer förhåller sig till överdoser. Forskningen bygger på fältundersökningar i Sverige, USA och Nederländerna. I avhandlingen återges intervjuer med narkomaner som överlevt överdoser eller varit med när andra överdoserThe central theme of this thesis is the nature of heavy drug overdose and its social consequences. The aim of the study is to provide a nuanced ethnographic interpretation on the phenomenon concerning drug overdose, especially among drug users using injections as the principle means of administering the drugs. The field study was localized to institutional milieus, primarily drug addiction treatme
Effect of treatments on the progression of COPD: report of a workshop held in Leuven, 11-12 March 2004
During the last decade several long term studies of interventions in patients with COPD have been published. This review analyses the potential of these interventions to alter the progression of the condition. The only treatment that has unequivocally been shown to reduce the rate of decline in FEV(1) is smoking cessation. Active psychological intervention in combination with pharmacotherapy is re
Biologically active secondary metabolites from the ascomycete A111-95 - 1. Production, isolation and biological activities
Eight secondary metabolites were isolated from submerged cultures of the ascomycete A111-95 during a search for new nematicidal metabolites. (-)-Galiellalactone (7) and compound 2 are metabolites previously obtained from cultures of Galiella rufa while the compounds 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (3 and 4 were obtained as an unseparable mixture), were isolated as natural products for the first time. Compound
Assessment of the optimal cerebral perfusion pressure in head-injured patients
First stars VI - Abundances of C, N, O, Li, and mixing in extremely metal-poor giants. Galactic evolution of the light elements
We have investigated the poorly-understood origin of nitrogen in the early Galaxy by determining N abundances from the NH band at 336 nm in 35 extremely metal-poor halo giants, with carbon and oxygen abundances from Cayrel et al. (2004, A&A, 416, 1117), using high-quality ESO VLT/UVES spectra (30 of our 35 stars are in the range -4.1
Structure and expression of the human cystatin C gene
The structural organization of the gene for the human cysteine-proteinase inhibitor cystatin C was studied. Restriction-endonuclease digests of human genomic DNA hybridized with human cystatin C cDNA and genomic probes produced patterns consistent with a single cystatin C gene and, also, the presence of six closely related sequences in the human genome. A 30 kb restriction map covering the genomic
Predictive value of early continuous amplitude integrated EEG recordings on outcome after severe birth asphyxia in full term infants
The background pattern in single channel amplitude integrated EEG recordings (aEEG) was recorded in 47 infants within the first six hours after birth to see if this could predict outcome after birth asphyxia. The aEEG background pattern during the first six hours of life was continuous and of normal voltage in 26 infants. All these infants survived; 25 were healthy, one had delayed psychomotor dev
Biodegradation of nonylphenol in a continuous bioreactor at low temperatures and effects on the microbial population
A packed-bed bioreactor inoculated with a mixed culture obtained from a contaminated site was used to continuously treat a saturated solution of nonylphenol. The reactor was operated at feeding rates of 13–112 ml h−1 and temperatures of 5.5, 10, and 15°C. Optimal bioreactor performance was achieved at 10°C and at a feeding rate of 84 ml h−1 (with a removal rate of 43 mg l−1 day−1 of nonylphenol).
Evaporative Cycles - in Theori and in Practise
The thesis is based on applied research, rather closed to industrial development. The developed simulation model, for pre-design of evaporative gas turbine cycles, has been validated in a 600 kW pilot plant and in rebuilt turbo-charged diesel engines. Besides of the work with the thesis including theoretical modelling and hardware development concerning wet cycles, the work has also resulted in th
Model-based optimization of a preparative ion-exchange step for antibody purification
A method using a model-based approach to design and optimize an ion-exchange step in a protein purification process is proposed for the separation of IgG from a mixture containing IgG, BSA and myoglobin. The method consists of three steps. In the first step, the model is calibrated against carefully designed experiments. The chromatographic model describes the convective and dispersive flow in the