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Your search for "*" yielded 531638 hits
For Netanyahu, Iran Is Personal
The Role of IS in corporate M&A
A gender perspective on the Lund University Master of International Development and Management
Family planning as individual rights and collective efforts – An analysis of discourses in international human rights law and Indonesian legislation
As is commonly known, the Indonesian national family planning programme, once celebrated for its success, now faces a number of challenges in the post-Soeharto context. One imminent issue is the programme’s conformity with international human rights standards with regard to sexual and reproductive rights, for which reason the current legislation (the 1992 Health Act and the 1992 Act on Development
The effect of icing on airfoil wake structures
Automatic Control: A Perspective
How Vectoring in May Cause Neighborhood Wars
Emerging wireline transmission systems such as use bands up to around 200 MHz on short cables. A key enabler for achieving the aspired throughput of several hundred Mbit/s is joint processing of transmit signals in downstream direction as well as joint processing of receive signals in upstream direction through techniques referred to as vectoring. A new challenge in such systems are sudden
Youth, Risk, and Sexuality in India and Vietnam
Acoustic Trapping in Biomedical Research
Popular Abstract in Swedish I naturen finns en närmast oändlig variation av biologiska partiklar i storleksordningen 100 nanometer till 10 mikrometer. Bland dessa kan man bland annat finna; eukaryota celler som genom ordnad samverkan bygger upp flercelliga organismer, prokaryota celler vilka lever som solitära organismer såsom olika bakterier eller jästsvamp, och viruspartiklar vilka likt parasiteHerein a method that uses acoustically resonating glass capillaries and enables non-contact capture of micron-sized bioparticles, i.e. acoustic trapping, is described. A miniaturized ultrasonic transducer is used to locally actuate a cross-sectional resonance in the capillary. A 2000×200 µm2 capillary is typically operated around a resonance frequency of 4-MHz. Optimal design of the transducer for
Introducing an equal rights framework for older persons in residential care
Registrerat partnerskap i Norden
Stabilitet över långa tider med hjälp av återkoppling
Ljuset i rummet
A Statistical Analysis of Bearings-Only Tracking
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User´s influence in Social Service Innovations: Two Swedish Case Studies
A High Performance Bit-Serial Lattice Wave Digital Intermediate Frequency Filter Chip
Experimental study of interactions of elementary particles at high energy
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Presens och preteritum i skönlitterär prosa
I skönlitterär prosa förekommer det strängt taget enbart tre olika temporala texttyper: narration (berättande text, relation), citat (alltså dialog) och berättarens nutid (dvs. passager där en berättare talar i egen sak), och det finns bara två finita tempus att välja emellan: presens och preteritum. Det kan tyckas som om de skönlitterära författarna har ett snävt spelrum att operera inom. Men det