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Voltage Control and Load Sharing in DC Distribution Systems

This paper addresses voltage control and load sharing in DC distribution systems. At present, DC distribution systems are utilised in, for example, telecommunication systems. Future applications could also involve distributed power systems based on renewable energy sources. The dynamic and stationary properties of voltage droop control and its load sharing abilities are investigated. The DC bus vo

Mastering the integration chaos following frequent M&As: IS integration with SOA technology

The use of service oriented architectures (SOA) is rapidly penetrating contemporary business life based on the promise of scalable and flexible information infrastructures. However the technique is still in it infancy and many questions regarding the consequences of a shift towards this kind of IT architecture still remains unanswered. We approach the relation between SOA and another actual topic,

Från observation till specialpedagogisk design. Pedagogikens möte med psykiatrin

Här möts pedagogiken och psykiatrin genom att en pedagog utvidgat sitt verksamhetsområde till vuxenpsykiatrin. Eve Mandre försöker synliggöra den så kallade tysta kunskapen inom specialpedagogisk verksamhet genom att ta fram dess enskilda delar och sätta ord på dem. Hon ser observationer som grund för all individualiserad pedagogik och förmågan att göra bra observationer som ett av lärarens viktig

Social support for physical activity among adolescents

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen var att öka förståelsen för socialt stöd för fysisk aktivitet bland ungdomar, då det råder motstridiga uppgifter när det gäller betydelsen av socialt stöd. Tre empiriska studier ingår i avhandlingen och samtliga problematiserar kring betydelsen av det sociala stödet för fysisk aktivitet bland ungdomar under gymnasietiden. Studie I är en kvantitThe aim of the present thesis was to enhance our understanding of social support for physical activity among adolescents. Earlier findings show inconsistent results with regard to the importance of social support. The present thesis includes three empirical studies examining adolescents (16-18 years) during their years in high-school. Study I was a cross-sectional quantitative study that concluded

Bioenergy Potentials and Dynamic Factors

Biomass or bioenergy is attracting growing attention as a sustainable and renewable energy source, which is abundant and available around the world. There are many studies on bioenergy potentials with estimates ranging from less than 100 EJ/yr to more than 500 EJ/yr in 2050. Some studies indicate that by 2100 more than 1000 EJ/yr is conceivable. To comprehend the magnitude of the estimates, the wo