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Anm. av Bremdal, Patrik: Riksdagens kontroll av regeringsmakten
600 år sedan slaget vid Grunwald
Artikel om 600-årsminnet av slaget vid Grunwald i nuvarande Polen
Environmental Effects of Energy Crop Cultivation in Sweden - Part II: Economic Valuation
Software supply chain management: A multiple case study
In many industries software get more and more important – not only to improve opportunities for e.g. postponement but also for delivering the value the customer wants such as capacity and functionality. However, increased importance of software for product functionality and companies’ business models implies that we should probably also take software’s particularities into consideration when desig
Eminent authors in other fields.
Nunnor och Kvinnliga munkar: Forandring och utmaning av den buddhistiska ordningen i Thailand
Molecular recognition elements prepared by molecular imprinting.
Cognitive neuroscience – A brief introduction
Abstract in UndeterminedIn neuroscience a number of new techniques have been developed by means of which it has become possible to study the activity of the living human brain. By means of these techniques we are beginning to understand the neurophysiology behind environmental attitudes and preferences. The mechanisms involve links between the sensory and control parts of the cortex and specific n
Sum rules and constraints on passive systems
A passive system is one that cannot produce energy, a property that naturally poses constraints on the system. A system on convolution form is fully described by its transfer function, and the class of Herglotz functions, holomorphic functions mapping the open upper half plane to the closed upper half plane, is closely related to the transfer functions of passive systems. Following a well-known re
Teaching the Syntax of Classical Languages
Gender equality bodies. Rapport till Europeiska kommissionen
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On the comparison of two approaches to compute material forces for inelastic materials. Application to single-slip crystal-plasticity
Density-functional theory applied to Rh(111) and CO/Rh(111) systems: Geometries, energies, and chemical shifts
We present extensive density-functional theory (DFT) based calculations of the clean Rh(111) surface and of CO/Rh(111) overlayer systems. We study both ground-state structural properties and core-level shifts from differences in total energies at different coverages and adsorption sites. Most results are obtained using using norm-conserving or ultrasoft pseudopotentials. The overall reliability of