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A Comparison of Visual Field Progression Criteria of 3 Major Glaucoma Trials in Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial Patients.

PURPOSE: Three major glaucoma trials, all using the same Humphrey visual field tests, specified different criteria to define visual field progression. This article compares the performance of these criteria with a reference standard of unanimous classifications by 3 independent glaucoma experts. DESIGN: Longitudinal, comparative study of diagnostic criteria. PARTICIPANTS AND CONTROLS: Two hundred

Sexual function in male patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.

OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to investigate general and functional aspects of sexuality in male patients with a confirmed diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and compare the results with normative data. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated 308 male patients (age 30-69) admitted to a sleep laboratory and receiving a diagnosis of OSA, using questions drawn from two self-administered questi

Pressure transduction to the thoracic cavity during topical negative pressure therapy of a sternotomy wound.

The present study was performed to examine pressure transduction to the thoracic cavity during topical negative pressure (TNP) therapy of a sternotomy wound. Seven pigs underwent median sternotomy. Pressure transduction catheters were placed on the anterior surface of the heart (under the foam), in the pericardium (under the heart), in the left pleura and in the oesophagus at the level of the hear

A scattering and absorption identity for metamaterials: experimental results and comparison with theory

A dispersion relation for the combined effect of scattering and absorption of electromagnetic waves is presented for a large class of linear and passive material models. By invoking the optical theorem, the result states that the extinction cross section integrated over all frequencies is equal to the static limit of the extinction volume. The present paper focuses on an attempt to experimentally

Indications for first caesarean and delivery mode in subsequent trial of labour.

A previous caesarean delivery is no longer an indication per se for a subsequent, planned caesarean. We performed this study to identify women suitable for trial of labour after caesarean (TOLAC), investigating the association between the indication for the first caesarean and the risk of unplanned caesarean in the second pregnancy.

Incidence of alcoholism in the revisited Lundby population, 1947-1997.

OBJECTIVE: The Lundby Study is a prospective longitudinal study of an unselected population consisting of 3,563 subjects. The Lundby Study started in 1947, and follow-ups were carried out in 1957, 1972, and in 1997. METHOD: In all four surveys, semistructured interviews were performed by psychiatrists. Registers, key informants, and case notes from hospitals and outpatient clinics supplemented the

Empirical Bayes and semi-Bayes adjustments for a vast number of estimations.

Investigators in modern molecular/genetic epidemiology studies commonly analyze data on a vast number of candidate genetic markers. In such situations, rather than conventional estimation of effects (odds ratios), more accurate estimation methods are needed. The author proposes consideration of empirical Bayes and semi-Bayes methods, which yield 'adjustments for multiple estimations' by shrinking

Ann-Marie Pendrill interview

Ann-Marie Pendrill has been on the Physics Education board since 2008 and has been teaching for 18 years. What led her into teaching, what challenges lay ahead and who would she most like to have dinner with? Read our interview and find our more.

Characterizing peptide-mediated DNA internalization in human cancer cells.

Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) are currently used to deliver various macromolecular cargos to intracellular sites of action both in vitro and in vivo on an experimental basis. During the last few years, even more evidence has accumulated indicating that the main route of entry for most CPPs is through endocytosis rather than direct membrane penetration, as initially proposed. The specific endocy

Mode of Coreceptor Use by R5 HIV Type 1 Correlates with Disease Stage: A Study of Paired Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid Isolates.

Abstract Through the use of chimeric CXCR4/CCR5 receptors we have previously shown that CCR5-tropic (R5) HIV-1 isolates acquire a more flexible receptor use over time, and that this links to a reduced viral susceptibility to inhibition by the CCR5 ligand RANTES. These findings may have relevance with regards to the efficacy of antiretroviral compounds that target CCR5/virus interactions. Compartme

Cardiovascular event risk in relation to dietary fat intake in middle-aged individuals: data from The Malmo Diet and Cancer Study

BACKGROUND AND DESIGN: The hypothesis that diets rich in total and saturated fat and poor in unsaturated fats increase the risk for cardiovascular disease is still vividly debated. The aim of this study was to examine whether total fat, saturated fat, or unsaturated fat intakes are independent risk factors for cardiovascular events in a large population-based cohort. METHODS: 28 098 middle-aged in

Combination of FVIII and by-passing agent potentiates in vitro thrombin production in haemophilia A inhibitor plasma.

The by-passing agents, recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) and activated prothrombin complex concentrate (APCC), are important tools in the treatment of patients with haemophilia A and high-responding inhibitory antibodies. It has been observed clinically that in some patients undergoing immune tolerance induction the bleeding frequency decreases, hypothetically caused by a transient haemost

Grading the amount of electrochemcial active sites along the main flow direction of an SOFC

A fully coupled computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach based on the finite element method, in two-dimensions, is developed to describe a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). Both hydrogen and carbon monoxide are considered as electrochemical reactants within the anode. The dimensionless number of electrochemical active sites (EAS), the pore radius (indirectly proportional to the particle radius) and

Why Issue Equity Abroad - Corporate Reasons and Stock Market Responses

In a world with imperfectly integrated national capital markets the cost of funds is, in general, different across markets. If individual countries, by mutual agreement, or forced by factors outside their control, embark on a process of deregulation and financial integration, the spread in the cost of funds across markets will narrow. Some types of impediments, such as explicit capital controls, w

Memory-based attentional biases: Anxiety is linked to threat avoidance.

The purpose of the present research was to examine if anxiety is linked to a memory-based attentional bias, in which attention to threat is thought to depend on implicit learning. Memory-based attentional biases were defined and also demonstrated in two experiments. A total of 168 university students were shown a pair of faces that varied in their emotional content (angry, neutral, and happy), wit

Dielectric properties of porous cement mortar: fractal surface effects

We have studied the electrical properties of cement mortars in the frequency range 10-4-107 Hz, for different water contents. The admittance scales as a power law with an exponent of about 0.7 in a wide frequency range. This behaviour is interpreted in terms of polarization and diffusion at fractal pore surfaces. We obtain a fractal dimension of 2.4, which is in good agreement with adsorption isot