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Collaborations as Innovation Engine for a Public Transport Agency - a Quest for Sustainable Urban Mobility

Purpose: The purpose of this case-study is to explore why a public transport actor chooses to initiate a network and if such an approach can contribute to business model innovation Theoretical framework: The study is based on the theory of public value and public business model innovation. This is complemented by network theory in public organisations. Methodology: Qualitative embedded-case study

Taxonomy supporting design strategies for reuse of building parts in timber-based construction

PurposeThe reuse of timber building parts, when designing new buildings, has become a topic of increasing discussion as a proposed circular solution in support of sustainable development goals. Designers face the difficulty of identifying and applying different design strategies for reuse due to multiple definitions, which are used interchangeably. The purpose of this study is to propose a taxonom

Vad för effekt har digitaliseringen på nätverk hos entreprenörer som bedriver konsultföretag inom ekonomibranschen?

Uppsatsen tar fram olika modeller och teorier om nätverk och vad som kan påverka nätverk. De begrepp som tas upp som påverkar nätverk är bland annat digitaliseringen i form av digitala verktyg, sociala plattformar och kommunikation. Sedan intervjuas 5 entreprenörer som driver konsultföretag i ekonomibranschen där frågor ställs kring deras nätverk. Slutligen visade det sig att digitaliseringen har

I Can’t Hear What I’m Reading: An Eye Tracking Study on Reading in Different Noise Environments

This study investigates how different acoustic environments and spelling manipulations affect the reading process by applying eye tracking methodology. Participants are asked to read sentences while either listening to babble noise or not being exposed to any acoustic stimuli. It was generally possible to understand semantic chunks of the babble noise but not the discourse. The reading material wa

Moisture Buffering of Hemp-Lime with Biochar and Rape Straw-Lime as Surface Materials for a Stable Indoor Climate

An appropriate and stable indoor climate in museums is crucial to guarantee an appropriate preservation of our cultural heritage. Depending on the collection, indoor temperature and relative humidity need to be kept within a certain range. Fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity could cause damage to museum artefacts and may require higher energy needs than necessary. Biochar is a materi

Quantitative myocardial perfusion should be interpreted in the light of sex and co-morbidities in patients with suspected chronic coronary syndrome - a cardiac positron emission tomography study

Diagnosis and treatment of patients with suspected chronic coronary syndrome (CCS) currently relies on the degree of coronary artery stenosis and its significance for myocardial perfusion. However, myocardial perfusion can be affected by factors other than coronary stenosis. The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent sex, age, diabetes, hypertension and smoking affect quantitative myo

Heavy Metal Transport in Different Drip-Irrigated Soil Types with Potato Crop

Heavy metal (HM)-polluted soil is a serious concern, especially as brackish water is widely used for irrigation purposes in water-scarce countries. In this study, the HYDRUS-2D model was used to simulate HM (copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn)) transport through agricultural land cultivated with potato crops under surface drip irrigation to explore the potential groundwater contamination risk. T

Transforming new curriculum objectives into classroom instruction with the aid of learning studies

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report a case study that qualitatively describes and analyses teachers’ discussions when planning and evaluating lessons under supervision, and what is described is the focus on their reasoning, the activities decided upon and how they decided to assess the pupils’ learning outcomes when transforming formal curriculum objectives for English as a foreign la

How institutional work by sharing economy organizations and city governments shapes sustainability

In this chapter, we explore how the institutionalization of the sharing economy takes place in cities by applying the framework of institutional work to SEOs (Zvolska et al. 2019) and city governments. Both large and small, for-profit and non-profit sharing organizations are included in this study. Our intention is to contribute to research on the sharing economy by retooling conceptualizations of

Workplace socioeconomic characteristics and coronary heart disease : a nationwide follow-up study

Objectives Important gaps in previous research include a lack of studies on the association between socioeconomic characteristics of the workplace and coronary heart disease (CHD). We aimed to examine two contextual factors in association with individuals' risk of CHD: the mean educational level of all employees at each individual's workplace (education work) and the neighbourhood socioeconomic ch

Stjärnornas fred - En analys av samtiden och hur gällande rätt kan utvecklas

This academic paper explores the current state of regulation in outer space, highlighting the existence of a legal vacuum and the absence of clear norms governing space activities. Existing treaties are often vague and inconclusive in their interpretations. Meanwhile, a new space race is emerging, with commercial entities taking the lead in the West, while global players such as China and Russia sDet går att konstatera att regleringen av rymden befinner sig i en form av rättsligt vakuum. Det saknas idag en tydliga normer för användningen av rymden. Tolkningar av de få traktat som ratificerats av majoritetens av världens länder är vaga och ofta intetsägande. Samtidigt håller en ny rymdkapplöpning på att växa fram. Den här gången har kommersiella aktörer lagt sig i framkant i väst medan glob

The Effectiveness and Acceptability of Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression and Anxiety in Routine Clinical Care

Psykologiska evidensbaserade interventioner som förmedlas via internet och mobila teknologier (Digital Mental Health) har potential att minska tröskeln för att få vård, samt minska svårigheter att få tillgång till behandling på grund av avstånd, kostnader, arbete och familjekonflikter eller begränsad kapacitet hos vårdgivare. Den här typen av hinder utgör en särskild utmaning för personer med deprEvidence-based psychological interventions delivered via the internet and mobile technologies (Digital Mental Health) hold the promise of reducing barriers to care, including difficulties accessing treatment because of distance, cost, work and family commitments, and limited provider capacity. Such barriers represent a particular challenge for individuals with depression and anxiety, that tend to

The path towards sustainable retailing and consumption - A dual perspective of environmental practices from both transnational European supermarkets and consumers in the 21st century

Purpose: This thesis aims at understanding the relationship between regular transnational European supermarkets and their consumers regarding environmental expectations. Theoretical Perspective: This study gathers several theories, from the stakeholder’s perspective to the Say-Do gap, particularly for consumers. The constructed theoretical framework involves four angles such as CSR, retail sector

Nuclear star clusters as probes of dark matter haloes : the case of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy

The Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal (Sgr dSph) galaxy is currently being accreted and disrupted by the tidal field of the Milky Way. Recent observations have shown that the central region of the dwarf hosts at least three different stellar populations, ranging from old and metal-poor over intermediate metal-rich to young metal-rich. While the intermediate-age metal-rich population has been identified