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Your search for "*" yielded 531973 hits

Letting The Blind Man See... : An Investigation Into Methods and an Evaluation to Improve Accessibility in Swedish Museum Exhibits for the Visually Impaired

The museum world is in a time of great change, many of the changes focus on the accessibility of museums. In Sweden these changes are becoming more apparent as the new museum law that has been passed advocates for equal museum experience for all visitors whether they have any for of impairment or not. To encourage this change a few older law and regulations that Swedish museums are also subject to

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In this thesis a focus is set on Danish war movies’ way of portraying the Danish participation in the war in Afghanistan after 2002, to examine how the newer Danish war activity is interpreted in relation to the western world’s “war on terror”. Through a narrative analysis of three movies, namely Armadillo, Brothers in Arms and A War, it is examined, which narratives on the Danish participation in

Vitt brus : om långtidsbevarande av ljud och rörlig bild

The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine the preservation of audiovisual objects and how methods surrounding this may affect the material as well as the archival profession. Physical recording formats – such as cassette tapes or compact discs – deteriorate quickly and are becoming progressively obsolete, which in turn makes it problematic to safeguard the information they contain. It is there

Anknytningsmönster hos patienter med bipolär sjukdom.

Studiens syfte var att undersöka anknytningsmönster hos patienter med bipolär sjukdom. Vilket anknytningsmönster var mest framträdande hos patienter med bipolär diagnos? Fanns det samband mellan stämningsläget och skattade anknytningsmönster? Självskattningsformuläret Relationship Questionnarie (RQ-Swe) användes som mätningsinstrument. Även frågor om patientens kön och ålder och stämningsläge stäl

"Sov du lilla videung..." En studie av anknytning hos sex ungdomar med sömnstörningar

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan sömnrelaterade besvär och anknytning i adolescensen. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av Secure Base Script Test, SBST. Deltagarna var sex informanter i åldern 12-17 år. Samtliga deltagare hade vänt sig till en och samma vårdcentral p.g.a. sömnrelaterade besvär. SBST är ett instrument som används för att studera anknytningsmönster. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there was a connection between sleep-related disorders and attachment in adolescence. The study was conducted using Secure Base Script Test, SBST. The participants were six informants aged 12-17 years. All participants had turned to one and the same health care center because of sleep related disorders. SBST is an instrument used to study attachment.

En intervjustudie om sju mäns upplevelser av abort

Studiens syfte var att undersöka mäns upplevelser av abort innan, under och efter genomförandet. Studien ämnade få en fördjupad förståelse av mäns känslor, tankar och ageranden kopplat till abort. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes och analyserades utifrån en induktiv tematisk ansats. Åtta huvudteman framkom: Kvinnans beslut, ansvar, känslor som uppstått, upplevelsen av stöd, kommunikationeThe aim of the study was to investigate the male experience of abortion and gain a deepened understanding for what feelings, thoughts and actions have occurred. Seven semistructured interviews were conducted and analyzed within an inductive thematic framework. Eight themes emerged: The woman’s decision, responsibility, feelings that arised, experiences of support, the communication with the partne

Förekomsten av postoperativ smärta inom de första 30 minuterna postoperativt i samband med rotatorkuffsuturering eller korsbandsrekonstruktion

Bakgrund: Det opereras cirka 2000 patienter för rotatorkuffsuturering och cirka 3500 patienter för korsbandsrekonstruktion per år i Sverige. Båda patientgrupperna har i studier visats uppleva allvarlig postoperativ smärta vilket kan leda till kvarstående postoperativ smärta vid otillräcklig behandling. Otillräcklig postoperativ smärtbehandling kan även leda till en förlängd återhämtning, ökad morb

Retail concentration and buyer power in the food supply chain

Under den senaste tiden, har försörjningskedjan för livsmedel genomgått stora förändringar när det gäller strukturen av marknaden. Många faktorer har påverkat denna utveckling, till exempel ändrade preferenser hos konsumenterna, möjligheterna till internationell handel, administrativa krav och handels egna varumärken. Denna utveckling har medfört en obalans av marknadsmakt. Återförsäljarna har mycRecently, the food supply chain and especially the grocery retail sector has been subject to a significant change in relationship structure. The retail sector has become increasingly concentrated. Many factors have contributed to this development, including changes in consumer preferences, the facilitation of cross-border trade, administrative requirements and local zoning laws and the popularity

"På Tinder måste man alltid prestera på topp"

The aim of this paper is to understand the purpose of young adults’ use of the dating app Tinder and how living in a consumption society affect the use of online dating on the app. To be able to understand this topic we have been using qualitative method. We have interviewed six students between the age 20 and 25 about their feelings and experiences of how and why they are using the app. To unders

Prosumer Generated Stories

Social media usage is undeniably popular, which has escalated the amount of content existing online, resulting in a state of content overload. The overload of content has made it harder for organisations to reach out with their message, and it is therefore more important than ever to prioritize efforts to develop trustworthy relationships with consumers, and thereby aspire brand credibility. The i

Stock Performance Differences in Swedish Life Science Companies with or without Research-based Science Park Affiliation

Stock Performance Differences in Swedish Life Science Companies with or without Research-based Science Park Affiliation Seminar date 2018-06-01 Course BUSN 79 Business Administration: Degree Project in Accounting and Finance - Master Level, 15 ECTS Authors: Eric Isacsson and Liana Trichkova Advisor: Håkan Jankensgård Key words: Science park affiliation, university ownership, life science, lon

Understanding the boost for knowledge sharing in the front-end: A single case study about motivation to cross-functional share knowledge in the front-end

Title: Understanding the boost for knowledge sharing in the front-end: A single case study about motivation to cross-functional share knowledge in the front-end Date: May 2018 Course: ENTN39 Master’s Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation Internship and degree project (Master’s thesis 15 ECTS) Authors: Herslow, Carl-Johan & Wild, Max-Joseph Supervisor: Ass. Professor Shibayama, Sotaro Exam

The right to undertake industrial actions against an employer already bound by a collective agreement - An analysis in the light of the conflict in the port of Gothenburg

Syftet med föreliggande masteruppsats är att redogöra för och analysera rätten att vidta stridsåtgärder samt föreningsfrihet, i synnerhet i situationer då arbetsgivaren redan är bunden av kollektivavtal. I huvudsak kommer tre perspektiv att tillämpas; ett internationellt, ett nationellt samt ett med användande av den pågående konflikten i Göteborgs hamn. För att uppnå syftet har en rättsdogmatisk The aim of the thesis is to analyse the right to undertake industrial actions and freedom of association, especially in the case where a collective agreement already is in place. The thesis applies mainly three perspectives: a national, an international and lastly one with the concrete use of the ongoing conflict in the port of Gothenburg. To achieve the aim a legal dogmatic method is applied. T

Hbtq-kompetens? En kvantitativ studie av attityder, kunskaper och upplevd självförmåga hos psykologer.

En enkätstudie genomfördes i syfte att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar psykologers hbtq-kompetens. Via Facebook rekryterades 407 psykologer som besvarade den webbaserade enkäten. Hbtq-kompetens operationaliserades genom två komponenter: attityder till hbtq* (hbtq* används genomgående som förkortning för “hbtq-personer och hbtq-frågor”) och hbtq-kompetens (upplevd självförmåga att agera hbtq-A survey was conducted to investigate psychologists’ lgbtq competence. A total of 407 psychologists were recruited through Facebook. The concept of lgbtq competence was operationalized through two components: attitudes towards lgbtq* (attitudes towards and knowledge about lgbtq people and issues) and lgbtq competence (lgbtq affirmative counseling self-efficacy). The results were in line with previ

Reverse payment settlements in the context of Article 102 TFEU: Abusive or not? By object or not?

Pharmaceutical reverse payment settlements lie at the intersection of competition law and intellectual property law. In the recent years, these settlement agreements have increasingly attracted the attention of competition law authorities in the European Union. Generally, the focus of these cases, and of the literature concerning reverse payment settlements, has been on the collusive nature of the

Från "antifascistisk skyddsmur" till "tecken på statsförbrytelser": Narrativ analys av framställningen av Berlinmuren i Neues Deutschland

In 1961 a concrete wall through the city of Berlin was erected and further determined the division between a once united Germany into West and East Germany. In East Germany the communist party had the power and the newspaper Neues Deutschland to spread its propaganda, until the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. The aim of this paper is to look further into how the newspaper Neues Deutschland portra

Kultur som strategisk resurs: En kvalitativ studie om kulturella värden i Åhléns digitala reklamfilmer

Denna studie syftar till att söka förståelse för hur ett svenskt, kommersiellt företag arbetar strategiskt kommunikativt med kulturella värden i sin digitala marknadsföring, och därigenom bidra med utökad förståelse inom forskningsfältet strategisk kommunikation. Det finns begränsat med forskning som har undersökt kulturella värden i reklam. I dessa är det främst visuellt innehåll som har studeratThis study aims to understand how a Swedish market-related company works strategically with cultural values in its digital marketing, thereby contributing to increased understanding within the field of strategic communication. There is limited research regarding cultural values in advertising. The studies that has been done, has mainly focused on the visual elements. With the ambition to contribut

Linkages between the Chinese stock market and the macroeconomic climate in the U.S. and EU

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between investments in the Chinese stock market and shocks to the macroeconomic climate in the U.S. and in the EU. Four different indices are used in determining the investment response to shocks in the two different geographical regions of interest – The Shanghai Composite Index, CSI 300 Information Technology Index, CSI 300 Materials Index

Athletes in the European Union - Towards Improved Protection of Image Rights

The topic of this thesis is the sports law attached to the image rights and intellectual property rights (IPR). The focus is more on the individual athletes when it comes to the commercial use of their image. In this work I study how the individual athletes’ right to their image might possibly be limited. My question layout includes the reflection on how the athletes’ opportunities to use or to co

Effektivisering av tillvalsprocessen i småhusprojekt

Customer choices allows buyers to influence the finished result of their new accommodation to something that is aesthetically pleasing to the customer and makes the home more personal. The thesis work has been carried out in collaboration with Götenehus, who asked for an analysis of their work as it appears today. It deals with suggestions and new working methods in the process of customer choices