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Funktionsnedsattas rättigheter på Haiti efter jordbävningen 2010 - En studie kring Handicap Internationals arbete och strategier

An earthquake that occurred in Haiti 2010 caused considerable damage. Many people were killed, injured, lost their homes and other belongings during the earthquake. To this day, there is still a lot to do. The work to help the vulnerable people in Haiti continues and many NGOs and other international organizations have traveled to Haiti to do their best in helping people. This essay will discuss a

Arms Trade Treaty - En uppsats om de problem som kan hindra utvecklingen av ett starkt och robust Arms Trade Treaty

Numerous Government have raised concerns about the absence of a global instrument that would regulate the ever growing trade in conventional arms and reduce the human suffering that the illicit transfers contributes to. Negotiations have been taken place and states and other participant such as NGO:s have been asked to contribute to the debate. Many different problems and criticisms have been rais

Sexuellt våld som vapen - En argumentationsanalys på kritiken kring Margot Wallströms rapport om sexuellt våld i väpnade konflikter

Sexual violence has always been used as a weapon in war. Only recently have the UN started to work against the violence and tried to end the impunity. This year, Margot Wallström presented the report that she has been working on during her post as the special representative of the UN Secretary General for sexual violence in armed conflicts. The report contains information about the conflict- relat

Omöjliga Möjligheter

The idea of human rights is that they are assumed to derive from some innate feature that all humans possess. Furthermore the definition of human rights lacks any urgent requests or claim of state responsibility. This allows a terminology regarding equal opportunities. I intend to demonstrate that the current usage of equality and rights is completely useless in order to enforce human rights. I

Jag hade inget val - En jämförelse mellan Robert Nozicks rättighetsbaserade och Serena Olsarettis alternativfokuserade definition av begreppet frivillighet

The concept of voluntariness is based on several assumptions that cannot be taken for granted, as they are deeply contested among philosophers. This thesis will focus on the relationship between the possible options and the voluntariness of the action chosen by the agent. This will be carried out by understanding the concept of voluntariness in two competing ways: Robert Nozick's rights-based

Frivilligarbete för papperslösas rättigheter - omöjligt och nödvändigt

The Swedish law and policys concerning non-citizens are creating an impossible situation for undocumented migrants to gain access to basic human rights. The national law which is both contradictive and unclear concerning this group also creates difficulties for the individuals and organisations who are trying to supply access to basic rights. The study is built on interviews of six people who in

Vetoing Syria - A problematization of the Syrian crisis through the right of veto

The humanitarian crisis in Syria is worse than ever. The late efforts by the UN Security Council have not improved the situation on the ground. The Syrian regime continues to violently supress its people and the opposition responds in a similar manner. Effects of the brutality can be seen in Turkey where thousands of Syrian citizens seek refuge and the Security Council has determined that the cris

Den svenska sexköpslagen: Argumentationen, Syftet och De Mänskliga Rättigheterna

In the year of 1999, Sweden became the first country in the world to criminalize the act of buying sexual services. However, selling sexual services for compensation still remains legal even up to this day. Arguments about gender equality, the protection of prostitutes and the connection of prostitution to trafficking were used to support the Swedish legislation. Opponents to this argue that this

Green Building Certification Schemes and their Perspectives on District Heating

Background: There has been a recent global movement toward certification of “green” buildings. The Sweden Green Building Council currently supports four sustainable building certification schemes: LEED, BREEAM, Miljöbyggnad, and GreenBuilding. These systems use widely disparate criteria to assess building sustainability and are adopted at differing rates within the nation. They are also constantly

Regional tillväxt - EU:s strukturfonder i Sveriges regioner

This study investigates the implementation of the EU cohesion policy in a Swedish context. The EU cohesion policy aims to, through the Structural funds, diminish the economic and social differences between less-favoured and affluent regions in the EU. However, there has been a paradigm shift in Swedish politics; from income equalization and redistribution to the poorest regions, towards a greater

Smart Grid District Heating Business Model – Smart Energy Management from a Customer and End User Perspective: A case study of smart grid District Heating Business Development in Malmö, Hyllie

Background: The current mass proliferation of information and communication technology (“ICT”) has created the ability to communicate with customers and manage energy production in unprecedented ways. With the arrival of “smart” energy meters and wireless communication, a new level of customer interaction is possible. In this scenario, a “smart grid” is created in which multiple energy meters are

Mergers and Default Risk: Explaining the Change in Default Risk of Swedish Acquirers

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the impact of mergers on the acquirers’ default risk for a sample of Swedish companies during the period of 2002–2011. In order to establish that we will study the changes in default risk, as measured under the Merton framework (1974) pre- and post-merger and analyse the effects of a number of different explanatory variables on these risk changes. Our study


The purpose of this paper was to understand post-war Sri Lanka. For about thirty years there was a raging armed conflict in Sri Lanka between the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The war ended in 2009 and left behind clusters of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)and child recruits; unforcibly or forcefully recruited by the LTTE. The Government of Sri Lanka (G

Civil society and election monitoring as factors of the new political process in Russia

The present thesis studies the monitoring of the 2012 Russian presidential elections and explores theoretical and empirical questions of the influence of domestic and international actors on the election process. The study of the election observation is one of the topics of the very large field of study on democratization and, more specifically, democracy-promotion and assistance; therefore in my

Utveckling av terapeutisk allians vid tidig psykos: Samband och prediktorer

Denna naturalistiska och explorativa studie undersöker samband mellan terapeutisk allians och patient- och behandlingsfaktorer för nyinsjuknade i psykos. Studien försöker också identifiera prediktorer för terapeutisk allians hos denna grupp. 67 patienter vid en specialiserad enhet i Malmö deltog. Alliansen skattades med Session Rating Scale (SRS). Resultatet visar att alliansen förbättras signifik

Construction of the discourse Local Ownership in World Development Reports between 1978 to 2011

In the transforming world of peace building, the framework that formulates how peace best could be achieved is shaped by various theories and discourses. During the recent years, the discourse of local ownership has gained ground and peace theories supporting increased local participation and ownership has become more widely acknowledged. The World Development Report, published annually by the Wor

Selecting and isolating an indigenous microalgal strain for wastewater treatment and biomass feedstock production in tubular photobioreactors

Inhemsk mikroalg skapar hållbarhet genom kombination av produktion och vattenrening Genom att använda snabbväxande mikroalger i avloppsvatten för produktion av biomassa har vattnet renats och det enda som tillsätts är solljus och koldioxid. Denna metod möjliggör hållbar produktion av en rad produkter, däribland biobränslen, samtidigt som samhällstjänster såsom vatten- och luftrening utförs på köpAbstract A few local microalgae was isolated and cultivated in vertical column with artificial lighting in 12 h light cycles in wastewater at the local wastewater treatment plant. The growth of the algae strains was observed and the fastest growing (Scenedesmus sp.) was subsequently cultivated outdoors under natural sunlight. pH controlled CO2 input resulted in up to twice as high biomass product

Rätten till en rättvis rättegång i konkurrensmål i ljuset av Europakonventionens krav i art. 6(1) - Har Europadomstolen gett grönt ljus för kommissionens dubbla roller?

Art. 6(1) EKMR garanterar var och en vars civila rättigheter eller skyldigheter blir föremål för prövning eller som blir anklagad för brott en rätt till en rättvis rättegång inför en oavhängig och opartisk domstol. Vid administrativa förfaranden, såsom konkurrensrättsliga, har Europadomstolen ställt krav på att i de fall en administrativ myndighet inte uppfyller kraven i art. 6(1) EKMR ålägger förFor some time there has been loud criticism to whether the institutional structure and procedures for the enforcement of EU Competition Law is compatible with the right to a fair trial. Art. 6(1) ECHR protects this right in criminal law cases and cases concerning civil rights, by guaranteeing everyone the right to a fair trial before an independent and impartial tribunal. Concerning administrative

Säkerhetsrättsliga aspekter på kvittning i konkurs

Huvudsyftet med konkursinstitutet är att jämt fördela tillgångarna i konkursen på samtliga fordringsägare. Detta görs av en konkursförvaltare som förordnats av tingsrätten i samband med konkursbeslutet. Förmånsrättslagens bestämmelser om förmånsrätter i konkurs är ett undantag till den jämna fördelningen. Lagen medger en viss borgenär som innehar en förmånsrätt en förtur till utdelning. Först närThe main purpose of the bankruptcy procedure is to fairly distribute the debtor`s assets amongst the creditors. The process is undertaken by an official receiver, appointed by the district court to administer the bankrupt estate. The Preferential Rights of Creditors Act (förmånsrättslagen) serves as an exception to the rule of fair distribution of the debtor`s assets. The law allows for a credit