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Solenergi och vätgas (ett demonstrationsprojekt)

Vätgas antas ofta ingå i ett framtida fossilfritt energisystem och därmed vara en del av lösningen till hur vi ska förhindra klimatförändringarna. Var och hur vätgas är mest lämplig att använda i ett sådant system är dock ännu oklart. Mest lovande verkar vätgas vara som ersättning för bensin och diesel i persontransporter och som långtidslagring av energi från förnybara energikällor samt som kompl

Användning av slaggrus från avfallsförbränning i anläggningskonstruktioner (Kartläggning av erfarenheter)

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att stimulera och öka en miljömässigt säker användning av slaggrus i anläggningskonstruktioner utanför deponiområden. I examensarbetet har en omfattande enkätundersökning utarbetats. Sammanlagt svarade 16 slaggrusproducenter, 16 länsstyrelser och 14 kommuner på enkätundersökningen. Bland svaren finns ett antal specifikationer om vad länsstyrelserna och kommunerna

The Relationship between Ownership and Company Performance: Evidence from Chinese Company-Level Data

For Chinese economy, the relationship between ownership and company performance is an important theoretical and practical topic. My research question is how ownership affect company performance and what is the basis determinant. In the view of macro, it relates to whether the economy system need further reform or not and if the economy could remain a sustainable growth. In the view of micro, it re

The analysis of attractive rates offered under Dual Structured Notes without principal protection, regarding the probability to occur and the operation at market prices of the implicit options

This paper has the purpose to determine whether the attractive rates offered by a local Investment Bank in Mexico under structured products, more specifically under structured notes without principal protection denominated “Dual Structured Notes”, are plausible to get, showing whether the strikes of the implicit options were chosen within critical price values for the foreign exchange rate MXN/USD

Prevalence of contact allergies in the population compared to a tertiary referral patch test clinic in Jena/Germany

Background: The contact allergy prevalences in patch-tested patients are usually higher than those in the population, owing to morbidity-driven selection. Objectives: To examine the differences between two samples, one from the population, one from the patch test clinic, in one area of Germany (Jena, Thuringia). Methods: Between August 2008 and October 2011, a total of 519 participants of the popu

Percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with three-vessel or left main coronary artery disease : 10-year follow-up of the multicentre randomised controlled SYNTAX trial

BACKGROUND: The Synergy between PCI with Taxus and Cardiac Surgery (SYNTAX) trial was a non-inferiority trial that compared percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) using first-generation paclitaxel-eluting stents with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in patients with de-novo three-vessel and left main coronary artery disease, and reported results up to 5 years. We now report 10-year all-cau

Performance of the ATLAS RPC detector and Level-1 muon barrel trigger at √s = 13 TeV

The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) employs a trigger system consisting of a first-level hardware trigger (L1) and a software-based high-level trigger. The L1 muon trigger system selects muon candidates, assigns them to the correct LHC bunch crossing and classifies them into one of six transverse-momentum threshold classes. The L1 muon trigger system uses resistive-plate chambe

Reassessing the role of type II toxin-antitoxin systems in formation of escherichia coli type II persister cells

Persistence is a reversible and low-frequency phenomenon allowing a subpopulation of a clonal bacterial population to survive antibiotic treatments. Upon removal of the antibiotic, persister cells resume growth and give rise to viable progeny. Type II toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems were assumed to play a key role in the formation of persister cells in Escherichia coli based on the observation that s

Measurement of the very rare K+→π+νν- decay

The NA62 experiment reports the branching ratio measurement BR(K+→π+νν¯)=(10.6−3.4+4.0|stat±0.9syst)×10−11 at 68% CL, based on the observation of 20 signal candidates with an expected background of 7.0 events from the total data sample collected at the CERN SPS during 2016–2018. This provides evidence for the very rare K+→π+νν¯ decay, observed with a significance of 3.4σ. The experiment achieves a

Realeasy: Real-Time capable Simulation to Reality Domain Adaptation

We address the problem of insufficient quality of robot simulators to produce precise sensor readings for joint positions, velocities and torques. Realistic simulations of sensor readings are particularly important for real time robot control laws and for data intensive Reinforcement Learning of robot movements in simulation. We systematically construct two architectures based on Long Short-Term M

Altered Tryptophan Catabolism in Placentas From Women With Pre-eclampsia

Background: The kynurenine pathway enzymes, breaking down tryptophan, are abundant in placental tissue. These metabolites are involved in immunoregulatory mechanisms, although the role of this pathway in pre-eclampsia (PE) has only begun to be characterized. Here, we determined tryptophan and metabolite levels together with the expression of kynurenine pathway enzymes and inflammatory factors in p

Lignin Conversion to Value-Added Small-Molecule Chemicals : Towards Integrated Forest Biorefineries

Lignin is the most abundant aromatic biopolymer on Earth and has significant potential as a feedstock for industrial use. Due to its intrinsic heterogeneity and recalcitrance, lignin has been regarded as a low-value side-product in the pulp and paper industry and in second-generation biorefineries. However, novel technologies are currently being explored to utilize lignin as a renewable resource fo

An evolutionary ratchet leading to loss of elongation factors in eukaryotes

Background: The GTPase eEF1A is the eukaryotic factor responsible for the essential, universal function of aminoacyl-tRNA delivery to the ribosome. Surprisingly, eEF1A is not universally present in eukaryotes, being replaced by the paralog EFL independently in multiple lineages. The driving force behind this unusually frequent replacement is poorly understood. Results: Through sequence searching o

The bacterial toxin RelE induces specific mRNA cleavage in the A site of the eukaryote ribosome

RelE/RelB is a well-characterized toxin-anti-toxin pair involved in nutritional stress responses in Bacteria and Archae. RelE lacks any eukaryote homolog, but we demonstrate here that it efficiently and specifically cleaves mRNA in the A site of the eukaryote ribosome. The cleavage mechanism is similar to that in bacteria, showing the feasibility of A-site cleavage of mRNA for regulatory purposes

Visual attributes of environments : Presentation and judgement of planned environment and the hypothesis of arousal

To find a systematic method for measuring and describing perception of human environment groups of subjects rated various environments with descriptive words, which were given the form of rating scales. Data was processed by means of factor analysis, through which eight main dimensions were obtained. Some of these dimensions were used in an attempt to compare different methods for presentation of

Intergenerational care in corona times: Practices of care in Swedish families during the pandemic

Objective: This paper analyses intergenerational relationships in Sweden during the corona pandemic, with a special focus on practices of care. The research question is: How is care between generations – between grandparents, adult children and grandchildren – done during pandemic conditions? Background: In Sweden, where an extensive welfare state provides affordable child- and eldercare, the coro