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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

Kan Starbucks erövra Italien?

Titel: Kan Starbucks erövra Italien? En fallstudie om globalt utbud och lokal efterfrågan Författare: Bernadett Dimovski, Andreas Johansson, Marcello Sciacca Handledare: Stefan Gössling, Josefine Östrup Problem: Globalisering är ett allt oftare omtalat ämne. Globala företag försöker etablera sig på nya marknader och vill skapa en efterfrågan för sina produkter och tjänster. Dessa företag brukar of

Ledarskapets betydelse för psykisk hälsa och välbefinnande inom tjänstemannayrken: en forskningsöversikt

I en tid där arbetsmarknaden präglas av hot om nedskärningar och uppsägningar är det lätt att företagsledning, chefer och ledare endast ser till de möjliga ekonomiska vinsterna och i den processen bortser från hur de anställda påverkas av ledarskapet. Den här uppsatsens syfte var att utifrån aktuell forskning undersöka om interaktionen mellan ledare och medarbetare inom tjänstemannayrken kan påver

Avropsprojekt - KåKå AB - En analys av affärssystemet Movex möjligheter för ett effektivare avropsarbete

Syfte: Då detta projekt har varit inriktat på avropsarbetet på KåKå AB har målsättningen eller syftet främst varit att effektivisera avropsarbetet för att på sikt kunna frigöra tid för avropare för framtida utvecklingsprojekt, dvs. som man på KåKå AB uttrycker det: ”Göra en gapanalys mellan dagens situation och hur man bör arbeta.” Genomförande: Genom tester i Movex, diskussioner, möten och en kar

Energy Conservation in Old Brick Houses

The goal of this thesis is to find a contribution to the problem of implementing additional insulation without disrupting the internal and external appearances of the building that need to be kept. With this we intend to find out which methods would be most prudent as well as finding out what effects these changes could have on the energy efficiency and the internal climate of a house. To attain t

Dublin I & II

År 1990 presenterade den Europeiska gemenskapen Dublinkonventionen (Dublin I), rörande en harmonisering av den europeiska asylpolitiken. År 2003 lades en förordning (Dublin II) fram som var ämnad att ersätta Dublin I. Vi har i vår uppsats undersökt vilka komponenter i detta dokument som utgjorde svårigheter för att ett fullgott verkställande skulle kunna genomföras. Detta med hjälp av teorier av b

Jurister - EU:s nya politiker? En fallstudie av Lissabonfördraget om legalisering och judikalisering.

According to latest research the world politics is experiencing an expansion of judicial power. International institutions are becoming more legalized and courts are getting more influence over political issues. In this thesis I investigate the relationship between politics and law in the European Union (EU) and how this international trend is present in the current constitutional changes that are

Democratic education in Sweden: A study of democratic values in Swedish elementary schools

Education is a basic welfare pillar. Education in schools influence and is influenced by society and politics. Democratic education is the alternative that the students seek in many countries where there is an authoritarian education system like Greece my country of origin. The idea of the present Master thesis topic emerged out of my studies in the Master program of Global studies at Lund Univer

Value Investing and The Magic Formula - a method for successful stock investments

With this thesis we want to prove that by using a single formula for picking stocks, Joel Greenblatt’s ‘’Magic Formula’’, it is possible to achieve returns higher than those achieved by a related index. To prove this, we will construct a portfolio, according to “The Magic Formula”, and backtest the portfolio in the Swedish stock market. The test period will be March 1999 to January 2010 and we wil

Capturing happiness : Contemporary Bridal photography in Taiwan

Taiwanese bridal photography is a unique practice with the goal to produce images of fantasy styles ahead of the wedding. Chosen images are displayed at the wedding banquet for the guests to admire and later used as decoration in the house of newlyweds. This visual phenomenon is interesting in that people actively take part in the creation and consumption of visual commodity and it is connected to

The Visual Representation of Gender in Illustrated Children’s Books in Iran and Sweden Today : A study of ‘The lover and Sanam’ and ‘That’s what a princess does’

Since culture has been changing over the time in all of the societies, the notions of gender and sex-role stereotypes as two of the constitutive parts of culture have been altering as well; due to the development of contemporary movements such as feminism and gender-related discourses. Nevertheless, because of different social environments and different rituals and values the development pace and

Climate Change and Performance of Small Reservoirs in the Upper East Region of Ghana

Increasing evidence on impacts from climate change an variability, suggests that poor rural communities in semi-arid sub-Saharan Africa need to adapt in order to reduce effects on their livelihoods. In semi-arid areas characterized by high poverty, small reservoirs even though most of them are performing below average, act as important assets that support a wide range of livelihoods. However, in t

Communicating with Communities - Exploring perceptions on quality in the Zambian education system

The aim of this study was to reach a better understanding on how quality education can be applied so that the needs, views and values of local actors are fulfilled at the same time as national principles and perspectives on education are considered. Three research questions guided our study: What patterns can be discerned among local stakeholders in three community schools in Lusaka, Zambia in the

Behind Allocation of EU Funding - A Quantitative Study of the Relation between Internal Factors of Municipalities and Allocation of EU Funding in the Municipalities of Skåne

The aim of this thesis is to study allocation of EU funding to the municipalities of Skåne between 2007 and 2009 in order to determine if there are internal factors which are of importance to the allocation of EU funding for the municipalities in Skåne. The objective is to study if a relation between internal factors of the municipalities and the amount of EU funding allocated can be observed and

Autonomi och inbördeskrig

In this paper the relationship of territorial autonomy and civil war duration is explained. Going against the often used treatment of autonomy as a conflict-solving mechanism the author argues that the granting of territorial autonomy to a certain group actually can prolong armed conflicts. Building upon data from UCDP’s conflict termination dataset and QoG time-series data, a wide dataset contain