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The size of the disease relevant IgE antibody fraction in relation to 'total-IgE' predicts the efficacy of anti-IgE (Xolair (R)) treatment

Background: Some patients with allergic asthma treated with anti-IgE (Xolair (R)) do not become symptom free. Better criteria for response assessment than allergy skin tests or IgE determination are needed. The impact of the size of the disease relevant allergen-specific IgE antibody fraction, i.e. the percentage of IgE antibody of total IgE, was evaluated in cat allergic patients treated with the

Spinal NMDA-receptor dependent amplification of nociceptive transmission to rat primary somatosensory cortex (SI).

The role of NMDA mechanisms in spinal pathways mediating acute nociceptive input to the somatosensory cortex is not clear. In this study, the effect of NMDA-antagonists on nociceptive C fibre transmission to the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) was investigated. Cortical field potentials evoked by CO2-laser stimulation of the skin were recorded in the halothane/nitrous oxide anaesthetized rat. T

Characterization of allergens secreted by Anisakis simplex parasite: clinical relevance in comparison with somatic allergens

BACKGROUND: Diagnostic methods for the study of allergic reactions to Anisakis simplex (A.s.) based on whole-body extracts of the larva are clearly insufficient. OBJECTIVES: To study the allergenicity of the proteins secreted by the parasite. Comparison with somatic antigens and determination of their clinical importance in allergic patients were also addressed. METHODS: An excretory/secretory (E/

Circulating angiogenic cytokines and stem cells in patients with severe chronic ischemic heart disease - Indicators of myocardial ischemic burden?

Background: Angiogenic growth factors and stem cell therapies have demonstrated varying results in patients with chronic coronary artery disease. A reason could be that these mechanisms are already up-regulated due to reduced blood supply to the myocardium. The objective of this study was to examine if plasma concentrations of circulating stem cells and angiogenic cytokines in patients with severe

Remodeling of fracture callus in mice is consistent with mechanical loading and bone remodeling theory

During the remodeling phase of fracture healing in mice, the callus gradually transforms into a double cortex, which thereafter merges into one cortex. In large animals, a double cortex normally does not form. We investigated whether these patterns of remodeling of the fracture callus in mice can be explained by mechanical loading. Morphologies of fractures after 21, 28, and 42 days of healing wer

Rapid resolution of EPO-induced pure red cell aplasia after a course of immunoadsorption therapy using protein a columns

Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a rare, but important, complication of erythropoietin (EPO) replacement therapy in patients with renal disease. There is no consensus about the best way to treat this condition; however, recent reports indicated that immunosuppressive therapy is beneficial. We report a patient with EPO-induced PRCA treated with a regimen initially designed for antifactor VIII antibo

Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Using the CSF Abeta42/Abeta40 Ratio in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Evidence supports an important role for beta-amyloid (A beta) in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease ( AD). Here, we investigate baseline levels of the 40- and 42-amino-acid-long A beta peptides (A beta 40 and A beta 42) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from a cohort of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI, n = 137) in relation to the final diagnosis after 4 - 6 years of follow-up time. CS

Future changes in vegetation and ecosystem function of the Barents Region

The dynamic vegetation model (LPJ-GUESS) is used to project transient impacts of changes in climate on vegetation of the Barents Region. We incorporate additional plant functional types, i.e. shrubs and defined different types of open ground vegetation, to improve the representation of arctic vegetation in the global model. We use future climate projections as well as control climate data for 1981

Film Extrusion and Film Weldability of Poly(lactic acid) Plasticized with Triacetine and Tributyl Citrate.

Film extrusion and welding of biodegradable polymer films are important processes that must be considered in the development of compostable packaging materials. Film extrusion of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) has proved to be rather difficult because of its brittleness, but the flexibility of PLA can be improved by incorporation of a plasticizer in the material. PLA was plasticized with triacetine (TAc)

Optical solitons in semiconductor quantum dot waveguides

A theory of self-induced transparency for a TM-mode propagating in a planar semiconductor waveguide sandwiched between two dielectric media is developed. A transition layer between the waveguide and one of the connected media is described using a model of a two-dimensional sheet of quantum dots. Explicit analytical expressions for the optical soliton in the presence of single-excitonic and biexcit

Mitochondrial DNA sequence evolution and phylogeny of the Atlantic Alcidae, including the extinct great auk (Pinguinus impennis)

The Atlantic auk assemblage includes four extant species, razorbill (Alca torda), dovekie (Alle alle), common murre (Uria aalge), and thick-billed murre (U. lomvia), and one recently extinct species, the flightless great auk (Pinguinus impennis). To determine the phylogenetic relationships among the species, a contiguous 4.2-kb region of the mitochondrial genome from the extant species was amplifi

A novel rating scale to predict maximal exercise capacity.

To predict maximal exercise capacity, we have developed the rating of perceived capacity (RPC) scale, based on metabolic equivalents (METs). MET values from 1 to 20 were listed on a progressive scale and linked to physical activities. Test subjects rated their perceived capacity by choosing the most strenuous activity and the corresponding MET value that they could sustain for 30 min. In order to

The Prigogine-Herman kinetic model predicts widely scattered flow data at high concentrations

The classical derivation of a traffic stream model (e.g. speed/concentration relation) from the equilibrium solutions of the Prigogine–Herman kinetic equation invokes the nontrivial assumption that the underlying distribution of desired speeds is nonzero for vanishingly small speeds. In this paper we investigate the situation when this assumption does not hold. It is found that the Prigogine–Herma

Potential impacts from biological aerosols on ensembles of continental clouds simulated numerically

An aerosol-cloud modeling framework is described to simulate the activation of ice particles and droplets by biological aerosol particles, such as airborne ice-nucleation active (INA) bacteria. It includes the empirical parameterisation of heterogeneous ice nucleation and a semi-prognostic aerosol component, which have been incorporated into a cloud-system resolving model (CSRM) with double-moment

Saccharomyces kluyveri as a model organism to study pyrimidine degradation.

Abstract The yeast Saccharomyces kluyveri (Lachancea kluyveri), a far relative of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is not a widely studied organism in the laboratory. However, significant contributions to the understanding of nucleic acid precursors degradation in eukaryotes have been made using this model organism. Here we review eukaryotic pyrimidine degradation with emphasis on the contributions made

End-of-life decision-making in six European countries: descriptive study

Background Empirical data about end-of-life decision-making practices are scarce. We aimed to investigate frequency and characteristics of end-of-life decision-making practices in six European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland. Methods In all participating countries, deaths reported to death registries were stratified for cause (apart from in Switzerland)