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Kompetensbedömningar vid rekrytering

Ett flertal olika faktorer – däribland utbildning, tidigare arbetserfarenheter och personliga egenskaper – avgör tillsammans en arbetssökandes attraktivitet på arbetsmarknaden. I regel står det arbetsgivare fritt att avgöra vilka kriterier som ska vara de mest avgörande på just deras arbetsplats. Vissa inskränkningar finns dock i denna frihet, däribland diskrimineringsförbudet. Inom den statliga There are several different factors – including education, working life experience and personal characteristics – that together determine how attractive a specific job applicant is on the labour market. In general, the employers can freely choose which criteria they value the most when they are recruiting. However, there are some restrictions that the employers need to take into consideration, the

Barns rätt till skydd och upprättelse - Om preskriptionstiden vid barnmisshandel

Sweden is a member state to the Convention on the rights of the child. Therefore it has to have the child’s best as its primary interest while forming regulations regarding children. In this essay I wanted to explore what implications this requirement had on how the Swedish state should form the statute of limitation on sexual abuse against children and other types of child abuse. I’ve looked at

Korruptionsbekämpning i Världsbankens regi - En ideologianalys av Världsbankens strategier för korruptionsbekämpning

Anti-corruption measures have since 2007 been formally incorporated in the World Bank Group’s poverty reduction mandate. The understanding of corruption is a matter of great disagreement, there is a lack of consensus regarding the causes and effects of the phenomenon. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how the World Bank’s understanding of corruption is demonstrated in its strategies

Comparative study of metrics for IPTV transport in the access network

Last few years, services such as Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) and Voice over Internet Protocol (ValP) have been in focus. Network operators see a huge potential in streaming real-time media over IP-networks and this lays the ground for so called paid services such as Video on Demand (VOD) as well as free services like YouThbe and SVT Play. IPTV delivers content over a closed infrastructure

A Comparative Study on the Situation of the Roma in Romania and Spain: A Focus on multicultural education measures as a foundation for positive societal integration

This thesis addresses the complexities of the situation of the Roma in Romania and Spain and the challenges of including isolated groups in society. The main texts used for comparison come from the Council of Europe’s expert bodies: the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), the Advisory Committee (ACFC) under the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (

Mer än bara fjärrlån? en kvalitativ studie om hur bibliotekarier vid Lunds universitets bibliotek ser på sitt arbete med forskarstöd

The purpose of this master's thesis is twofold. Firstly, the purpose is to illuminate how librarians at seven different faculties at the Lund University Libraries define their supportive work towards scientists. Secondly, the purpose is to show in which ways the librarians' work affect the learning and identity of the librarians as well as how this work is influenced by the epistemic cultu

Analys av tillämpningsområdena för skatteflykt och fördelningen av beskattningsrätten som rättfärdigandegrunder för svenska regler i strid mot FEUF

Uppsatsen behandlar unionsrättens påverkan på den svenska inkomstskatterätten. Även om medlemsstaterna behållit makten att lagstifta på inkomstskatteområdet får de nationella regelverken inte strida mot FEUF. Detta innebär att unionsrätten i själva verket har stor inverkan på den direkta beskattningen. Även om nationella regler strider mot FEUF:s bestämmelser om fri rörlighet kan de i vissa fall

Skyddet för anställningsvillkoren vid verksamhetsövergång - Överlåtarens och förvärvarens möjligheter att påverka anställningsvillkoren

Rådets direktiv 2001/23/EG om tillnärmning av medlemstaternas lagstiftning om skydd för arbetstagares rättigheter vid överlåtelse av företag, verksamheter eller delar av verksamheter antogs ursprungligen år 1977 som en följd av ökade omstruktureringar och företagsöverlåtelser på den gemensamma marknaden. En viktig bestämmelse återfinns i artikel 3, som stadgar en automatisk övergång från överlåtarThe Council Directive 2001/23/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of businesses, was originally adopted in 1977 as a result of an increase in restructurings and transfers of businesses. An important provision is found in article 3, which prescribes the automatic tra


This study explores Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean (FME) as an institution working to articulate the national, regional and global dimensions of environmental governance and to promote sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean through regional cooperation. Drawing on current scholarship on Global Environmental Governance (GEG) and institutiona


This study examined to what extent the decentralised drinking water management system in Mahoba district, Uttar Pradesh, India, is participatory. The central questions focused on how participation is taking place, what socio-political factors affect participation, and how the community members explain their capability to participate. Methodologically the study was interpretivist in nature and base

The State of the Nation in Timor-Leste: Understanding the Shape of the Nation through the Perspectives of Timorese Youth

With the new governing structures created through the transitional administration of the United Nations (UN), old and new fault lines in the past decade have exposed themselves in Timor-Leste: rural-urban divides, generational divides, communal divides, and political divides. This paper utilises Anthony D. Smith’s ethno-symbolism approach to understanding nationalism by focusing on subjective elem

Remittances and development: the case of Algeria

This thesis investigates the characteristics of remittances and remittance behavior to Algeria as well as the role of remittances in local and national level development in Algeria using two different analytical-theoretical frameworks: a developmentalist framework based in neoliberal theory, and a more critical framework built on de Haas (2010). A number of case studies and micro-level surveys ind

A feed-in tariff scheme to promote renewable electricity in Ecuador : has it delivered sustainability?

Ecuador has a large potential for electricity generation from renewable energy sources. Regardless of such potential, mainly thermal (non-renewable) and large-scale hydroelectricity has been widely exploited. In order to tap the potential of other renewables, a feed-in tariff scheme has been implemented since 2000 in Ecuador and it has experienced several revisions throughout the last decade. The

Integritet och användande

Vi har utifrån att tjänster på Internet samlar in stora mängder information om sina användare formulerat en problemställning där vi ser till användarnas behov integritet i samband med att nästan allt de gör på Internet lagras. Syftet med studien är att genom att intervjua användare av denna typ av tjänster, identifiera de upplevda integritetsproblem som uppkommer samt att undersöka hur dessa påver

The melting Himalayas : examples of water harvesting techniques

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Himalayas glaciärer både växer och blir mindre som ett svar på klimatförändringarna. Den dominerande trenden är att ismassor minskar, speciellt för mindre glaciärer. Allt eftersom glaciärer drar sig tillbaka, ändras hydrologin och vattentillgängligheten, både uppströms och nedströms inom dräneringsområdet. Denna förändring är mest tydlig på hög altitud där jordbHimalayan glaciers are both growing and shrinking as a response to global climate change. The major trend is a loss of ice sheets, especially among the smaller glaciers. As glaciers retreat there is a change in hydrology and seasonal water availability both upstream and downstream of the river basins. This is most apparent in high altitude and glacierfed areas where meltwater is the main (sometime