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The evolution of the glandular kallikrein locus: identification of orthologs and pseudogenes in the cotton-top tamarin.
Gene Expression Studies of Hematologic Malignacies
Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje år insjuknar ca 460 personer i akut leukemi (blodcancer) i Sverige. Leukemi är en sjukdom som drabbar celler med viktiga funktioner i vårt immunförsvar och kännetecknas av att omogna celler ansamlas i framförallt benmärg och blod. Bristen på mogna och fungerande vita blodceller i benmärgen leder till en ökad infektionsbenägenhet, ökad risk för blödningar och blodbThe general aim of this thesis was to characterize hematologic malignancies using gene expression profiling in order to obtain an improved classification and to study deregulated transcriptional networks in leukemia. In the first study (Article I), the gene expression profiles of hematologic cell lines were analyzed to investigate whether such cell lines maintain expression profiles that are chara
Ikke kun grøn revolution
Abstract in Danish At indisk landbrug stik imod forventningerne har udviklet sig positivt efter selvstændigheden, er ikke blot et resultat af den grønne revolution. Det skyldes i lige så høj grad statens aktive indblanding og ikke mindst bøndernes kamp for jordreformer, fremgår det af denne analyse af sociale bevægelsers betydning for indiske landbrugsudvikling. Nye producentorienterede bondebevæg
DNA ploidy in soft tissue sarcoma: Comparison of flow and image cytometry with clinical follow-up in 93 patients : comparison of flow and image cytometry with clinical follow-up in 93 patients
In soft tissue sarcoma, the prognostic importance of DNA ploidy status is limited. One possible explanation may be technical; small nondiploid stemlines will he diluted in relation to the presence of normal diploid cells and may not be detected by flow cytometry (FCM). We assessed DNA ploidy status in 93 tumors with both FCM and image cytometry (ICM). ICM may permit the exclusion of nonrelevant ce
Monotheism and Monopoly: A Match Made in Heaven or a Marriage of Convenience?
The article explores the relation between monotheism and intolerance: are monotheistic religions more "intolerant" than are non-monotheistic religions? Is monothesim per definitionem exclusive and intolerant? The article seeks to indicate some of the ways in which monotheistic belief can both hinder and further improved interreligious relations. To what extent do monotheists today take responsibil
Humlefuktbaggar i bikupor och slaget vid Waterloo.
Solvent Extraction of Phosphoric Acid with Long Chain Tertiary Amines
Solvent extraction of phosphoric acid with Alamine 336 and tri-n-octylamine in toluene has been investigated. The activity of phosphoric acid is expressed as a polynomial of ionic strength and Bromley's model for electrolyte solutions is employed for calculation of ionic activity coefficients. Three species R3N (H3P04) n with n = 1, 2 and 3 in the organic phase are taken into account for explanati
Fluorescence polarization to study galectin-ligand interactions.
Du hittar mig mellan raderna : Nizar Qabbani och kvinnan
Nizar Qabbani (1923-1998) är en av den moderna arabiska poesins främsta förnyare. Han är för närvarande både den mest läste och den mest kontroversielle, den mest älskade och den mest hatade av samtidens poeter i Arabvärlden.
Isomerisation of omega-hydroxyalkenes under hydroxycarbonylation conditions in palladium catalysed aqueous phase systems
The omega-hydroxyolefins 3-buten-1-ol, 3-buten-1-methyl-1-ol and 4-penten-1-ol were subjected to hydroxycarbonylation conditions in water in the presence of PdCL2(PhCN)(2) and 4-8 equiv. of water soluble tris(3-sodiumsulfonatophenyl)phosphine (TPPTS), or N-bis(N',N'-diethyl-2-aminoethyl)-4-aminomethylphenyl-diphenylphosphine (N3P). Under conditions of high conversion, the olefins primarily undergo
Parasitism of Dinophysis norvegica by Amoebophrya sp in the Baltic sea
The temporal and vertical distribution of the infection of the dinoflagellate Dinophysis norvegica by the endoparasite Amoebophrya sp. was investigated at a fixed sampling location in the Baltic Sea during 2000 and 2001. Infected hosts were detected by epifluorescence microscopy after DAPI staining. The maximum depth-averaged parasite prevalence was 2.3 % in July 2000 and 1.8 % in August 2001. The
Leading Lives: On Happiness and Narrative Meaning
In contemporary moral philosophy, the standard way of understanding the constituents of the human good is in terms of a fairly limited number of features that contribute to our happiness independently of how they are situated in our lives. Even when this approach is supplemented by Moorean ideas about organic wholes, it still cannot do justice to the deep importance of how things are situated and
Plastisk krympning hos självkompakterande betong utan byggfukt
Människors platser : tretton arkeologiska studier från UV
Extravasation, lamina propria flooding and lumenal entry of bulk plasma exudate in mucosal defence, inflammation and repair
Low adherence with antihypertensives in actual practice: the association with social participation - a multilevel analysis
Background: Low adherence is a key factor in explaining impaired effectiveness and efficiency in the pharmacological treatment of hypertension. However, little is known about which factors determine low adherence in actual practice. The purpose of this study is to examine whether low social participation is associated with low adherence with antihypertensive medication, and if this association is
Determination of Spins and Mixing Ratios from Directional Correlations Measured with the OSIRIS Array
From the general triple angular correlation of gamma-radiations from axially symmetric oriented nuclear states the limit of double correlations with unobserved intermediate transitions is derived. Expressions for DCO ratios are obtained for a detector geometry in which the OSIRIS array is placed perpendicular to the beam direction and an additional Ge detector is positioned close to the beam axis.
Design of recombinant antibodies for high-throughput proteomics
Review of Rambold, Gerhard and Triebel, Dagmar. The Inter-lecanoralean Assocations. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 48.
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