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Your search for "*" yielded 532568 hits

Implementation and evaluation of a control-theoretical scheduler

Recent papers [6, 8] have demonstrated that process schedulers can be designed entirely as feedback controllers - quite novel an approach with respect to the way the control theory is typically applied to computing systems. This work takes a more technological attitude with respect to the methodological ones just quoted. The realisation of a control-theoretical process scheduler on a kernel writte

A new perspective proposal for preemptive feedback scheduling

A novel way to formalise the problem of preemptive feedback scheduling is presented, based on discrete-time linear dynamic systems. Despite its extreme simplicity, the obtained formalism is suitable both for representing (and therefore dynamically analysing) existing scheduling methods, and for synthesizing new ones in a totally system-theoretical perspective. Also, by further specialising the cla

Historical images of teachers and their underlying ideologies in Swedish academia : Multimodal discourses from 1950 and 1980

This study aims at exploring multimodal discursive images of academic teachers from 1950 and 1980 in Sweden. Using a discourse-historical approach, linguistic and visual data were analysed in a govern- ment report and three media sources related to a single Swedish university. Findings reveal how four dominant ideologies of academic teaching contributed to constructing eight discursive images of t

Ten New Insights in Climate Science 2020 : A Horizon Scan

Non-technical summary: We summarize some of the past year's most important findings within climate change-related research. New research has improved our understanding of Earth's sensitivity to carbon dioxide, finds that permafrost thaw could release more carbon emissions than expected and that the uptake of carbon in tropical ecosystems is weakening. Adverse impacts on human society include incre

Strengthened workplace relationships facilitate recovery at work – qualitative experiences of an intervention among employees in primary health care

Background: The literature on workplace interventions focusing on recovery is scarce; hence this study intends to expand that knowledge. An intervention was run for one year, aiming at increasing the experience of recovery during the workday among primary health care employees. During the intervention, different forms of recovery activities were integrated into the daily work at six primary health

Artificial intelligence-aided CT segmentation for body composition analysis : a validation study

Background: Body composition is associated with survival outcome in oncological patients, but it is not routinely calculated. Manual segmentation of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and muscle is time-consuming and therefore limited to a single CT slice. Our goal was to develop an artificial-intelligence (AI)-based method for automated quantification of three-dimensional SAT and muscle volumes fr

A focused very high energy electron beam for fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy

An electron beam of very high energy (50–250 MeV) can potentially produce a more favourable radiotherapy dose distribution compared to a state-of-the-art photon based radiotherapy technique. To produce an electron beam of sufficiently high energy to allow for a long penetration depth (several cm), very large accelerating structures are needed when using conventional radio-frequency technology, whi

Electric bike navigation comfort in pedestrian crowds

The emergence of electric bikes (e-bikes) has brought a paradigm shift in shared mobility with a promise to move towards the mission of sustainable cities. Whereas an in-depth understanding of e-bike riding characteristics iscrucial to effectively design the infrastructure for active mobility, it remains an open area of research. We take the first step towards modelling the e-bike navigation comfo

Ett rum för de ostyrigaste och bullersammaste - eller: Var låg proban? : Del 1

Den första av två artiklar rörande det fängelse, den s k proban, som Lunds universitet hade under den tid lärosätet ägde egen jurisdiktion över anställda och studenter. Denna första del behandlar fenomenet med skol- och universitetsfängelser generellt samt Lunds universitets specifika sådana under 1600- och 1700-talen.

Mörka Neuron och Mobiltelefoner : Dedicerad till en 90-årig man, Arne Brun i Lund

Med denna svenska översikt av våra egna och andra forskares observationer av mörka neuron vid mikrovågs exponering från mobiltelefoner, som lite senkommet tillägnas Arne Brun på hans 90 års-dag, vill vi att hans insatser blir uppmärksammade och inte faller i glömska.Kring 2000 millennium skiftet pågick ett intensivt arbete i Lund med att sammanfatta och bekräfta effekterna av exponering med GSM-90

A database of high-density surface electromyogram signals comprising 65 isometric hand gestures

Control of contemporary, multi-joint prosthetic hands is commonly realized by using electromyographic signals from the muscles remaining after amputation at the forearm level. Although this principle is trying to imitate the natural control structure where muscles control the joints of the hand, in practice, myoelectric control provides only basic hand functions to an amputee using a dexterous pro

Ultraviolet vision aids the detection of nutrient-dense non-signaling plant foods

To expand our understanding of what tasks are particularly helped by UV vision and may justify the costs of focusing high-energy light onto the retina, we used an avian-vision multispectral camera to image diverse vegetated habitats in search of UV contrasts that differ markedly from visible-light contrasts. One UV contrast that stood out as very different from visible-light contrasts was that of

Analyses of thermal performance and pressure drop in a plate heat exchanger filled with ferrofluids under a magnetic field

This paper experimentally investigates the effect of various magnetic fields on the performance of a plate heat exchanger filled with ferrofluids. Spherical nanoparticles Fe3O4 with an average diameter of 20 nm are dispersed into DI-water to synthesize the ferrofluid. Thermal performance and flow characteristics of the ferrofluid with 0.1% particle concentration are investigated based on various a

Age impairs mnemonic discrimination of objects more than scenes : A web-based, large-scale approach across the lifespan

Recent findings suggest that the effect of aging on recognition memory is modality-dependent, affecting memory for objects and scenes differently. However, the lifespan trajectory of memory decline in these domains remains unclear. A major challenge for assessing domain-specific trajectories is the need to utilize different types of stimuli for each domain (objects and scenes). We tested the large