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Den pedagogiska praktikens janusansikte: om det kommunikativa handlandets didaktiska villkor och konsekvenser

Popular Abstract in Swedish Villkoren för utbildning och undervisning förändras i väsentliga avseenden i takt med samhällets tilltagande komplexitet. Det är många gånger svårt för både lärare och elever att veta hur man på bästa sätt ska orientera sitt pedagogiska handlande. Med utgångspunkt från tre pedagogiska kontexter - grundskolan, de särskilda ungdomshemmen och grundskollärarutbildningen - pPedagogical practice is, in several important considerations, contradictory in character. In this dissertation attenention is drawn towards the field of tension that prevails between pedagogical action, which can be descibed in terms of strategic processes and communicative pedagogical action. While the former places the preconditions for effective knowledge development of the individual at the ce

Nonfatal stroke, cardiac disease, and diabetes mellitus in hypopituitary patients on hormone replacement including growth hormone

Context: The impact of long-term GH replacement on cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in hypopituitary patients is unknown. Objective: The incidence of nonfatal stroke and cardiac events, and prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus ( T2D) and cardioprotective medication were compared between cohorts of GH-deficient (GHD) patients and population controls. Design and Pa

Action spectra for enhancement of ultraweak luminescence by UV radiation (270–340 nm) in leaves of Brassica napus

Fluence-response relationships for the enhancement of ultraweak luminescence by UV radiation were determined in leaves of Brassica napus L. (cv. Ceres) when either the adaxial or abaxial leaf surface was exposed to monochromatic radiation (270–340 nm). Action spectra for both leaf surfaces were constructed from the fluence-response curves at the fluence required to obtain a doubling of the ultrawe

Optimisation of a dosing strategy for an HC-SCR diesel exhaust after-treatment system

Several principal aspects and components of an advanced catalytic exhaust after-treatment system for NO, reduction on a heavy-duty diesel truck engine have been systematically examined and evaluated. The after-treatment system consists of de-NO, catalysts, injection of a reducing agent (diesel fuel), and computer programs to model the engine and catalysts in real time. These models are combined wi

Neuropeptide expression in the human trigeminal nucleus caudalis and in the cervical spinal cord C1 and C2.

In migraine and other primary headaches there is a strong vascular component. Besides the trigeminovascular components some of the associated symptoms point to the involvement of brain stem regions. The central limb of the trigeminal vascular pathway is its projection to the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) and to the C1-C2 levels of the spinal cord. The aim of the present study was to demonstrat

Dietary patterns and survival of older Europeans: The EPIC-Elderly study (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition)

Objective: To investigate the association of a posteriori dietary patterns with overall survival of older Europeans. Design and setting: This is a multi-centre cohort study. Cox regression analysis was used to investigate the association of the prevailing, a posteriori-derived, plant-based dietary pattern with all-cause mortality in a population of subjects who were 60 years or older at recruitmen

Wildfires in NW Patagonia: long-term effects on a Nothofagus forest soil

In NW Patagonia, Argentina, poor regeneration after fires of Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. and Endl.) Krasser forests located in drier environments has been attributed to probable edaphic changes. We studied the long-term effects of wildfire on the mineralogical, physical, chemical and biological properties of a soil developed from volcanic-ashes under N. pumilio forests. Soils from six small patches

A determination of the centre-of-mass energy at LEP2 using radiative two-fermion events

Using e(+)e(-) -> mu(+)mu(-)(gamma) and e(+)e(-) -> q (q) over bar(gamma) events radiative to the Z pole, DELPHI has determined the centre-of-mass energy, root s, using energy and momentum constraint methods. The results are expressed as deviations from the nominal LEP centre-of-mass energy, measured using other techniques. The results are found to be compatible with the LEP Energy Working Group e

Tumor attenuation by 2(6-hydroxynaphthyl)-{beta}-D-xylopyranoside requires priming of heparan sulfate and nuclear targeting of the products.

We have previously reported that the heparan sulfate-priming glycoside 2-(6-hydroxynaphthyl)-ß-D-xylopyranoside selectively inhibits growth of transformed or tumor-derived cells. To investigate the specificity of this xyloside various analogs were synthesized and tested in vitro. Selective growth inhibition was dependent on the presence of a free 6-hydroxyl in the aglycon. Because cells deficient

Survey of E1 Transitions in the Mass A~60 Region

A survey of parity-changing E1 transitions has been pursued in N>~Z nuclei near 56Ni using data from an EUROBALL experiment. Linear polarization measurements have been combined with angular correlations of coincident gamma rays to determine the electromagnetic character of numerous transitions. The impact of the results on shell-model parametrizations is briefly discussed.

Complete Spectroscopy in High-spin Cranking Calculations

Exact and approximate quantum numbers of the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky (CNS) formalism are exploited to calculate excited bands in fixed configurations with the energy of the individual bands minimized with respect to deformation for all spin values. The formalism is applied to Cu-59, where all bands which appear important in the decay out of the superdeformed band are calculated.

Gift and Exchange in the Reciprocal Regime of the Miskito on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, 20th Century

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är en historisk-komparativ analys av en konflikt som har uppstått i Miskito's ekonomiska system under 1900-talet avseende exploateringen av kommunalt ägda resurser. Studien är baserad på empiriskt material insamlat i en Miskito/Creole by på Atlantkusten i Nicaragua på 1990-talet. Under den s k enklavperioden (1860-1960) tjänade Miskito män pengar som lönearThis dissertation is a historical-comparative analysis of a conflict that has developed in the economic system of the Miskito in the 20th century, concerning the use of common property resources. The study is based on empirical material collected in a Miskito/Creole village on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua in the 1990s. During the enclave period (1860-1960) Miskito men earned money as wage labou

Fragmentation heterogeneity of 23S ribosomal RNA in Haemophilus species

The fragmentation of 23S rRNA of 23 Haemophilus influenzae strains and eight strains belonging to other Haemophilus species was investigated. Instead of intact molecules, the 23S rRNA molecules were found to be cleaved into two to five smaller conserved fragments in most strains examined, especially in H. influenzae type b (5/6) and nontypeable strains (5/5). One or two conserved potential cleavag

Estimating source area of pollen and pollen productivity in the cultural landscapes of southern Sweden - developing a palynological tool for quantifying past plant cover

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen är ett bidrag till utvecklingen av en metodik som gör det möjligt att med hjälp av fossila pollen d.v.s. pollen som lagrats i mossar och sjöar, rekonstruera historiska och förhistoriska landskap så precist som möjligt vad gäller utbredning av skog, olika typer av öppen mark samt vegetationens sammansättning. Den tolknings metodik som för närvarande Fossil pollen records retrieved from peat and lake sediments have great potential for quantifying past plant cover. This thesis is a contribution to the development of a palynological interpretation tool for reconstructing past cultural landscapes in terms of plant abundance and distribution. The aims of this thesis are (1) to explore pollen-vegetation relationships in the ancient, traditional cul