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Impact of gender on efficacy and acute toxicity of alkylating agent -based chemotherapy in Ewing sarcoma: Secondary analysis of the Euro-Ewing99-R1 trial.

Based on the randomised Euro-EWING99-R1 trial, vincristine, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide (VAC) may be able to replace vincristine, adriamycin, ifosfamide (VAI) in the treatment of standard-risk Ewing sarcoma. However some heterogeneity of treatment effect by gender was observed. The current exploratory study aimed at investigating the influence of gender on treatment efficacy and acute toxicity.

Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of the lipid cubic liquid crystalline nanoparticles.

In this study well-ordered glycerol monooleate (GMO)-based cubic liquid crystalline nanoparticles (LCNPs) have been used as substrates for Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase in order to establish the relation between the catalytic activity, measured by pH-stat titration, and the change in morphology and nanostructure determined by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy and synchrotron small angle

Matching and mismatching between the pedagogical design principles of a maths game and the actual practices of play

The article reports and discusses a long-term qualitative study of forty 8-10 year old students who regularly played a math game during math lessons for 9 weeks. The goal was to explore the relations between (i) some of the pedagogical principles that underlie the game and (ii) the playing practice in terms of what actually takes place when students play the math game during regular math lessons.

Visualization of subcutaneous insulin injections by x-ray computed tomography

We report how the three-dimensional structure of subcutaneous injections of soluble insulin can be visualized by x-ray computed tomography using an iodine based contrast agent. The injections investigated are performed ex vivo in porcine adipose tissue. Full tomography scans carried out at a laboratory x-ray source with a total acquisition time of about 1 min yield CT-images with an effective pixe

Allogeneic haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation with reduced intensity conditioning for advanced stage Hodgkin's lymphoma in Sweden: high incidence of post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

Allogeneic transplantation after reduced intensity conditioning (allo-RIC) is a treatment option for patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) relapsing after autologous transplantation. In all, 23 adult patients with HL underwent allo-RIC in Sweden between 2000 and 2007. The median number of previous treatment lines was five and 20 patients (87%) were previously autografted. TRM at 100 days and at 1

Transcriptome analysis of Stagonospora nodorum: gene models, effectors, metabolism and pantothenate dispensability.

The wheat pathogen Stagonospora nodorum, causal organism of the wheat disease Stagonospora nodorum blotch, has emerged as a model for the Dothideomycetes, a large fungal taxon that includes many important plant pathogens. The initial annotation of the genome assembly included 16 586 nuclear gene models. These gene models were used to design a microarray that has been interrogated with labelled tra

A Molecular Mechanism for the Water-Hydroxyl Balance during Wetting of TiO2

We show that the formation of the wetting layer and the experimentally observed continuous shift of the H2O-OH balance toward molecular water at increasing coverage on a TiO2(110) surface can be rationalized on a molecular level. The mechanism is based on the initial formation of stable hydroxyl pairs, a repulsive interaction between these pairs, and an attractive interaction with respect to water

Flocculated Laponite-PEG/PEO dispersions with monovalent salt, a SAXS and simulation study.

It is well-known that clay can form lamellar structures i.e. tactoids, and recently it has been shown that the tactoid formation is dependent on the platelet diameter. To the authors knowledge, no tactoid formation has been observed for montmorillonite platelets with a diameter less than 60nm. In this study, small angle X-ray scattering in combination with coarse-grained modeling and molecular dyn

Mapping the Ultrafast Changes of Continuous Shape Measures in Photoexcited Spin Crossover Complexes without Long-Range Order

Establishing a tractable yet complete reaction coordinate for the spin-state interconversion in d(4)-d(7) transition metal complexes is an integral aspect of controlling the dynamics that govern their functionality. For spin crossover phenomena, the limitations of a single-mode approximation that solely accounts for an isotropic increase in the metal-ligand bond length have long been recognized fo

MIBG scans in patients with stage 4 neuroblastoma reveal two metastatic patterns, one is associated with MYCN amplification and in MYCN-amplified tumours correlates with a better prognosis

Purpose The aim of this study was to find clinically relevant MIBG-avid metastatic patterns in patients with newly diagnosed stage 4 neuroblastoma. Methods Diagnostic I-123-MIBG scans from 249 patients (123 from a European and 126 from the COG cohort) were assessed for metastatic spread in 14 body segments and the form of the lesions: "focal" (clear margins distinguishable from adjacent background

Homeobox transcription factor muscle segment homeobox 2 (Msx2) correlates with good prognosis in breast cancer patients and induces apoptosis in vitro

Introduction: The homeobox-containing transcription factor muscle segment homeobox 2 (Msx2) plays an important role in mammary gland development. However, the clinical implications of Msx2 expression in breast cancer are unclear. The aims of this study were to investigate the potential clinical value of Msx2 as a breast cancer biomarker and to clarify its functional role in vitro. Methods: Msx2 ge

A review of the IPCC Fifth Assessment and implications for tourism sector climate resilience and decarbonisation.

The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2013–2014 was the most comprehensive analysis of anthropogenic climate change, its impacts, and potential responses. It concluded that climate change is “unequivocal” and human activities are the dominant cause. Avoidance of “dangerous” climate change will require sustained substantial reductions of emissi

Regional differences in screening for retinopathy of prematurity in infants born before 27 weeks of gestation in Sweden - the EXPRESS study.

Purpose: The primary aim was to analyse regional incidences of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and frequencies of treatment and their relation to perinatal risk factors during a 3-year period. A secondary aim was to study adherence to the study screening protocol in the different regions. Methods: A population-based study of neonatal morbidity in extremely preterm infants in Sweden (EXPRESS) was

Bioinspired composites from cross-linked galactoglucomannan and microfibrillated cellulose: Thermal, mechanical and oxygen barrier properties.

In this study, new wood-inspired films were developed from microfibrillated cellulose and galactoglucomannan-lignin networks isolated from chemothermomechanical pulping side streams and cross-linked using laccase enzymes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that cross-linked galactoglucomannan-lignin networks have been used for the potential development of composite films inspired

Warming experiments underpredict plant phenological responses to climate change

Warming experiments are increasingly relied on to estimate plant responses to global climate change(1,2). For experiments to provide meaningful predictions of future responses, they should reflect the empirical record of responses to temperature variability and recent warming, including advances in the timing of flowering and leafing(3-5). We compared phenology (the timing of recurring life histor

Factor VIII gene (F8) mutation and risk of inhibitor development in nonsevere hemophilia A

Neutralizing antibodies (inhibitors) toward factor VIII form a severe complication in nonsevere hemophilia A, profoundly aggravating the bleeding pattern. Identification of high-risk patients is hampered by lack of data that take exposure days to therapeutic factor VIII concentrates into account. In the INSIGHT study, we analyzed the association between F8 mutation and inhibitor development in pat