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Your search for "*" yielded 530143 hits

Effect of Polyelectrolyte and Fatty Acid Soap on the Formation of CaCO3 in the Bulk and the Deposit on Hard Surfaces.

The effects of sodium polyacrylate (NaPAA) as well as potassium oleate on the nucleation and calcium carbonate crystal growth on hard surfaces, i.e., stainless steel and silica, have been investigated at different temperatures. The relation between the surface deposition and the corresponding bulk processes has been revealed by combining dynamic light scattering (DLS), scanning electron microscopy

Ultraviolet vision in birds: the importance of transparent eye media.

Ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive visual pigments are widespread in the animal kingdom but many animals, for example primates, block UV light from reaching their retina by pigmented lenses. Birds have UV-sensitive (UVS) visual pigments with sensitivity maxima around 360-373 nm (UVS) or 402-426 nm (violet-sensitive, VS). We describe how these pigments are matched by the ocular media transmittance in 38 bi

Quantitative assessment of the antiviral potencies of 21 shRNA vectors targeting conserved, including structured, hepatitis B virus sites

Background & Aims: RNA interference (RNAi) may offer new treatment options for chronic hepatitis B. Replicating via an RNA intermediate, hepatitis B virus (HBV) is known to be principally vulnerable to RNAi. However, beyond delivery, the relevant issues of potential off-target effects, target site conservation in circulating HBV strains, and efficacy of RNAi itself have not systematically been

The first record of conopid flies (Diptera: Conopidae) and eulophid wasps (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) as parasitoids and hyperparasitoids associated with carpenter bees (Apidae: Xylocopinae) in Argentina

This is the first record for the parasitoid association between eulophids and conopids in the carpenter bee Xylocopa augusti Lepeletier. Biological features of Physocephala Schiner are mentioned. A diagnosis for Pediobius williamsoni (Girault) is given and morphological characters are illustrated.

A serious bleeding complication with injury of the corona mortis with the TVT-Secur procedure

We report a serious complication following a TVT-Secur procedure due to injury of the corona mortis requiring a surgical intervention for removal of 1 l of clotted blood from the space of Retzius. The corona mortis is an anomaly of the vessel combining the obturator and epigastric arteries passing over the superior pubic ramus, well known to hernia and orthopedic surgeons but probably less well kn

Momentary Contentment: A Modern Version of an Old Survival Culture

This is a classic grounded theory based in longitudinal data from everyday life in an environment in Northern Norway characterized by long distances, a harsh climate and people living close to nature and each other. The place has a history of poverty and isolation. Yet, old survival strategies prevail despite modernisation. The theory reveals a culture of momentary contentment with three dimension

Tarski’s one and only concept of truth

In a recent article, David (Tarski’s convention T and the concept of truth, pp. 133–156, 2008) distinguishes between two interpretations of Tarski’s work on truth. The standard interpretation has it that Tarski gave us a definition of truth in-L within the meta-language; the non-standard interpretation, that Tarski did not give us a definition of true sentence in L, but rather a definition of trut

String formation beyond leading colour

We present a new model for the hadronisation of multi-parton systems, in which colour correlations beyond leading N-C are allowed to influence the formation of confining potentials (strings). The multiplet structure of SU(3) is combined with a minimisation of the string potential energy, to decide between which partons strings should form, allowing also for "baryonic" configurations (e.g., two col

The Relation of Hypnotizability and Dissociation to Everyday Mentation: An Experience-Sampling Study

Research has found that individuals varying in hypnotizability and dissociation respond differently to questionnaires and procedures geared to affect their state of consciousness, but their stream of consciousness in everyday life has not been investigated. We evaluated the everyday mentation of students (N 46) in a 2 (High vs. Low Hypnotizability) 2 (High vs. Low Dissociative) design through expe

Effect of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine on Dendritic Spines Dynamics in Rat Neocortical Neurons - Involvement of Heat Shock Protein 27.

Along with chronic neurotoxic effects, the long-term consumption of amphetamines has been associated to psychiatric symptoms and memory disturbances. Dendritic spine dynamics have been discussed as a possible morphological correlate. However, the underlying mechanisms are still elusive. 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), a major drug of abuse and a main metabolite after 3,4-methylenedioxymethamp

Nighttime lights and population changes in Europe 1992–2012

Nighttime satellite photographs of Earth reveal the location of lighting and provide a unique view of the extent of human settlement. Nighttime lights have been shown to correlate with economic development and population but little research has been done on the link between nighttime lights and population change over time. We explore whether population decline is coupled with decline in lighted ar

Net-Charge Fluctuations in Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

We report the first measurement of the net-charge fluctuations in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV, measured with the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The dynamical fluctuations per unit entropy are observed to decrease when going from peripheral to central collisions. An additional reduction in the amount of fluctuations is seen in comparison to the results from lower en

Interaction between functional polymorphic variants in cytokine genes, established risk factors and susceptibility to basal cell carcinoma of skin

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the skin is the most common neoplasm among the Caucasian population of the Western world. Inflammation may result in oxidative stress and contribute to promotion and progression of tumors, including BCC. The role of cytokines, which are inflammatory modulators, in the biology of tumors has been extensively studied and it is well known that they are aberrantly produced

Co-adsorption of beta-casein and calcium phosphate nanoclusters (CPN) at hydrophilic and hydrophobic solid-solution interfaces studied by neutron reflectometry

Neutron reflectometry was used to study the co-adsorption of calcium phosphate nanoclusters (CPN) and beta-casein at hydrophobized and hydrophilic silica-water interfaces. The structural characteristics of the adsorbed layer were determined from neutron reflectivity curves analysed with multi-layer optical models. We used a highly specific proteolytic enzyme, endoproteinase Asp-N in conjunction wi

Literary Celebrity Reconsidered

The ongoing celebritisation of society not only comprises ‘celebrity sectors’ such as entertainment and sports, but also literature. As in other cultural fields, the commodities to be sold – books – are marketed using the ‘personalities’ directly connected to them by authors appearing on television shows or being selected for feature articles. The aim of the article is to point out limitations to