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Kungligt beslag? - ett huvud i Mammenstil - och ett huvud till
How do you do? And where do we go from here? Understanding the everyday life of researchers in order to support their research: Library collaboration and partnership with researchers at Lund University
Brittleness of normal and high-strength concrete
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Ph.d projekt, Institut for Nordisk Filologi, Københavns Universitet. Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet 2000.
Particulate Organic and Elemental Carbon Emitted during Combustion of Three Commonly Used Biofuels
Konsten att luras: Evolutionära aspekter av bedrägeri
Parameter Optimization of a Non-linear Boiler Model
Simultaneous On-Line Estimation of Oxygen Transfer Rate and Respiration Rate
Ny strategi behövs mot antisemitism
Functional Diffusion map (fDM) as an early imaging biomarker for high grade glioma: Correlation with conventional radiographic response and overall survival.
Migration Control Policies as Spatial Organization – Mobility, Power and Geopolitics
The Manifestations of 'We'-Attitudes in Social Encounters
The mollissima group of Silene in the Western Mediterranean Basin: a common ancestor or morphological divergence?
Automation development in water and wastewater systems
A Technique for Optimization of System-on-Chip Test Data Transportation
We propose a Tabu-search-based technique for time-constrained SOC (System-on-Chip) test data transportation. The technique makes use of the existing bus structure, where the advantage is, compared to adding dedicated test buses, that no additional routing is needed. In order to speed up the testing and to fulfill the time constraint, we introduce a buffer at each core, which in combination with di
Teachers developing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at a Faculty of Medicine
Many universities are actively promoting scholarly inquiry into teaching and learning to improve education. Strategies used may involve support for development projects, teaching awards and academies. The Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden, has developed a Teaching Academy with criteria for membership founded in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (Kreber, 2002; Trigwell & Shale, 20
Reduction of ground vibrations by landscape shaping
A Semi-Lagrangian Method for a Fokker-Planck Equation Describing Fiber Dynamics
A simplified Fokker-Planck model for the lay-down of fibers on a conveyor belt in the production process of nonwovens is investigated. It takes into account the motion of the fiber under the influence of turbulence. The emphasis in this paper is on the development of a numerical procedure to solve the model. We present a semi-Lagrangian scheme that accurately captures the fiber dynamics and conser