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A second mutant allele (V199I) at the PRKAG3 (RN) locus - II. Effect on colour characteristics of pork loin

Three alleles at the PRKAG3 (RN) locus that influence the glycogen content of pork were found to be segregating in Hampshire x Landrace crossbred pigs, RN-, rn(+) as well as second mutant allele V 1991 (here denoted rn*). The effect of these three alleles on ultimate pH, pigment content, internal reflectance (FOP), surface colour measured by tristimulus colorimetry (L*, a*, b*) and fractions of de

Evolving Programs and Solutions Using Genetic Programming with Application to Learning and Adaptive Control

This paper discusses two feasibility studies of Genetic Programming (GP) to the field of control theory, GP being a method inspired from nature where the goal is to create a computer program automatically from high-level statements of problems' requirements. The first feasibility study derives from stability theory and deals with evolving a program that can solve discrete-time Lyapunov equations.

A model for heat and mass transfer in timber structures during fire: a theoretical, numerical and experimental study

A model has been formulated for the pyrolysis of wood. This model includes heat and mass transfer. Heat transfer in the material is assumed to take place by thermal conduction and convection. Mass transfer of volatile pyrolysis products and water vapour occurs under the influlence of gradients in to tal pressure. Pyrolysis is assumed to conform to an Arrheniusfunction, and vaporization occurs at a

Special supervisory homes in Sweden : paper presented September 12:th at the 7:th EUSARF Congress 2002 in Trondheim : Revitalising Residential and Foster Care

Sweden is the only Scandinavian country that uses closed treatment institutions based on coercive measures within the child welfare system, on a large scale, for the education and treatment of young criminal offenders and drug users. In Sweden there are in 2002 some 30 “homes for specialized supervision” of varying sizes and degrees of specialization – all run by a national board of institutional

Explicit, time reversible, adaptive step size control

Adaptive step size control is difficult to combine with geometric numerical integration. As classical step size control is based on "past" information only, time symmetry is destroyed and with it the qualitative properties of the method. In this paper we develop completely explicit, reversible, symmetry-preserving, adaptive step size selection algorithms for geometric numerical integrators such as

Calibrated color measurements of agricultural foods using image analysis

A computer vision system (CVS) was implemented to quantify standard color of fruit and vegetables in sRGB, HSV and L*a*b* color spaces, and image capture conditions affecting the results were evaluated. These three color spaces are compared in terms of their suitability for color quantification in curved surfaces. The results show that sRGB standard (linear signals) was efficient to define the map

Konversion och konfession – om konversionsliknande övergångar hos Henric Schartau och F. G. Hedberg i relation till en andra konfessionaliseringsperiod

Conversion and Confession – Religious Transitions similar to Conversion in Henric Schartau and F. G. Hedberg, related to a Second Confessional Age The nineteenth century has often been called an Age of Secularisation. This has been criticized as blindness of religion. The »long» nineteenth century meant a mobilization of religion. German Historian Olaf Blaschke has interpreted the period as a sec

Injuries to the nerves associated with fractured forearms in children

Partial and complete injured median and ulnar nerves caused by fractures of the radius and ulna, respectively, in which the symptoms of nervous injury were induced at the time of fracture are reported. In cases with complete loss of nervous function early exploration should be considered at the time of reposition or plating of the fractured bones, or both, and in patients in whom nervous dysfuncti

Att bo med soffa : en möbels betydelse för bostadens planering och livet i hemmet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Soffan är en stor och vanligt förekommande möbel. Hur viktig den är blir särskilt tydligt när människor själva planerar sina bostäder och ekonomin styr bostadens storlek. Erfarenheter från tre projekt med brukarinflytande i bostadsplanering ligger till grund för det här avhandlingsarbetet. I samtal kring soffan visar det sig att den är intimt förknippad med värderingar Experiences of participatory design with full-scale modelling in three case studies form the basis of this work. When the participants in these studies visualised their dwellings there was a strong focus on the sofa. This piece of furniture is one of the most common in Swedish homes. It also requires much space. Additionally, the lay-people focused on different kinds of functional needs while sitt

Formoterol inhaled as dry powder or via pressurized metered-dose inhaler in a cumulative dose-response study

Formoterol administered by a dry-powder (DP) capsule inhaler was compared with a pressurized metered-dose inhaler (pMDI) with regard to bronchodilating and systemic effects. The study used a double-blind, crossover, double-dummy technique. Twelve patients with moderate reversible asthma in a stable phase were examined on two separate study days, and the inhalers were given in randomized order. Aft

Effect of age and occupational exposure to airway irritants on lung function in non-smoking individuals with alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (PiZZ)

BACKGROUND: Severe alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency (PiZZ) is associated with an increased risk of lung emphysema, especially in smokers. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors other than smoking for declining lung function. METHODS: Lung function was studied in 225 self-reported never-smoking PiZZ individuals included in the Swedish AAT deficiency register. RESULTS: Lung function

Properties of somatosensory synaptic integration in cerebellar granule cells in vivo.

In decerebrated, nonanesthetized cats, we made intracellular whole-cell recordings and extracellular cell-attached recordings from granule cells in the cerebellar C3 zone. Spontaneous EPSPs had large, relatively constant peak amplitudes, whereas IPSPs were small and did not appear to contribute substantially to synaptic integration at a short time scale. In many cases, the EPSPs of individual moss

Klinisk forskning måste baseras på team av både kliniker och forskare

Framgångsrik klinisk forskning måste baseras på translationell forskning, där både kliniker och forskare ingår. Sådana team måste utgå från universiteten för att tillgodose kraven på kvalitet. Man bör även diskutera nationella fokusområden för den kliniska forskningen, så att den kompetens som finns i landet tillvaratas.

Spin and orbital moments in Au/Co/Au(111)/W(110) across the spin-reorientation transition-temperature

The temperature-driven spin-reorientation transition (SRT) has been investigated in a layer of 2.1 nm Co in Au/Co/Au. We studied the evolution and stability of the in-plane magnetization components in the temperature range from 300 to 90 K by means of polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) and Co L-edge X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements. The PNR measurement provides evidence for